200字范文 > At the beginning of the 20th century there were more than a million lions worldwide. Today

At the beginning of the 20th century there were more than a million lions worldwide. Today

时间:2021-12-22 16:09:57


At the beginning of the 20th century there were more than a million lions worldwide. Today


At the beginning of the 20th century there were more than a million lions worldwide. Today there are less than 30,000 in the wild. The remaining lions are increasingly threatened by habitat loss, hunting and activities to protect farms and cattle.

For generations, Masai tribesmen on the large African plains in southeastern Kenya have hunted lions — to protect their farms and cattle. Today they celebrate the lions’ life.

Noah is an elder in the Masai community. “We have decided as a community of the Masai to lay down our spears, and there will be no more killing of lions in our community.” He is part of a group of Masai visiting the United States promoting (推广) the Predator Compensation Program.

Conservation International’s Frank Hawkins explains, “The Masai have been living with wildlife for many generations and it has been a conflicting ( 有冲突的) relationship in many ways. They compete with the animals for food as lions eat their cattle. We’re trying to find ways in which the wildlife will become something useful to them.” They had the Predator Compensation Fund founded in . After much discussion, a group of Masai farmers agreed to protect lions. In turn, if lions or other predators kill their cattle, the Masai owner will be paid market value for the dead animals from the fund.

One man said that in the past, when a lion killed cattle, they killed it immediately. And now, after the start of the program, the Masai see the lion population growing. Since , only four lions have been killed here.

【小题1】What is the aim of the Predator Compensation Program?A.To protect people in the wild.B.To protect Masai’s farms.C.To protect lions only.D.To protect the wildlife.【小题2】According to the passage, why haven’t Masai tribesmen killed many lions since ?A.Because lions don’t eat their cattle any more.B.Because they will be fined if they kill lions there.C.Because the fund will pay for dead animals killed by lionsD.Because there are less than 30,000 lions in the wild now.【小题3】What do you think of the Masai ?A.Wise.B.Mean.C.Generous.D.Stupid.D



解析:文章介绍the Masai通过the Predator Compensation Program保护野生动物,并使野生动物成为对他们有用的东西。

【小题1】细节题:从第三段的句子:“We have decided as a community of the Masai to lay down our spears, and there will be no more killing of lions in our community.”可知the Predator Compensation Program的目的是保护野生动物。选D

【小题2】细节题:从第四段的句子:In turn, if lions or other predators kill their cattle, the Masai owner will be paid market value for the dead animals from the fund.可知基金会会为死去的动物赔钱。选C

【小题3】推理题;从第四段的句子:We’re trying to find ways in which the wildlife will become something useful to them.” the Masai 想出使野生动物成为有用的东西,是很聪明的。选A
