200字范文 > Over the past few decades more and more countries have opened up the markets increasingl

Over the past few decades more and more countries have opened up the markets increasingl

时间:2024-04-29 08:06:15


Over the past few decades  more and more countries have opened up the markets  increasingl


Over the past few decades, more and more countries have opened up the markets, increasingly transforming the world economy into one free-flowing global market. The question is:Is economic globalization 50for all?

According to the World Bank, one of its chief supporters, economic globalization has helped reduce 51in a large number of developing countries. It quotes one study that shows increased wealth 52to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries as a result of integration (融合) of local economies into the world economy. Home to some three billion people, these twenty-four countries have seen incomes 53at an average rate of five percent—compared to two percent in developed countries.

Those who 54globalization claim that economies in developing countries will benefit from new opportunities for small and home-based businesses. 55, small farmers in Brazil who produce nuts that would originally have sold only in 56open-air markets can now promote their goods worldwide by the Internet.

Critics take a different view, believing that economic globalization is actually 57the gap between the rich and poor. A study carried out by the U.N.-sponsored World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization shows that only a few developing countries have actually 58from integration into the world economy and that the poor, the uneducated, unskilled workers, and native peoples have been left behind. 59, they maintain that globalization may eventually threaten emerging businesses. For example, Indian craftsmen who currently seem to benefit from globalization because they are able to 60their products may soon face fierce competition that could put them out of 61. When large-scale manufacturers start to produce the same goods, or when superstores like Wal-Mart move in, these small businesses will not be able to 62and will be crowded out.

One thing is certain about globalization—there is no 63. Advances in technology combined with more open policies have already created an interconnected world. The 64now is finding a way to create a kind of globalization that works for the benefit of all. (347 words)

【小题1】A.possibleB.smoothC.goodD.easy【小题2】A.crimeB.povertyC.conflictD.population【小题3】A.contributingB.respondingC.turningD.owing【小题4】A.remainB.dropC.shiftD.increase【小题5】A.doubtB.defineC.advocateD.ignore【小题6】A.In additionB.For instanceC.In other wordsD.All in all【小题7】A.matureB.newC.localD.foreign【小题8】A.findingB.exploringC.bridgingD.widening【小题9】A.sufferedB.profitedC.learnedD.withdrawn【小题10】A.FurthermoreB.ThereforeC.HoweverD.Otherwise【小题11】A.consumeB.deliverC.exportD.advertise【小题12】A.troubleB.businessC.powerD.mind【小题13】A.keep upB.come inC.go aroundD.help out【小题14】A.taking offB.getting alongC.holding outD.turning back【小题15】A.agreementB.predictionC.outcomeD.challengeC





【小题1】possible意为可能 smooth 意为顺利的,光滑的,平稳的 good好的 easy简单的。根据上一句的“increasingly transforming the world economy into one free-flowing global market”逐渐地把世界经济转变为了一个自由流动的全球大市场。很明显这是讲的市场开放的好处,因此后面提出问题,“问题是,经济全球化对所有人都好吗(有好处吗)?”,故选择C项。

【小题2】根据后文的“It quotes one study that shows increased wealth 52to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries ”中的increased wealth增加的财富,可知,市场开放给这些国家带来了财富的增加,财富增加了,那么就是减少了贫困问题,即选择B项。Crime犯罪 poverty贫困 conflict冲突 population人口

【小题3】contribute to 促成,导致 respond to 对……做出反应 turn to 转向,向某人求助 owe to由于,根据后面的improved education and longer life 可知,教育得到了改善,人的寿命得到了延长,因此是产生了好的促进作用,因此选择A项。

【小题4】根据上文中的It quotes one study that shows increased wealth 52to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries可知,这24个国家的财富增加了,也就是说他们的收入增加了,即increase。句意为,这24个国家的人的收入增加了平均百分之五。Remain 仍然 drop下降 shift变化 increase增加,因此选择D

【小题5】doubt怀疑; define定义、规定、明确;advocate提倡、拥护; ignore忽视,根据后面的 “economies in developing countries will benefit from new opportunities for small and home-based businesses”发展中国家的经济会收益,源于小型的、家庭型生意获得的新机会,尤其是其中的“benefit from”可知,该观点的those人们是支持,提倡市场开放的,因此选择C项。

【小题6】上一句讲到了小型的、家庭型的生意会获得等多的机会,该句讲的是他们具体是得到怎样的机会,因此属于具体说明、举例说明,故选择B 项的for instance意为例如。In addition意为此外,表递进关系。In other words换句话说,All in all总而言之。

【小题7】根据后面的“can now promote their goods worldwide by the Internet.”中的now, worldwide与前半句的originally和 in 56open-air markets 是对比关系,即过去是当地市场,现在市场开放后是全球市场。因此选择C项,local 意为当地的;mature意为成熟的;new意为新的;foreign意为国外的

【小题8】根据前面的“Critics take a different view”可知,该部分陈述的是反对市场开放的观点,因此他们认为市场开放会加大(widen)穷人和富人之间的差距。Widen 变宽;find找到;explore探索;bridge架桥、度过,故选择D,widen

【小题9】suffer遭受; profit获益、盈利;learn学习;withdraw撤退、收回。根据后面的“ the poor, the uneducated, unskilled workers, and native peoples have been left behind”可知,穷人、未受教育的人、没有技术的工人和当地人都被丢在了后面,也就是说只有少部分人是从中(市场开放)收益的,即profit from sth,从……中受益、获益

【小题10】根据下文的“globalization may eventually threaten emerging businesses.”意为全球化会逐渐威胁到新兴企业。该观点与上面几句的观点类似,都是属于反对市场开放的,但是该观点与上面的加大贫富差距不一样,因此跟上一观点是递进关系,因此选择A项,furthermore意为,此外,表递进关系。Therefore意为因此,因果关系,however然而,转折关系 otherwise否则,转折关系

【小题11】根据上文中的“small farmers in Brazil who produce nuts that would originally have sold only in 56open-air markets can now promote their goods worldwide by the Internet”可知,当地人可以通过互联网把商品卖到世界各地,即向国外出口(export)商品,故选择C,句意为,例如,印度的手艺人目前看起来是从全球化中收益了,因为他们可以出口他们的商品,但是他们很快就会面对激烈的竞争,这可能会让他们破产。故选择C项。 Consume消耗、消费 deliver递送,发表,advertise做广告

【小题12】根据“face fierce competition ”可知,激烈的竞争可能会导致他们破产,即out of business.故选择B项。Out of trouble 脱离困境 out of power 丧失权利 out of mind心不在焉

【小题13】keep up保持、继续、不落后;come in进来;go around四处走动、供应; help out帮助……摆脱困境。根据上文的out of business破产和下文的be crowded out被排挤出去可知,此处指的是小手艺人的生意将不能继续下去。故选择A

【小题14】根据下文可知,随着科技的发展,还会有更多的开放政策,将会出现更好的全球化,因此可知,全球化是必然的,是没有回头路可走的,因此选择D项,turn back意为往回走。Take off意为起飞,脱掉;get along意为相处、进展;hold out意为伸出、坚持。

【小题15】agreement意为同意、一致; prediction预测、预计;outcome意为后果;challenge意为挑战。该句句意为,目前最大的挑战就是找到一个方法,来创造出一个能够对每一个人都有好处的全球化。
