200字范文 > I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about10 years. I wasalways the one sittingat the end of t

I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about10 years. I wasalways the one sittingat the end of t

时间:2021-12-20 19:55:21


I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about10 years. I wasalways the one sittingat the end of t


I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about10 years. I wasalways the one sittingat the end of the bench, and 36got into a game. I went to all the 37and showed up even when it was so 38that your ‘breath froze’ andwhen the otherplayers had decided to stay home. I felt I had 39enough and thought of quitting.

I finally decided to 40the news to mymom that I was leaving the team.Mymommay have looked like atiny and quiet lady but on 41my words, she said, “Remember, ‘A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.’ Your mother didn’t raise 42,so think about yourself in a 43way and see yourself as a winner!”So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape, 44my shot(投球) accuracy and changing my 45.

Once in a match, we 46our first game badly. What’s worse, one of our best players got hurt.I was sitting at my 47place,at the end of the bench,when the coach came over and told me I was going 48. I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.

The opposing team was fast and I had to admit I was a little 49.But my mom’s words 50out in my head like a church bell.Instead of being afraid, I was “pumped” and I very quickly found that all my 51work waspaying off.I was as fast a skater as anyone else on the ice, and I seemed to get the 52to score.The crowd went quiet. All the time I spent on the ice when everyone had gone home had 53me for this moment.

Won!I won!

The lesson I learned from my mom’s 54has stayed with me over the years.Ihear them whenever I am faced with a challenge, or whenever I 55myself.

【小题1】A.onceB.seldomC.usuallyD.evenB【小题2】A.meetingsB.showsC.matchesD.practices【小题3】A.cloudyB.wetC.coldD.windy【小题4】A.sufferedB.explainedC.plannedD.escaped【小题5】A.write B.breakC.readD.speak【小题6】A.noticingB.gatheringC.hearingD.analyzing【小题7】A.talkersB.dreamersC.attackers D.losers【小题8】A.positiveB.familiar C.briefD.convenient【小题9】A.testingB.improvingC.questioningD.affecting【小题10】A.aimB.tasteC.habitD.attitude【小题11】A.lost B.controlledC.practicedD.continued【小题12】A.usualB.safeC.secretD.private【小题13】A.offB.inC.byD.up【小题14】A.annoyedB.awkwardC.scaredD.bitter【小题15】A.putB.rangC.gaveD. stood【小题16】A.exactB.extraC.creativeD.casual【小题17】A.chanceB.messageC.orderD.note【小题18】A.spared B.requestedC.preparedD.sent【小题19】A.actionsB.reasonsC.wordsD.promises【小题20】A.judgeB.expressC.comfortD.doubtB




【小题1】考查副词:A. once一旦,B. seldom很少,C. usually通常,D. even甚至,从前面的句子:I wasalways the one sittingat the end of the bench 可知作者总是坐在长凳上,很少参加比赛,选B

【小题2】考查名词:A. meetings会议,B. shows展示,C. matches比赛,D. practices练习,句意:每次训练我都会去,选D

【小题3】考查形容词:A. cloudy多云的,B. wet潮湿的,C. cold冷的,D. windy有风的,从后面的句子:your ‘breath froze’, when the other players had decided to stay home.可知在呼吸都能结冰的寒冷的天气,其他球员都决定呆在家里的时候,我也能出现在球场,选C

【小题4】考查动词:A. suffered遭受,痛苦,B. explained解释,C. planned计划,D. escaped逃离,句意:我感到自己受够了,决定放弃,选A

【小题5】考查动词:A. write写,B. break打破,C. read阅读,D. speak说话,这里的break the news to sb“把消息透露给某人”,句意:我决定把要放弃的消息告诉妈妈,选B

【小题6】考查动词: A. noticing注意到,B. gathering聚集,C. hearing听见,D. analyzing分析,句意:妈妈一听见我说的话,就说:放弃的人永远不会赢,赢家永远不会放弃,选C

【小题7】考查名词:A. talkers说话者,B. dreamers梦想者,C. attackers袭击者,D. losers失败者,从后面的句子:see yourself as a winner!”可知妈妈说她不会养育一个失败者,选D

【小题8】考查形容词:A. positive积极的,B. familiar熟悉的,C. brief简单的,D. convenient方便的,从后面的句子:see yourself as a winner!”可知是要以积极的心态思考自己,把自己看成是赢家,选A

【小题9】考查动词:A. testing测试,检测,B. improving提高,C. questioning问题,D. affecting影响,感染,从前面的句子:So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape,我开始形体训练,所以后面是提高投篮的准确率,选B

【小题10】考查名词:A. aim目的,目标,B. taste品味,C. habit习惯,D. attitude态度,从前面看作者曾一度想放弃,现在的做法是改变了态度,选D

【小题11】考查动词:A. lost失去,B. controlled控制,C. practiced练习,D. continued继续,从后面的句子:What’s worse, one of our best players got hurt.可知是一次比赛中输了第一场,选A

【小题12】考查形容词:A. usual通常的,B. safe安全的,C. secret秘密的,D. private私人的,前面说:I wasalways the one sittingat the end of the bench,可知是坐在平常的位置上,选A

【小题13】考查介词:A. off离开,B. in在…里面,C. by通过,D. up向上,从后面的句子:I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.可知句意:教练过来对我说我要参加比赛,选B

【小题14】考查形容词:A. annoyed恼火的,生气的,B. awkward令人尴尬的,C. scared害怕,D. bitter痛苦的,从前面的句子:The opposing team was fast和Instead of being afraid,可知作者当时有点害怕,选C

【小题15】考查动词:A. put放置,B. rang响起,C. gave给,D. stood站立,因为是like a church bell.可知妈妈的话象教堂的钟一样想起,选B

【小题16】考查形容词:A. exact确切的,B. extra额外的,C. creative有创造力的,D. casual随意的,前面提到So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape,,可知作者额外的工作都有了回报,选B

【小题17】考查名词:A. chance机会,B. message信息,C. order命令,顺序,D. note通知,便条,钞票,句意:我好像有机会进球了,选A

【小题18】考查动词: A. spared空出,腾出,B. requested要求,C. prepared准备,D. sent派,送,prepare sb for sth“使某人做好… 的准备”,我前面付出的努力都是为这个时刻做的准备,选C

【小题19】考查名词:A. actions行为,行动,B. reasons原因,C. words话语,单词,D. promises许诺,答应,句意:我从妈妈的话语里面懂得的道理跟随了我很多年,选C

【小题20】考查动词:A. judge判断,B. express表达,C. comfort安慰,D. doubt怀疑,从前面的句子:Ihear them whenever I am faced with a challenge, 可知每当遇到挑战或是怀疑自己的时候,都会想起妈妈的话,选D
