200字范文 > Every hour spent in watching TV DVDs and videos as an adult reduces lifespan by almost 22

Every hour spent in watching TV DVDs and videos as an adult reduces lifespan by almost 22

时间:2021-05-24 09:54:41


Every hour spent in watching TV  DVDs and videos as an adult reduces lifespan by almost 22


Every hour spent in watching TV, DVDs and videos as an adult reduces lifespan by almost 22 minutes, a study suggests. And viewing TV for an average of six hours a day can cut short your life by five years.

The research shows that a sedentary(久坐的) lifestyle is as bad for health as smoking and obesity, because of the dangers caused by inactivity and the greater opportunities it offers for unhealthy eating.

The researchers set out to calculate the overall risk to lifespan from watching television. Their research involved more than 11,000 people over the age of 25.

Writing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, they concluded. TV viewing time may be connected with a loss of life, which is similar to other major chronic disease risk factors such as physical inactivity and obesity.

The researchers, from the University of Queensland, used information from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, together with population and death rate data.

But they said: Although we used Australian data, the effects in other industrialized and developing countries are likely to be similar, considering the large amounts of time spent watching TV and similarities in disease patterns. In the United Kingdom, the average amount of time spent watching TV is four hours a day, compared with five hours in the United States.

Earlier this year, a separate study suggested the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, or dying early, rises by as much as 20 percent after just two hours a day in front of the box.

Englands Chief Medical Officer, Sally Davies, said: Physical activity offers huge benefits and these studies back what we already know - that a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks. We hope these studies will help more people realize that there are many ways to get exercise.

【小题1】We can learn from the passage that .A.whether you watch TV or not has nothing to do with how long you will liveB.if an adult watches TV for six hours every day, he will probably die five years earlierC.physical inactivity and obesity won shorten your lifeD.a sedentary lifestyle offers huge benefits.【小题2】The passage implies that .A.The longer one watches TV every day, the shorter he lives.B.The conclusion of the study is unbelievable because its based on Australian data.C.Watching TV does greater harm to health than smoking and obesityD.Watching TV harms children as much as adults.【小题3】What do we know from the last three paragraphs?A.People in the United Kingdom watch TV longer than those in the United States.B.That a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks isn supported by other studies.C.Watching TV for two hours a day will increase the risk of illnesses or dying early by 20%.D.Australian data is much different from that of other countries.【小题4】The passage is intended to .A.inform the readers of a research on watching TVB.tell the readers large amounts of people often watch TVC.tell the readers watching TV is also a good way to relaxD.warn the readers of the harm of watching TV and hope that they do sportsB



解析:文章介绍了一项研究发现:看电视等于慢性自杀 每天6小时寿命短5年,读者长时间看电视的坏处,希望人们多锻炼。

【小题1】细节题:从第一段的句子:And viewing TV for an average of six hours a day can cut short your life by five years.可知成年人一天看电视[6小时寿命短5年,选来B

【小题2】细节题:从第四段的句子:TV viewing time may be connected with a loss of life, which is similar to other major chronic disease risk factors such as physical inactivity and obesity.可知看电视的时间越长,寿命越短,选A

【小题3】细节题:从第二段的句子:Earlier this year, a separate study suggested the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, or dying early, rises by as much as 20 percent after just two hours a day in front of the box.可知每天看两个小时的电视会增加生病或死亡的机率20%,选C

【小题4】推理题;从最后一段的句子:Physical activity offers huge benefits and these studies back what we already know - that a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks.可知这篇文章是想告诉读者长时间看电视的坏处,希望人们多锻炼,选D
