200字范文 > They say that seeing is believing but when it comes to TV commercials this is not always

They say that seeing is believing but when it comes to TV commercials this is not always

时间:2019-03-29 10:44:22


They say that seeing is believing  but when it comes to TV commercials  this is not always


They say that seeing is believing, but when it comes to TV commercials, this is not always the case.

The worlds leading mobile phone maker, Nokia, released its latest model Lumia 920 on Sept. 5. The smart phone was supposed to possess an advanced camera, which let customers shoot better pictures at night and record stabilized videos. To show how well these features work, the Finnish company released an ad showing a man and a woman riding bicycles side by side, with the man taking a video of the woman on the phone. However, several hours later, technology website The Verge uncovered that the video was neither shot with the new product, nor shot from someone riding a bicycle. Instead, someone in a lorry next to the woman took the video using a professional video camera.

The next day Nokia apologized, In an effort to demonstrate the benefits of visual image stabilization, we produced a video that simulates(看起来像)what we will be able to deliver. Indeed, what we have seen in ads is more or less a simulation——a practice called advertising photography.

McDonalds video in June explained the art. It showed how its burgers get dolled up(装扮)before going on camera. Like models preparing for a magazine cover shoot, burgers also get designed in a photography studio. They are prepared for hours and put together with absolute precision so they look their best before photo shoots. Each ingredient, such as onions and sauce, is carefully put into place to make the burger look much juicier, bigger and tastier. Computer software Photoshop is also used to add visual effects.

So don feel when you get a burger that never looks like what you see in ads.

【小题1】 What do the underlined words the case in Paragraph l refer to? (within 5 words)

【小题2】 For what purpose did Nokia create the video? (within 8 words)

【小题3】Why did Nokia apologize based on the text? (within 10 words)

【小题4】Why does the author give the example of McDonalds video in Paragraph 4? (within 10 words)

【小题5】Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(within 2 words)Seeing is believing


(答案→)Seeing is believing


【小题1】根据句首句Seeing is believing,后面说明:当谈到电视广告,这并非总是如此。所以the case指的是Seeing is believing。

【小题2】根据第二段To show how well these features work, the Finnish company released an ad showing a man and a woman riding bicycles side by side, with the man taking a video of the woman on the phone. 所以答案是To show how well these features work./ To show how well the advanced camera works.

【小题3】.根据第三段内容:第二天,诺基亚道歉,”在努力证明视觉图像稳定的好处,我们制作了一个看起来像我们能够展现的视频模拟,”事实上,我们所看到的广告或多或少是一种模拟——这种做法称为”广告摄影”。所以答案是 Because Nokia cheated in the ad.

【小题4】根据第四段内容:在六月的麦当劳的视频解释了“艺术”。这显示了汉堡梳妆打扮(装扮)会在镜头前像模特准备拍摄杂志封面照,汉堡也在摄影工作室进行设计。他们花几个小视准备,加把最精美的组合在一起为的是让他们在摄影机前看起来最好。每一个成分,如洋葱和酱,是认真放在一起使汉堡看起来更有趣,更大和更好吃,计算机软件PS图象处理软件也可以用来增加视觉效果。所以答案是To explain the art of advertising photography.

【小题5】根据上段对麦当劳的视频艺术做的解释得出当年看到你买到的汉堡和你在广告上看到的不一样时你不会感到惊讶,所以答案是(too/ very/ quite) surprised/ amazed/ astonished/ shocked/disappointed/annoyed/angry
