200字范文 > Time is very important in our life. However I had never realized it until I received a be

Time is very important in our life. However I had never realized it until I received a be

时间:2021-12-31 16:19:31


Time is very important in our life. However  I had never realized it until I received a be


Time is very important in our life. However, I had never realized it until I received a beautiful gold watch from my father one day when I was 19 years old. This 1 always tells me the importance of time in my life.

It was a cold rainy day. My father asked me to go to the 2 to pick up my uncle and take him home. I should have arrived there 3 4:30 p.m. We had a basketball match at school that afternoon 4 the match was too exciting. When the match was nearly over, I suddenly remembered my uncle and 5 to the airport. It was too late. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to our house.

I was very worried that my father would be 6 with me. As soon as I entered the living room, I saw my uncle in the sofa looking very tired. I dared not ­­7 my uncle and father. I said hello to them in a very low voice. My father didn’t say 8. Instead, he asked me to sit next to him. “Peter, did you have a good time today?” He 9 very disappointed, but his voice was still calm. I felt so sorry and answered in an even 10 voice. “Yes, Dad, but I’m really sorry about not 11 my uncle. This will 12 happen again. I promise.” My father handed me a box with a beautiful gold watch inside. It was a gift my uncle bought for him. He gave it to _13 and said, “I hope you have learned something important today, and this watch will help you remember the importance of him.”

The watch has been with me for 12 years. I wear it not because of its price, but because of 14 I learned from it. It tells me to respect 15 and never be late to do what I have promised to.

【小题1】A.watchB.clockC.bellD.time【小题2】A.hotelB.stationC.bus stopD.airport【小题3】A.beforeB.fromC.afterD.to【小题4】A.thoughB.becauseC.andD.so【小题5】A.movedB.turnedC.hurriedD.flew【小题6】A.happyB.angryC.sorryD.lucky【小题7】A.look upB.look forC.look atD.look after【小题8】A.anythingB.something C.nothing D.everything【小题9】A.isB.wasC.doesD.did【小题10】A.funnierB.louderC.happierD.lower【小题11】A.waking upB.giving upC.picking upD.putting up【小题12】A.alwaysB.neverC.oftenD.usually【小题13】A.youB.himC.themD.me【小题14】A.whatB.thatC.whichD.who【小题15】A.cultureB.friendshipC.timeD.familyA








【小题5】此题考查固定短语hurried to do sth表示急急忙忙做某事,故选C。

【小题6】此题考查固定短语be angry with sb表示生某人的气,根据语境可知,没有接到叔叔,爸爸肯定很生气,故选B。

【小题7】此题考查动词短语look at表示正视,因为做错了事,不敢正视家人,故选C。


【小题9】此题考查固定短语be disappointed表示非常的失望,因发生在过去,其主语是he,故用was选择B。


【小题11】此题考查固定句型结构be sorry about doing sth表示因做某事而感到抱歉,故选C,此句的含义是没能接到叔叔而抱歉。


【小题13】此题考查人称代词,give sth to sb表示把某物给某人,因在to的后面故用宾格you,选择D。爸爸把手表送给我。


