200字范文 > 选择方框中动词词组的适当形式填空 注意时态的变化。have the flu look afte

选择方框中动词词组的适当形式填空 注意时态的变化。have the flu look afte

时间:2020-03-04 09:57:02


选择方框中动词词组的适当形式填空 注意时态的变化。have the   flu look afte



have the flu look after look forward to in the end

run away from make mistakes find out pour…into

agree with stay up late

【小题1】Mr. Wang ,so he goes to see the doctor today.

【小题2】 , They got good grades with the help of the teacher..

【小题3】The students to study for the test the day after tomorrow.

【小题4】We always seeing my grandparents because we miss them so much.

【小题5】Thanks for my little dog when I am away for my holiday..

【小题6】He a few careless in the English exam last week.

【小题7】I that the lost book was from the school library and was taken yesterday.

【小题8】He some honey the milk and made it sweet.

【小题9】Don’t the problems you meet. You should try to solve them..

【小题10】We the expert that pollution problems are the most serious these days.has the flu。


(答案→)has the flu。


【小题1】根据he goes to see the doctor today 他今天你去看医生,可知他生病了。因为主语是Mr. Wang , 故谓语用单数形式has the flu。句意:王先生得了流感,因此今天去看医生了。

【小题2】根据They got good grades他们获得了好的分数,可知这是最后的结果,又因为此处作状语,故用 In the end。句意:最后,在老师的帮助下,他获得了好的分数。

【小题3】根据to study for the test the day after tomorrow可知学生为了后天的考试而学习,因此在加班熬夜, 又因为主语是The students复数,故此处用 stay up。句意:学生们为了后天的考试而熬夜学习。

【小题4】根据we miss them so much可知我们想念他们,因此盼望着见到他,因为主语是we,故此处用谓语 look forward to。句意:因为我们如此的想念他们,所以我们总是盼望着见到他们。

【小题5】根据when I am away for my holiday可知我出去度假,不在家,因此小狗需要人照顾。又因为短语thanks for doing sth,因为某事而感谢某人,故用looking after。句意:谢谢你在我出去度假时照顾我的小狗。

【小题6】根据a few careless可知此处修饰是名词,根据状语last week.可知此处是一般过去时,故用 made mistakes。句意:上周,他在英语考试中犯了一些粗心的错误。

【小题7】此处缺少谓语,结合句意思发现丢失的书被拿走的。根据时间状语yesterday 可知此处用一般过去时,found out。句意:我发现那本丢失的书来自图书馆,是昨天被拿走的。

【小题8】根据made it sweet.可知使牛奶甜,可知往里面加了蜂蜜。根据动词made,可知此处用一般过去时, poured into倒入。句意:他往牛奶里倒入了一些蜂蜜使牛奶变甜了。

【小题9】根据You should try to solve them.可知应该解决问题,不要逃避问题。根据Don’t可知此处是祈使句,故用动词原形run away from。句意:不要逃避你遇到的问题,你应该努力去解决他们。

【小题10】agree with sb.同意某人的看法。因为主语是we,故用agree with。句意:我们同意专家的看法,在这些日子里,污染是最严重的。

选择方框中动词词组的适当形式填空 注意时态的变化。have the flu look after look forward to in the endrun away
