200字范文 > 从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。(其中有两项多余)A: What do you think of Sp

从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。(其中有两项多余)A: What do you think of Sp

时间:2024-03-08 11:15:56


从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。(其中有两项多余)A: What do you think of Sp



A: What do you think of Sports World?

B: 【小题1】G. I love Super Interview best.

A: I do, too. I like the host(主持人) Dai Jun. 【小题2】B.

B: I like both Li Jing and him.

A: D【小题3】F.

B: They like Libo Talk Show. They both like the host Zhou Libo. 【小题4】A.

A: What else do they like?

B: Oh, my mother likes soap operas, but my father can’t stand them. 【小题5】.

A. He loves World News.

B. He is great.

C. I watched TV at home last night.

D. What about your parents.

E. Do you agree?

F. But I don’t like him.

G. I don’t mind it.



【小题1】根据上面问句What do you think of Sports World?可知此处是说对Sports World 的看法,所以选G。

【小题2】结合前面一句I like the host(主持人) Dai Jun.可知此处是说他很了不起,所以选B。

【小题3】根据答语They like Libo Talk Show.可知此处谈到的人是复数,所以选D

【小题4】根据上句They both like the host Zhou Libo.可知此处是在表达我对Zhou Libo 的看法,所以选F。

【小题5】根据前面句子my mother likes soap operas, but my father can’t stand them. 可知此处是说父亲喜欢的节目,所以选A。

从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。(其中有两项多余)A: What do you think of Sports World?B: 【小题1】G. I love Super Inte
