200字范文 > 【谷歌英语翻译器】英语翻译不要那种google什么的翻译器翻译出来的!...


时间:2024-01-18 09:04:10




英语翻译不要那种google什么的在线翻译器翻译出来的!正文:“无论在中国还是在西方,法律面前人人平等,都是一个古老的原则.在西方国家的历史上,很早就产生了关于平等的观念.例如,亚里士多德曾提出,法律应具有平等的品质;在西欧封建社会,基督教认为一切人都具有原罪上的平等,人人都是上帝的选民.现在所讲的法律面前人人平等是在中世纪后期,由资产阶级启蒙思想家如洛克、卢梭等人提出来的.但是,这个世界上有真正的平等吗?有人说,至少有的地方平等多一点.但这句话还是陷入“狭隘的平等”概念.如果说,你在某地得到不平等待遇,在另一地获得了,但是,这样的“平等”是以你失去其它方面的不平等而获得的,而你自己却丝毫没有察觉.对“法律面前,人人平等”,不同的人在理解的程度上会有所不同例如,法律面前人人平等,是否包括立法上的平等?平民是否可以立法?怎样认识法律平等与事实平等之间的关系?其实,法律面前人人平等,指的是在实施法律时,即司法、执法、守法上的平等所以,法律面前人人平等应当包括立法平等,只有立法平等,然后严格执法,法律的平等才能实现.所谓“法律面前人人平等”,更多地表现为政治地位的平等,一种权利与资格的平等.法律确认和保护公民在享有权利和承担义务上处于平等的地位,不允许任何人有超越于法律之上的特权.当今世界的“法律面前人人平等”,是建立在资本主义私有制基础上的.”求英语达人帮忙翻译啊!急用! 英语


【答案】 Whether in China or in the west,everyone is equal before the law and are an ancient principle.

In western countries,the early history of the concept of equal produced.For example,Aristotle was put forward,and shall have equal legal quality,In the feudal society,western Christian thought all has the sin of equality,everyone is gods voters.Now the everyone is equal before the law in the late medieval by bourgeois enlightenment thinkers,such as rock,Rousseau man.

However,the world is the true equality?Someone says,at least in some places more equality.But these words or into the equality of narrow concept.If you get unfair treatment in somewhere in another land,but this won the equality in other aspects you lose the inequality but yourself but didn notice.

All are equal before the law,different people in the understanding of different extent,for example,are equal before the law,including legislation equality?Civilians could legislation?How do you know that equal legal equality and the relationship between?Actually,everyone is equal before the law,is in the implementation of the law,justice and law enforcement,law-abiding equality so that everyone is equal before the law shall include the equality of legislation,only legislation and law enforcement,equal to realize the equality of law.

The so-called everyone is equal before the law,to the equality of political position,a kind of equality of rights and qualification.Legal recognition and protection of citizens rights and obligations in equal status,the don allow anyone to have the privilege of above.In todays world.everyone is equal before the law,is built on the basis of capitalism.
