200字范文 > 《伊索寓言》英文读后感范文(精选3篇)


时间:2021-07-17 10:36:14






If the world is a Marine,then I this is a small fish in the ocean,despite the sea in my book free to travel.One day,I found a bright Linlang Shanzhao as shiny pearl,this pearl is "Aesops Fables."

I"Daliang" End The "pearl",also found that these "pearls of a major feature - on the one moving story,the story of Huanbaohanzhe all kinds of profound truth.I found a "The monkeys lying",the story is this:a love of monkeys lying to Athens on board,the boat was on the storms attack,turned the boat.Dolphins are very much like a human conversation,access to knowledge.Dolphins to Monkeys as human care on the surface of the water,and chat with monkeys,monkeys and in conversations with the lying,exposed the dolphins were indignant after the dolphins,monkeys put up sea,drowned.This is fable to tell us that life,must not lie ,Lying and who will therefore be retribution!Therefore,we have to do an honest person,so that we can into it,the lives of the masses,so that would not be despised by the people of the world!As the saying goes well:"Honesty is the golden key to the door of knowledge."So,honestly treat people,equivalent to respect other people!

"Aesops Fables" is a world known as "the King" of a novel,moving it to one interesting story,describing the text included in a number of knowledge and truth,I see a return to taste,Aha !Not blowing,this book and Chinas four famous are evenly matched,can really Niua!I still remember the author of the book "Aesop" said such a sentence:"the United States over the wisdom of the body of the United States." Yes Ah,some people devoted to the appearance of the axis origin,the United States is now the one,the ugly one is negative,they absolutely do not know is that the U.S.is the real heart of the United States.I think that,like "Aesops Fables" symbolic of this knowledge,better than the aesthetic,you say which.

Now,I have long to The "pearl" Treasures in mind,the impression that it is always reverberated in my mind!

I love you - "Aesops Fables"!


Reading the "Aesops Fables," this book, so I put it down, with many feeling that their hearts are always thinking about the contents of this book, which people always come in my eyes.

"Aesops Fables," the author of Aesops ancient Greek, he is a legendary figure, he has written are a phenomenon of life, criticism, inspiration and lessons learned.

With everyone is most familiar with, for example several fables to you. "The wolf and the lamb" in this parable is talking about: the wolf wanted to eat lamb, by all means come and lamb sophistry. To expose the darkness of society at that time.


Aesops fable, from the folk, so the lower level of society peoples life and thoughts and feelings have been more prominent reflection. Such as the disclosure of greed and selfishness of the rich; The scourge of the cruel nature of the wicked; The affirmation of labor to create wealth; Criticism of social inequality; Satire on cowardice and laziness; Praise for the brave struggle. There are many fables that teach people how to live, how to behave, how to distinguish right from wrong, how to become smart and intelligent. Aesops fable is an overview, extraction and summary of the ancient Greek life and struggle, is a spiritual heritage left by the ancient Greeks to future generations.

Aesops fable, concise text, vivid story, rich imagination, full of philosophy, ideological and artistic integration. Among them, the farmer and snake, fox and grape, wolf and lamb, tortoise and rabbit race, shepherd boy and wolf, farmer and his children have become a household name in the world.

This book has the most readers in the world, it has the greatest impact on western ethics, political thought. The essence of eastern and western folk literature, the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people. One of the worlds oldest fables, one of 100 books that influence human culture.

Aesops fables, the worlds oldest collection of fables, is short, informal, simple story often shines with the light of wisdom, burst into the spark of wit, No. 1 with profound meaning. It is not only to instill the concept of good and evil beauty and ugliness of enlightenment textbooks for children, but also a textbook of life, has a great impact on future generations. In the history of European literature, it laid the foundation for fable creation. In literary works and even political works of various countries in the world, Aesops fable is often quoted, or as a metaphor when reasoning argument, or as a weapon of criticism and satire. The essence of the book, still has a positive practical significance. In the history of European fable development, ancient Greek fable occupies an important position. It pioneered the development of European allegory and influenced the whole process of the development of European allegory. allegory is a kind of folk oral creation, which mainly reflects peoples life wisdom, including social activities, productive labor and daily life. Aesops fables are compiled according to various manuscripts handed down from ancient times, including more than 300 fables, some of which are popular. " Aesops fables" animals in addition to some animals, generally there is no fixed character characteristics, such as fox, wolf, etc., sometimes be endowed with negative character, sometimes be affirmed, by personification of animals to express the authors ideas. These animal stories are undoubtedly fictional, yet natural and realistic. This is not the same as the basic stereotype of character formed by the fable of future generations.

Aesops fables had a great influence on the development of European fables. In the first century ad, the ancient Roman fable writer ferdruse inherited Aesops fable tradition directly, borrowed many stories from Aesops fable, and called his fable " Aesops fable". The Greek fable writer ba Briouse in the 2nd century a.d. adopted Aesops fable more. This tradition was inherited by the late ancient Greek and Roman allegories. After the renaissance, Aesops fables copy of the reorganization and publishing greatly promoted the development of European fables, has appeared a lot of good fable writers, such as French seal Dan, german Lessing, Russian krylov, etc.

Aesops fables were introduced into China in Ming dynasty with the gradual spread of western learning to the east. The first western missionary Matteo Ricci to China during his life in China from the distorted ten articles, which introduced Aesop, Aesops fables have been cited. After him missionary ponti I also in the " seven grams" introduced, quoted Aesops fable. The first translation of Aesops fable in China was kuangyi published in Xi an in 1625. After the Qing dynasty, there were many translations of Aesops fables. The above situation shows that Aesops fable has been circulating for a long time in our country, it is still popular, fondle admiringly. Its a book worth reading.

Aesops fables are mostly animal stories, with animals as metaphor, teach people life and life. Aesops fable form is short and concise, metaphor is appropriate, vivid, has a great influence on future generations.

Aesops fables collected a total of three or four hundred stories, and lyric poetry mainly reflects the noble slave owners of different thoughts and feelings, these stories are mainly bullied the lower civilians and slaves struggle experience and lessons of life summary. Allegory describes the relationship between animals to show the social relations at that time, mainly the unequal relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed. The allegorical writer condemned the oppression of the people in society at that time and called on the bullied people to unite to fight against the wicked. For example, the story of " the farmer and the snake" advises people not to be kind to the enemy; The dog and rooster and fox tells people to be good at using wisdom, to overcome the enemy; In the stories of the lion and the deer, the bird catcher and the crested sparrow, and the two pots, the author reveals that when the regime is in the hands of greedy and brutal rulers, it is impossible for the poor to live in peace.
