200字范文 > 初创企业购买企业邮箱_支持#NetNeutrality =支持设计师及其创建的初创企业

初创企业购买企业邮箱_支持#NetNeutrality =支持设计师及其创建的初创企业

时间:2023-10-27 01:29:35


初创企业购买企业邮箱_支持#NetNeutrality =支持设计师及其创建的初创企业


by Lukasz Lysakowski

卢卡斯·吕萨科夫斯基(Lukasz Lysakowski)

支持#NetNeutrality =支持设计师及其创建的初创企业 (Supporting #NetNeutrality = Supporting Designers and the Startups They Create)

I believe in Net Neutrality, and I wrote a brief email to the Federal Communication Commission on why access to broadband has shaped my design career. Here’s what my email said:

我坚信网络中立性,并且我写了一封简短的电子邮件给联邦通信委员会,说明为什么使用宽带影响了我的设计生涯。 这是我的电子邮件说的:

Hello, my name is Lukasz Lysakowski, a designer living and working in San Francisco. I support Net Neutrality as internet access has allowed me to create a career. I am a designer of online apps, products, and websites.

您好,我叫Lukasz Lysakowski,是一位在旧金山生活和工作的设计师。 我支持网络中立性,因为互联网访问使我能够创造职业。 我是在线应用程序,产品和网站的设计师。

I started my education as a Bachelor of Arts major in the field of media productions at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. At UNC-G I had the opportunity to take design classes in the new digital Media & Design program. Digital design and the internet were in their infancy.

我在格林斯伯勒的北卡罗来纳大学以媒体制作领域的文学学士学位开始学习。 在UNC-G,我有机会参加了新的数字媒体与设计计划的设计课程 。 数字设计和互联网还处于起步阶段。

Tied in with the design program was the introduction to the high-speed internet. No more dial-up services, BBS boards, and AOL, this was broadband. For me the access to a high-speed internet and web was revolutionary. I quickly learned how to build and design websites. At that point the best way to learn how to make sites was to use a browser’s “view-source” feature. “View-source” was also an original feature as it allowed any user to view and copy the underlying code of any website. I was able to take the site code without any hindrance and modify it to learn how to create my own work.

与设计程序紧密相关的是高速互联网的介绍。 不再有拨号服务,BBS板和AOL,这就是宽带。 对我来说,高速互联网和网络的访问是革命性的。 我很快学会了如何构建和设计网站。 那时,学习如何制作网站的最佳方法是使用浏览器的“视图源”功能。 “查看源代码”也是一项原始功能,因为它允许任何用户查看和复制任何网站的基础代码。 我能够毫无障碍地获取站点代码并对其进行修改,以学习如何创建自己的作品。

This access to a fast network and the underlying code behind any website allowed me to build the my foundation as an online designer. Of course, I was in a privileged position as I had access to a high-speed internet at an American University system.

这种对快速网络的访问以及任何网站背后的基础代码,使我成为了在线设计师的基础。 当然,在美国大学系统可以访问高速互联网时,我处于特权位置。

After I graduated from UNC-G, I was able to jump into the field of web design at the start of the dot-com boom. The commercial web at that time was free-form without frameworks, rules, and systems. Designers and developers were hired to experiment and figure out the web. The internet quickly evolved, and it became accessible to the general public. Online browsing and interaction became part of the daily fabric of commerce, news, and entertainment.

从UNC-G毕业后,在互联网泡沫开始之初,我就跳入了网页设计领域。 当时的商业网站是自由格式的,没有框架,规则和系统。 聘请设计师和开发人员进行实验并找出网络。 互联网Swift发展,公众可以访问。 在线浏览和互动已成为日常商务,新闻和娱乐的一部分。

For the web to be accessible for general use, it also had to standardize its form and function. Luckily, The Web Standards Project (WaSP) was a community of designers and developers that persuaded Microsoft and Netscape to upgrade their browsers to support W3C web standards. W3C standards compose the code of websites. These standards are set by a committee of companies, organizations, and individuals that promote equal web standard. WasP also demonstrated that passionate individuals can push the web to be developed to be formed on a free and open standard.

为了使Web可以普遍使用,它还必须标准化其形式和功能。 幸运的是, Web标准项目(WaSP)是由设计师和开发人员组成的社区,他们说服了Microsoft和Netscape升级其浏览器以支持W3C Web标准。 W3C标准组成网站的代码。 这些标准由提倡平等网络标准的公司,组织和个人委员会组成。 WasP还表明,充满激情的个人可以推动以自由和开放的标准形成网络。

As a designer practicing for many years, I took part in the push of the web from a medium defined of static marketing static web pages to a dynamic online software platform. This same evolution of the internet also gave rise to the startup.

作为从事多年设计工作的设计师,我参与了从静态营销静态网页定义的媒介到动态在线软件平台的网络推动。 互联网的同样发展也催生了创业公司。

Technology startups accelerated the expansion of computation into all aspects of daily life and commerce by being free to experiment with new ideas. Startups have also benefited by having equal access to the internet. Startups are free to concentrate on the execution while not being worried about if they were going to be unfairly penalized by delivery.

科技初创企业可以自由尝试新的想法,从而加速了计算在日常生活和商业各个方面的扩展。 平等访问互联网也给初创企业带来了好处。 初创企业可以自由地专注于执行,而不必担心是否会因交付而受到不公平的惩罚。

We are still in the infancy of the web. We are just starting to see AR, VR, and mixed-reality take off. This field plus many other new technology fields will need access to even fast(er) networks and more data delivery. Incumbent technology companies plus startups will be racing with each other to develop the new ideas. Startups to challenge and progress the status quo will need the critical access to an equal and fair playing field.

我们仍处于起步阶段。 我们才刚刚开始看到AR,VR和混合现实技术起飞。 该领域以及许多其他新技术领域将需要访问更快的网络和更多的数据传递。 现有的技术公司和初创公司将相互竞争以开发新的想法。 挑战和进步现状的初创企业将需要关键的机会进入平等和公平的竞争环境。

In short: Net neutrality is vital to making sure that we maintain equal and fair access to all Americans to knowledge and information on the internet. Net neutrality supports America’s entrepreneurs and is vital to accelerating our economy to the next level of growth.

简而言之:网络中立性对于确保我们维持所有美国人平等,公平地访问互联网上的知识和信息至关重要。 净中立支持美国的企业家,对于将我们的经济加速到下一个增长水平至关重要。

If you read this post and feel inspired, please email the FCC Commissioners at:


Ajit Pai, ChairmanAjit.Pai@fcc.gov

董事长Ajit Pai Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov

Mignon Clyburn, CommissionerMignon.Clyburn@fcc.gov

Mignon Clyburn,专员Mignon.Clyburn@fcc.gov

Michael O’Rielly, CommissionerMike.O’Rielly@fcc.gov

迈克尔·奥里利(Michael O'Rielly),专员Mike.O'Rielly@fcc.gov

Brendan Carr, CommissionerBrendan.Carr@fcc.gov

布伦丹·卡尔(Brendan Carr),专员Brendan.Carr@fcc.gov

Jessica Rosenworcel, CommissionerJessica.Rosenworcel@fcc.gov

杰西卡·罗森沃尔(Jessica Rosenworcel),专员Jessica.Rosenworcel@fcc.gov

Fight for the Future is a great starting point to learn how to champion Net Neutrality.


Fight for the Future, defending our basic rights and freedomsFight for the Future is dedicated to protecting and expanding the Internet's transformative power in our lives by…


FCC Commissioner Clyburn has put together a fact sheet summarizing how Net Neutrality benefits consumers and businesses alike.


翻译自: /news/why-i-support-netneutrality-aca410673678/

