200字范文 > face_recognition人脸识别模块的使用教程


时间:2021-05-25 12:34:34











__Author__ = 'Shliang'from PIL import Imageimport face_recognitionfrom PIL import Image, ImageDrawimg = r"E:\MagicP\8_neural-style-transfer\StyleTransferCode\FaceRecognition\people.png"img2 = r"E:\MagicP\8_neural-style-transfer\StyleTransferCode\FaceRecognition\girl.jpg"image = face_recognition.load_image_file(img)image2 = face_recognition.load_image_file(img2)def detection_face_locations(image):"""检测人脸的位置, 当然可以通过判断len(face_locations)的长度来判断有没有检测到人脸,如果长度为0,则没有检测到人脸:param image::return: 返回的是每一个人脸的矩形的四个角的坐标位置的列表"""face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image) # model="cnn"print("I found {} face(s) in this photograph.".format(len(face_locations)))for face_location in face_locations:# 打印每一张脸在图片中的位置top, right, bottom, left = face_locationprint("A face is located at pixel location Top: {}, Left: {}, Bottom: {}, Right: {}".format(top, left, bottom, right))# 显示图片中每一张脸face_image = image[top:bottom, left:right]pil_image = Image.fromarray(face_image)pil_image.show()return face_locationsdef detection_face_locations_gpu(image):"""检测人脸的位置,但是会条用GPU资源,默认的模式 model=hog:param image::return: 返回的是每一个人脸的矩形的四个角的坐标位置的列表"""face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image, number_of_times_to_upsample=0, model="cnn")print("I found {} face(s) in this photograph.".format(len(face_locations))) # 检测到的脸部的个数for face_location in face_locations:# Print the location of each face in this imagetop, right, bottom, left = face_locationprint("A face is located at pixel location Top: {}, Left: {}, Bottom: {}, Right: {}".format(top, left, bottom,right))# You can access the actual face itself like this:face_image = image[top:bottom, left:right]pil_image = Image.fromarray(face_image)pil_image.show()return face_locationsdef detectiion_face_landmarks(image):"""检测人脸的关键点'chin':下巴 17'left_eyebrow':左眉毛 5'right_eyebrow':右眉毛 5'nose_bridge':鼻梁 4'nose_tip':鼻尖 5'left_eye':左眼 6'right_eye':右眼 6'top_lip':上嘴唇 12'bottom_lip:下嘴唇 12一共72 个关键点:param image::return: 返回值是人脸的关键点"""face_landmarks_list = face_recognition.face_landmarks(image)print("I found {} face(s) in this photograph.".format(len(face_landmarks_list)))# 创建一个 PIL imagedraw 对象,然后在图片中画出人脸pil_image = Image.fromarray(image)d = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_image)for face_landmarks in face_landmarks_list:# 打印人脸每一个部位的关键点for facial_feature in face_landmarks.keys():print("The {0} points_num:{2} in this face has the following points: {1} ".format(facial_feature,face_landmarks[facial_feature],len(face_landmarks[facial_feature],)))# 把脸部特征位置的关键点用线连接起来for facial_feature in face_landmarks.keys():d.line(face_landmarks[facial_feature], width=5)# Show the picturepil_image.show()return face_landmarks_listdef face_recognition_in_picture(image):"""识别图片中的人脸是谁,就是人脸对比的过程:param image::return:"""import face_recognition# 加载要判别的图片biden_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("biden.jpg")obama_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("obama.jpg")unknown_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("obama2.jpg")# 获取在每张图片中人脸的编码# 由于一张图片中可能有多张人脸,因此返回的是一个编码的列表# 但是当我知道每个图像只有一个面,所以我只关心每个图像中的第一个编码,所以我抓取索引0try:biden_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(biden_image)[0]obama_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(obama_image)[0]unknown_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(unknown_image)[0]except IndexError:print("I wasn't able to locate any faces in at least one of the images. Check the image files. Aborting...")quit()# 对已知脸部进行编码known_faces = [biden_face_encoding,obama_face_encoding]# 结果是一个True/False数组,用于判断未知的脸是否匹配known_faces数组中的任何人results = pare_faces(known_faces, unknown_face_encoding)print("Is the unknown face a picture of Biden? {}".format(results[0]))print("Is the unknown face a picture of Obama? {}".format(results[1]))print("Is the unknown face a new person that we've never seen before? {}".format(not True in results))def webcam_face_gauss_blur():"""把网络摄像头中采集到的人脸进行高斯模糊处理:return:"""import face_recognitionimport cv2# This is a demo of blurring faces in video.# PLEASE NOTE: This example requires OpenCV (the `cv2` library) to be installed only to read from your webcam.# OpenCV is *not* required to use the face_recognition library. It's only required if you want to run this# specific demo. If you have trouble installing it, try any of the other demos that don't require it instead.# 获取网络摄像头的id,默认是0video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)# 初始化一些变量face_locations = []while True:# 抓取视频帧ret, frame = video_capture.read()# 改变视频帧的大小为原来的四分之一,可以提高脸部检测的速度small_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=0.25, fy=0.25)# 检测当前视频帧所有脸部的位置face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(small_frame, model="cnn")# 显示结果for top, right, bottom, left in face_locations:# 缩放视频帧大小,之前检测进行了缩小的操作top *= 4right *= 4bottom *= 4left *= 4# 提取图片中包含脸部的区域face_image = frame[top:bottom, left:right]# 高斯模糊脸部区域face_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(face_image, (99, 99), 30) # 30是x方向上的高斯核标准差 GaussianBlur(src, ksize, sigmaX, dst=None, sigmaY=None, borderType=None)# 把模糊后的脸部区域放置到视频帧中的ROIframe[top:bottom, left:right] = face_image# 显示视频帧cv2.imshow('Video', frame)# 敲击q键退出if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):break# Release handle to the webcamvideo_capture.release()cv2.destroyAllWindows()def beauty_backup(image):"""通过检测关键点,填充像素值的形式进行美妆,效果当然很差啦对图片中的人脸进行美妆操作(数字美妆), 这个美妆太粗糙啦,简直就是如花妆呀:param image::return:"""# 找出图片中所有人脸的特征点face_landmarks_list = face_recognition.face_landmarks(image)for face_landmarks in face_landmarks_list:pil_image = Image.fromarray(image)d = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_image, 'RGBA')# Make the eyebrows into a nightmared.polygon(face_landmarks['left_eyebrow'], fill=(68, 54, 39, 128))d.polygon(face_landmarks['right_eyebrow'], fill=(68, 54, 39, 128))d.line(face_landmarks['left_eyebrow'], fill=(68, 54, 39, 150), width=5)d.line(face_landmarks['right_eyebrow'], fill=(68, 54, 39, 150), width=5)# Gloss the lipsd.polygon(face_landmarks['top_lip'], fill=(150, 0, 0, 128))d.polygon(face_landmarks['bottom_lip'], fill=(150, 0, 0, 128))d.line(face_landmarks['top_lip'], fill=(150, 0, 0, 64), width=8)d.line(face_landmarks['bottom_lip'], fill=(150, 0, 0, 64), width=8)# Sparkle the eyesd.polygon(face_landmarks['left_eye'], fill=(255, 255, 255, 30))d.polygon(face_landmarks['right_eye'], fill=(255, 255, 255, 30))# Apply some eyelinerd.line(face_landmarks['left_eye'] + [face_landmarks['left_eye'][0]], fill=(0, 0, 0, 110), width=6)d.line(face_landmarks['right_eye'] + [face_landmarks['right_eye'][0]], fill=(0, 0, 0, 110), width=6)pil_image.show()if __name__ == "__main__":# 人脸位置检测# faces_locate = detection_face_locations(image)# print(faces_locate) # [(164, 273, 216, 222), (199, 222, 251, 170), (182, 556, 234, 504), (216, 452, 268, 400), (141, 429, 193, 377), (199, 371, 242, 328)]# 人脸位置检测用cnn模式(GPU) 测试在多人下没有检测到人脸,但是在单人下检测到了人脸# face_locate = detection_face_locations_gpu(image2)# print(face_locate) # [(78, 296, 215, 159)]# 检测人脸的关键点# face_landmarks_list = detectiion_face_landmarks(image2)# print(face_landmarks_list)'''[{'chin': [(179, 154), (184, 167), (190, 179), (197, 190), (206, 199), (216, 207), (227, 214), (239, 219), (251, 218), (262, 213), (270, 203), (277, 191), (281, 177), (284, 164), (283, 149), (281, 134), (277, 119)],'left_eyebrow': [(180, 139), (184, 131), (192, 126), (201, 124), (210, 125)], 'right_eyebrow': [(230, 119), (238, 112), (247, 108), (257, 108), (266, 111)], 'nose_bridge': [(224, 135), (227, 145), (229, 155), (232, 166)], 'nose_tip': [(225, 174), (230, 174), (236, 174), (240, 171), (245, 168)],'left_eye': [(193, 146), (197, 140), (204, 138), (212, 142), (206, 146), (199, 148)],'right_eye': [(241, 133), (246, 126), (253, 123), (259, 125), (255, 130), (248, 132)], 'top_lip': [(224, 193), (228, 187), (233, 182), (238, 182), (243, 180), (250, 180), (257, 183), (255, 184), (244, 186), (240, 188), (235, 189), (227, 192)],'bottom_lip': [(257, 183), (253, 190), (248, 195), (243, 197), (238, 198), (231, 197), (224, 193), (227, 192), (236, 190), (241, 189), (245, 188), (255, 184)]}]'''# 把来自网络摄像头视频里的人脸高斯模糊(需要安装OpenCV)# webcam_face_gauss_blur()# 美妆beauty_backup(image2)

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