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时间:2021-09-23 21:58:20





A/D: It is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours.




With the increasingly diverse means of acquiring information, it has become a common phenonmen that we are exposed to conflicting ideas about a single event, which has aroused deep social concern. A growing boday of average people are wondering whether it is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours. From my pesepective, it is advisable to be a good listener to the different viewpoints.

Firstlly, receiving news presented by people with dissenting perspective can help people have access to the comprehensive information and get closer to the truth of the events. As is common sense, every single event or piece of news is not as simple as we expect. So it is an indisputable fact that nobody can have a panoramic view of the truth of the incidents due to the limited experience and knowledge span. In this case, gaining news from our opponents will definitely deliver a brandnew perspective and make us have a second thought of our own viewpoint. In other words, the clashes of different views will temper and refine our opinion about the events, with the result that a whole picture is formed. On the contrary, just selectively listening to the similar ideas, people will become narrow-minded.

Besides that, another potential benefit of obtaining news from those with opposite view is the higher likelihood to make acquaitance with more people. As is known to all, the way person responds to someone whose opinion differs drastically from theirs reveals their true character. To be specific, being tolerant of different voices about one thing reflects that a person is endowed with the quality of inclusiveness and humbility, which can make him/her leave a good impression on others. Consequently, no one, including those from opposing party, will refuse to become friends with humble and inclusive ones. Instead, those solely accepting same opinion are usually self-centered and arrogant so that they not consider others’ thought or feeling but impose their own opinion. Thus it is unlikely that they will build friendship with those with different ideas. Even worse, the alreadly established friendship may also end, once the disagreements occur.

In a nutshell, it is sensible for people to read or watch news from people with dissenting perspective, in order to gain the whole picture of the news and enlarge the social network

托福独立写作真题满分范文 自主阅读和老师布置阅读任务哪个更重要

Agree or disagree: students do reading by their own is as important as or more important than the reading teachers assigned.


Reading is a process of procuring knowledge and the ways of reading vary for students between reading on their own and reading as told by their teachers. As for me, it will be more beneficial to read books in line with students’ wishes.

For one thing, students should read what they are curious about and can find interests in, which can find wide application among college students in particular. In order to hone one’s talents and crafts with specific purpose, college students will find the more practical books to read to strengthen their competence for their future competing with other rivals in the job market. Take Steve Jobs as an example. After attending the college just for a few months, he couldn’t figure out how the college life would help him in the future except for imposing his working family enormous financial pressure.Then, he decided to drop out so he could stop taking the required classes and reading the assigned reading materials that did not interest him and began dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. Finally, the last several months for his college life turned out to be priceless later on since he took a calligraphy class and read the relative books, the knowledge of which had been applied to produce the first computer with beautiful typography. Evidently, part of Steve Job’s accomplishments can prove how essential for students to read by following their own curiosity and intuition.

For another thing, students can be more absorbed in the books that they like. To be more specific, compared with the assigned papers or articles, students’ incentive can be more stimulated by reading what they like. For instance, the prevailing notion of children’s education is that they should develop their own interests by reading what can intrigue their inquisitiveness or stimulate their imagination. Therefore, there is a voice coming out today that more freedom needs to be given to primary school students so that they can read some more interesting books like the science-fiction novels or tales and etc. Besides, too much focus on cultivating students’ academic abilities and the ignorance of developing their overall qualities will lead to the development of elites with less morality. Obviously, the benefits of reading books by students themselves and the detriment of just reading as assigned by teachers can tell us how important to give students’ rights to choose what they read.

Admittedly, reading what teachers assigned can be of also importance. In other words, teachers will be familiar with which area students should be improved to achieve better academic performance. For instance, teachers will require students to engage in extensive reading to increase students’ reading ability. However, it can not be the reason to regard reading as students wish as inferior because students can better improve their reading ability by being absorbed in what they like most.

To conclude, students should enjoy the rights to decide what they read.

托福独立写作真题满分范文 孩子过分依赖电子产品


Independent Task

Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.


For parents, how to well plan their children’s development has been a huge problem. While some children are given more time on technological gadgets, others are more inclined to choose some activities, such as going camping or traveling. For me, the former option would be a better one.

Admittedly, playing simpler toys or playing outside might be good choice for children. Simpler toys, namely Lego, are a good way to develop children’s thinking on solving the problem through block by block. By assembling the pieces for different blocks, children could assemble an even big piece, such as the classic London Tower Bridge. Also, playing with friends is helpful. When they are playing with others, they would cooperate with them to playing sports or even solve problems. However, on balance, both of these ways are limited in helping children. Toys and outdoor activities are restrained to their actual forms: parents need lots of money to buy different toys to help children develop, and they pay a great amount of money on helping their children for different activities. For those parents who suffer from financial burden, these are not effective ways for children’s development. Comparatively, technology would be a more effective way for children.

Firstly, Internet via computers and smartphone are essential for their development. In other words, Internet provides students with vast amounts of information. According to a recent survey conducted by Gallup, after polling thousands of students from local high schools, most respondents claim that Internet is the No.1 helper from them to finish homework. When they have problems, they would search reference on Internet. Websites such as Google Scholar would be a wonderful tool for them to find some papers or academic reference for their homework. Meanwhile, Internet is a wonderful place for them to entertain as well. They could watch movies on . They could even find interesting stories on . All funny experiences are available on Internet without causing children too much money.

In addition, video games are also necessary for children’s growth. When children are playing video games, they might learn some strategic thinking. For example, when I am playing FIFA , I have to manage my team members according to their physical strength so that I could beat other teams. For those who run quickly, it would be a good idea for them to play forward; for those who are tall and strong, they would be better playing middle field. Because of this team management strategy, I have achieved many titles in the game. Learning from this, I would allocate my time in finishing homework according to my energy level. When I am energetic, I might choose the most difficult homework; if I am tired, I might choose some easy-to-do tasks, which would not cost me much time.

To conclude, while playing toys or spending time on outdoor activities is a good way for their development, technology would be better way.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

students should be encouraged to take courses like science, technology, engineering and math that are likely to lead to job opportunities rather than subjects they might be interested in.


Students should choose the major such as science, technology, and engineering which can help them find good jobs instead of the major which they are interested in.


题目大意:大学生应该选择哪种专业:能够帮助他们找到好工作的专业(比如科学类,技术类和工程类)VS自己喜欢的专业。此题目波波建议选择感兴趣的专业:理由如下1.学习更有动力 2.从长远来看,更有利于就业。




The question of “ what is the most important subject or skill the schools should teach? ” has never failed to attract attention from educators, school administrators and even politicians especially when it comes to subjects like technology, engineering and math. Some argue that students should be encouraged to take such classes rather than the ones they are interested in since they give them a better shot to find jobs. However, personally, I am not in favor of this position based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, it is true that courses like technology, engineering and math are very

technical, most of which can be applied in solving real world issues. However, the exposure that students have to apply these theories are very limited in class. Taking technical oriented classes will not give students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities, on the other hand, there are enormous benefits for students to take courses that they are interested in.

First off, taking courses that students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals. Old saying “ interest is the best teacher” remains relevant as it did a century ago. Interest serves as the internal motivation for students to explore in the area that they are interested, on the contrary, if they are forced to take courses for a utilitarian purpose, they might not keep their interest for a long time thus have a lower learning efficiency. Recent study conducted by the Society of Developmental Psychology shows that students will be more enthusiastic and passionate about learning when given the freedom to make their own choices to take classes. Also, giving students the opportunity to choose the classes they are interested in can help them to explore their real interest, thus their potential can be fully tapped before heading off for career options.

Additionally, taking courses students are interested in have enormous practical purposes and they can be a great source of leisure and relaxation. For instance, lots of students like art and music but seldom do they have a chance to learn. Actually, taking art and music classes help to develop creativity and make the students more imaginative. Actually, lots of scientific research in the psychological field shows that early exposure to art and music not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride. Students who spend more time in learning art and music end up having higher analytical thinking and reasoning skills than those who don’t.

In conclusion, taking courses that students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals and it can also be a great source of leisure and relaxation.


Under the current system of higher education, with the majors becoming increasingly diverse, how to choose an appropriate major has never failed to attract the attention of the general public. Most parents strongly recommend that it is much better to choose a major which can guarantee a good job, while college students, the receiver of higher education, tend to choose the field which caters to their interest. As far as I am concerned, the latter viewpoint is more reasonable, with the reasons listed below.

First of all, selecting the major that students like can help them to grasp the knowledge better. Just as a saying goes, interest is the best teacher, which is true of undergraduates. To illustrate, under the drive of interest, students are more likely to automatically devote more time and energy into what they major in, thus definitely having a better command of professional knowledge and skills imparted by teachers. By contrast, without any interest in what they are taught, college students who generally lack in self-motivation may do anything but study in class. For instance, on campus in China, it is not uncommon to see that many students squander their valuable time by taking a nap, whispering or even playing smart phones while attending the class. What’s worse, some of them may even skip classes. The reason underlying the above phenomenon is nothing but lack of passion for what they learn.

Secondly, choosing a major students are interested in can do a better job in helping them secure a good job. As we all know, with the constant change and progress of society, the job market is also changing quickly. In other words, some promising industries a few years ago might very well become obsolete, which means that the major one chooses cannot necessarily guarantee a good job. By contrast, under such a society full of fierce competition, it is the professional skills and abilities people own that play the key role in landing a decent job. Obviously, only when people select the field they have passion for can they establish a solid foundation of specific knowledge and skills in this field. Therefore, the major catering to one’s interest can better improve his or her competence, thus increasing their likelihood of securing a decent job.

Taking all the above into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that choosing the major which interests students is much better, in terms of making undergraduates have a better command of what they major in and find a suitable job.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Your job has a greater effect on one’s overall happiness than your social life does.


Your job has more effects on happiness than your social life does.

题目大意: 你的工作要比你的社交生活对幸福影响更大。此题目涉及到抽象词“幸福”,可能小伙伴们会觉得有些难度,如果大家了解马斯洛的需求层次理论的话,本题目并不难,波波建议大家选择,两者对于幸福有同样的作用,因为工作满足了我们的物质需求,而社交生活满足了我们的社交需求。



9月24日托福写作 范文

There is no denying that happiness originates in the acts of meeting people's various needs. Nowadays some people claim that happiness is more affected by the job they owned than their social life. This is a popular misunderstanding. As far as I am concerned, social life and jobs have the equal role in making people feel happy, because they can respectively satisfy people's different needs.

On the one hand, a decent and well-paid job can provide us with a large amount of money, which could fulfill our material needs and improve our living standards. For example, with adequate financial resources we can live in a spacious and well-decorated house with six bedrooms and eight restrooms. We can travel around the world and visit the Forbidden City inChina, the Liberty Statue inAmericaand the Big Ben inBritain. In addition, such a good deal of money enables us to keep fit by having nutritious diet and mineral water transferred from the water source. Meanwhile, we can hire a personal doctor around the clock in case of any emergence of disease. We do not have to wait for a long time by standing in the long and crowed lines of patients in hospitals. All these things will definitely make us feel happy.

On the other hand, the important role of social life in helping us attain happiness can not be ignored. Confucius, one of the greatest philosophers and educators inChina, once remarked that it is a pleasant thing to meet with a friend from afar, which indicates that friendship is another source of happiness. Participation in social activities will enlarge our social circle and make us make acquaintance with more people. For example, if you are a bookworm, you can take part in readers' association where you will encounter a lot people who share a common interest. Chatting and talking with them will help form a deep friendship and make you have a better mood. The reason underlying the above example is that your need of communicating with others is met by participating in social life.

In conclusion, since happiness depends on the fulfillment of one's need, social life and jobs combines together to make us happy. It is an exaggeration to say that your job has more effects on happiness than your social life.


People tend to have different expectations out of a job, like personal satisfaction, higher pay, respect, and social recognition. Some people are so dedicated to their jobs that they barely have something fun life, while others tend to seek happiness outside of their professional life. Personally, I think my job has a greater impact on my overall happiness than my social life based on the following reasons.

First off, for professionals, especially newly minted college graduates, a job can provide them a great sense of satisfaction. When holding a job, one feels that he or she assumes great responsibility and has something offer back to the community regardless of ones’ positions, be it cashier, janitor, professor or even business managers. For instance, an Executive Officer can help to create jobs that benefit lots of people; chefs can create a new dish and release his creativity, at the same time customers will be amazed by his new dish; a professor gets a great sense of accomplishment when he imparts knowledge to his students or comes up a groundbreaking finding in a certain academic field. Though the happiness and satisfaction can be subtle in a working environment, nonetheless, it can be very contagious and eventually makes someone a satisfied person in life.

Additionally, holding a job can offer someone monetary incentive and it can also be an important source of motivation and happiness. Without a decent salary one cannot afford the daily necessities like paying rent, covering living expense, like utility bills, internet bills, to say nothing about living a comfortable life. A recent study on the correlation between monetary compensation and employee satisfactions published by Harvard Business Review suggests that higher financial reward affords great happiness in a working environment. Indeed, the monetary reward from the job can make someone very happy and give them a sense of achievement. With the salary, a young adult can have some disposable income and thus be more financially independent, buy things they like or take a trip somewhere.

In conclusion, a job can provide more happiness than one’s social life since career opportunities provide people a great sense of satisfaction and the monetary incentive assoc
