200字范文 > 连年有余字画


时间:2021-10-30 02:41:09




Zhu Yuqing, born in 1962 in Wuhu, Anhui Province, is a famous painter. He is a member of Anhui Artists Association, a member and director of China National Artists Association, a member and director of Wuhu Artists Association, and a national first-class artist. Zhu Yuqing's artistic attainments of Chinese painting are deeply reflected in landscape painting and figure painting. In his painting techniques and spirit, he understood and inherited Zhang Daqian's art system. Whether landscape painting or figure painting, its form and quality belong to the far-reaching Zhang Daqian School of painting. It can be said that he has made great achievements in the school. Of course, Zhu Yuqing's painting achievements can be attributed to the daqianyi school, not out of thin air. Zhu Yuqing is very obsessed with painting art and loves it deeply. This kind of cultivation mentality is just in line with the practical needs of Zhang Daqian's painting school in the period of foundation building. He needs to copy the famous landscape paintings of Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties according to his infatuation with painting art, so as to learn from others' strong points and understand everyone's art practice.


More than one year is a traditional Chinese auspicious pattern composed of lotus and carp to celebrate the meaning of wealth. Lotus is the homophony of Lian, Nian is the homophony of catfish, and fish is the homophony of Yu, also known as the annual fish. Every Spring Festival, people will sacrifice live carp, eat taro (FISH) head in the evening, to show the next year's harvest. When making dumplings, a lot of stuffing will be left to show the fiscal surplus next year. Since ancient times, it is not only common in ordinary people, but also in high-ranking officials and rich merchants and gentlemen. Ancient auspicious patterns. Catfish is mainly used as decorative patterns, which means "Lian (Lotus). (homophonic) year (catfish). (homonym of year) Youyu (fish, Yu homonym) ". It has been widely used in various decorations in the past dynasties.


The painting technique of this painting is: the lotus leaves are dyed with ink and green, the positive leaves are left with double water lines, and the reverse leaves are left with single water lines. Lotus petal root was dyed with peony red, and the deep part of the flower was dyed with gamboge yellow and red fat, thin coated for many times. The lotus pods were dyed with ochre green and ink, and the carp were depicted in detail, and the parts were very harmonious. The texture of the front and back of the leaf was dyed with black green, and the texture was in harmony with the size, thickness and shade. The lotus petal root is dyed with peony red and cyan, and the dark part is dyed uniformly, which is very three-dimensional. The back petal thick peony red is used to separate the tendons and veins, the flower center color and the lotus seed are separately dyed, until the details are satisfied. Point pistil gathering and dispersing, elegant and flexible. Red carp vine yellow dye, fish scale root thick color hook scale, point out the fish line, heavy ink highlights. Black fish covered with gamboge. It can be called exquisite and worth collecting.

