200字范文 > 文学创作观 Views on literary creation英语短句 例句大全

文学创作观 Views on literary creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-30 07:00:54


文学创作观 Views on literary creation英语短句 例句大全

文学创作观,Views on literary creation

1)Views on literary creation文学创作观


1.To Convey the Inner Man Proper in Writing--Lu Xun′s Outlook On Literary Writing;“创作抒写自己的心”——略论鲁迅的文学创作观

2.Advocating Natural Writing stlye--On Liu Chenweng s Concept of Literature Creation;崇尚“自然”——试论刘辰翁文学创作观

3.The literature creation and style theory under the influence of Ge Hong s Taoism theory;葛洪仙学理论影响下的文学创作观和风格论

4.On the relation between Song and Jin and seting up the system of literature creating idea;试论宋金关系与文学创作观念体系的构建

5.Ba Jin s “Non-technique” Writing and Su Shi s “Plain”Idea of Literay Creative Writing;巴金的“无技巧”和苏轼的“平淡”文学创作观

6.Study on Huang Jin s Productions and Literary Opinions;试论黄(氵晋)的诗文创作及其文学观

7.Literary Creation in the Early Jian An Period and the Emotional Experience of Scholars in literary ideas;建安前期文学创作与文人文学观念的情感深化

8.On the Historical View in Toni Morrison s Literary Works;托尼·莫里森文学创作中的历史观研究

9.The Relationship between Development of Concept of Xushi and Creation of Literature in Tang and Song Dynasty;唐宋“虚实”观的发展与文学创作关系

10.Two Xus Literary View in the Tang Dynasty and Their Literary Creations;南唐“二徐”的文学观及其创作实践

11.Self-amusement: Li Yu s Writing Psychologyand Literary Functional Views;自娱:李渔的创作心态及文学功能观

12.Intergrated observation on features of literature-creating subject and mainstream literature in Song Dynasty;宋代文学创作主体和主流文学特质的整体观照

13.Literary Creation in Vassal States of Early Han Dynasty and Changes in their Owners’Literary Ideas汉初藩王文学观念的变迁和藩国文学创作

14.On Hanyoo s Literature Theory from the Point of View of Tradition and Verse Writing Practice by;从“道统”观和诗文创作实践看韩愈的文学理论

15.The Literature Concept of "Wen Fu" by Lu Ji and Its Reflection in Poetry Creation;陆机《文赋》的文学观在其诗歌创作中的反映

16.An Era of Literary Self-Consciousness -- On Self-Consciousness in Literary Creation and Literary Concept During Wei & Jin Dynasties;文学的自觉时代——魏晋文学创作与文学观念的自觉

17.Ruan Ji s Value Concept and Its Influence on His Aesthetic Ideas and Literary Creation;论阮籍价值观对其美学思想和文学创作的影响

18.A Comprehensive Description on Sathe s Existential Philosophy and Literature Creation;萨特的存在主义哲学观和他的文学创作综述


the literature creating idea文学创作观念

3)literary works文学创作

1.Much description in Wang Zengqi"sliterary works has been contributed to "eating".汪曾祺文学创作中谈"吃"者甚众,尤钟情于淮扬美食。

4)literary writing文学创作

1.Advancing or Retreating: Elegance and Heaviness——on the state of mind andliterary writing of scholars at the turn of the Song to Yuan Dynasty;进退辞受间的优雅与沉重——宋元之交的士人心态与文学创作

2.Intermittent mental illness accompanied Wolf sliterary writing.女性作家的身份焦虑及对于创作成功的焦虑加剧了早年因亲人去世而诱发的精神病病情;但是,文学创作活动在一定程度上缓解了她的精神压力,起到了治疗作用;而且,患病经历也丰富了作家的文学视角,形成独特的艺术景观。

3.Liu’sliterary writings and his translations, his moral integrity as a scholar and his academic activities.本文探讨了我国当今翻译界著名翻译家刘重德教授的翻译理论和实践活动,着重从他的文学创作和翻译活动、翻译理论与翻译实践、学问道德和学会建设来展开。

5)literary creation文学创作

1.Briefly on Wei Xiangqiu s Academic Research and Literary Creation;桂香飘文叶 古圃绽奇葩——韦湘秋学术研究与文学创作简评

2.A Comment on the Female-consciousness of zhang Ai-ling in Her Literary creations;论张爱玲文学创作中的女性意识

3.The influence of childhood experience on Meijie sliterary creation;“不朽的暗示来自童年”——论童年经验对梅洁文学创作的影响

6)Literature creation文学创作

1.The realm of Shen Congwen s literature creation;沈从文文学创作的境界分析

2.Memory and Idea ──The Aesthetic Qsychology and female character of literature creation of Moment in Peking;记忆与表象——《京华烟云》文学创作的审美心理与女性形象

3.It is seen from the minority children literature creation of the year ,no matter what they are: novels,children′s poetry,fairy tales,prose,to express naturally the richness and beauty of national characters in children′s literature which also melt naturally with contemporary and children characters.从少数民族儿童文学创作中可以看到,无论是小说还是童诗、童话、散文,都自然地显现出儿童文学民族性的丰富和美丽,而儿童文学民族性又自然地与当代性、儿童性相交融。


