200字范文 > 创作共性 similarities of literary creation英语短句 例句大全

创作共性 similarities of literary creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-26 09:27:23


创作共性 similarities of literary creation英语短句 例句大全

创作共性,similarities of literary creation

1)similarities of literary creation创作共性


1.On the Common Features of the Writing by Women Writers of Shanghai School;世俗·欲望——论海派女作家的创作共性

2.The Commonness of Charlotte Bronte and Ding ling Works;论夏绿蒂·勃朗特与丁玲的创作共性

3.A Study of the Similarities of D.H. Lawrence and Zhang Ailing;论转型时期劳伦斯与张爱玲的创作共性

4.Public Character and Private Character: The Paradox of Ding Ling in Her Earlier Creative Writing;公共性和私人性:丁玲前期创作的悖论

5.Study on Cooperation Mode of Generic Technological Innovation in the Enterprise Cluster企业集群共性技术合作创新方式研究

6.Subtle Research on the Historic Certainty of the Foundation of the Communist Party of China --Dedicating to the 80th Anniversary of the Birth of the Communist Party of China;中国共产党创立之历史必然性探微——为中国共产党创立80周年而作

7.HBaH CepreeBHq TypDeHeB Personality of Creation and Yu Dafus Aesthetic Resonance;论屠格涅夫的创作个性与郁达夫的审美共鸣

8.Striving for Development and Prosperity Through Cooperation合作发展 共创辉煌

9.We are looking forward to your cooperation, mutually creating the future and the magnificence!我们正期待着与您的合作,共创未来、共创辉煌!

10.Seeking the coordination of the public environment sculpture-- with the creation of Laozi statue as an example;寻求公共环境雕塑的协调性——以城市雕塑老子像的创作为例

11.Creating the Public Nature of Ideological and Political Work --Comparing with Enterprise Culture Building;创制思想政治工作的公共性——通过与企业文化建设的比较

12.Dances With Wolves:the New Perception About Aesthetic Creation of Literature - - - three sides of the analysis on the brief fiction The Hunter and the Wolf;与狼共舞:文学审美创作的新感性——短篇小说《猎人与狼》解读三议

13.Creative Thought of Architectural Creation & Innovation of It s Works;建筑创作的创造性思维及作品的创新

14.Science Commons is an exploratory project to apply the philosophies and activities of Creative Commons in the realm of science.科研共用是将创作共用的价值观和运动应用到科学领域的一项探索性项目。


16.Precise Understanding of the Functions of the Comintern in the Founding of the CPC;正确理解共产国际在中国共产党创建中的作用

17.Corporate-Independent Innovation:Innovation Advantage and Conflict of the Intellectual Property Sharing;合作型自主创新:创新优势与知识产权共享冲突

18.A Brief Discussing on the Role of the Communist Youth League in Enterprise Activities of Innovation and Benefit-making;浅谈企业创新创效活动中共青团的作用


creative commons创作共用

1.This paper introduces the definition and features of the open access,and introduces the copyright features of the open access and its connection with thecreative commons.介绍了开放存取的定义及特点,阐明了开放存取的版权特点及与创作共用的联系。

3)collective creativity共创性

1.Thecollective creativity of art is student-oriented,in-spires their potential,foster their compositive diathesis,and probes on the methods,ways,contents and opinions of teaching.其中共创性艺术教学着重于构建体现以学生为主体,激发学生学习潜能,培养学生综合素质,并在教学的方式、手段、内容和评价等方面进行探索。

4)creative personality创作个性

1.The artistic language style and the writer screative personality;艺术语言风格和作家创作个性的关系

2.Shen Cong-wen"s Xiangxi nostalgia withcreative personality from the text of the cultural construct湘西怀旧与沈从文创作个性的文化建构

3.First of all,it identifies the personality and thecreative personality,the affiliation and differences between them,as well as their roles played in the formation of the different writing styles ;secondly,it discusses the relationship between the styles and thecreative personality.由当下文学界的一个现实问题着手谈作家创作个性与风格,首先从个性与创作个性的概念谈起,论述二者的联系与区别,以及它们对风格的决定作用;其次讨论风格的定义及其与创作个性的关系;最后得出结论:作家创作个性与风格密不可分,并联系当下文学界的实际谈谈探讨这一问题的重要意义。

5)Creation individuality创作个性

1."Body" Speaking Personally: Discussing Han Dong s Creation Individuality of Youth Novel;“身体”的个人言说——论韩东青年题材小说创作个性

2.This novel manifests uniqueCreation individuality of Dickens′.小说表现出一系列的美学特征:强烈的人道主义倾向,悬念迭生的故事情节以及沉稳凝练的语言风格,从而体现了狄更斯独特的创作个性。

3.Shen Congwen and Shi Tuo both are writers who seek creation individuality consciously.沈从文与师陀都是自觉追求创作个性的作家。

6)creative individuality创作个性

1.Suchcreative individuality is the product of v.之所以能形成这样的创作个性,是因为他当初是一位诗人,且深受中国古典诗词的浸润,同时他又是一个佛教徒,对佛教禅学有一定的研究。


共性与个性(见一般与个别)共性与个性(见一般与个别)universality and individuality共性与个性习石人川g(un至versality见一般与个别、a打dind主vidu执,
