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后期编辑 the later stage editing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-08 02:54:14


后期编辑 the later stage editing英语短句 例句大全

后期编辑,the later stage editing

1)the later stage editing后期编辑


1.Non-linearity editor system is an executing equipment for TV program anaphase editing based on computer operation flat roof.[ 摘要]非线性编辑系统是以计算机为操作平台的电视节目后期编辑制作设备。

2.The Characters of Editoring and Publshing of Popular Novels at the later Stage of Ming;论明代后期通俗小说编辑出版的特点

3.Edit Engineering,Edit Substance and Edit Principle--Edit Activity of Academic Periodical in the Perspective of Engineering;编辑工程、编辑实体与编辑虚体——工程论视野中的学术期刊编辑活动

4.Research on Journal Editing Experience and Thought of Qin Zhaoyang;秦兆阳期刊编辑活动及编辑思想研究

5.Young Sci-tec Editors Should Make Researches on Scientific Study of Editing;青年科技期刊编辑应进行编辑学研究

6.Attitudes of the Editor:From the Perspective of Journal Editor"s Psychology编辑态度探析——以期刊编辑心理为视角

7.A concrete control which supports editing a date value.日期编辑器:支持日期值编辑的具体控件。

8.The Early Periodical Edit and Editing Thoughts of Zhou Zuoren;周作人前期的期刊编辑活动与编辑思想研究

9.The editor cut out the last paragraph编辑将最后一段删掉了。

10.On Editors Editing and Scientific Research Competence;论学术期刊编辑人员应具备的编辑与科研能力

11.Influence of Editor Quality on Mood of Editor at Work;试论期刊编辑素质对编辑工作情绪的影响

12.On the Computer System of Modern EditorialManagement in the Journal Editorial Department;期刊编辑部现代化编辑管理计算机系统

13.How to choose a good topic of editorial article for young editors of sci-tech periodicals科技期刊青年编辑撰写编辑学论文如何选题

14.Sci-tech periodical editors should pay attention to editorial practical writing科技期刊编辑应重视编辑应用文的写作训练

15.Study on Ye Shengtao s Editorial Practice of THE JUVENILE STUDENT (1930-1937);叶圣陶主编《中学生》(前期)编辑实践研究

16.Periodical editor"s practice embodies innovative spirit, while the editor"s Creativeness is the roots of the periodical"s development and growth.期刊编辑实践体现着期刊编辑的创新精神,编辑的创造性是期刊发展壮大的源泉。

17.Discussion on Similarities and Differences between News Magazines" Editors and Academic Journal" Editors浅析新闻期刊与学术期刊编辑的异同

18.{You cannot edit the duration of an inserted project task.}Edit the durations of the tasks in the inserted project instead.{无法编辑插入项目的工期。}请编辑插入项目内任务的工期。





1.In view of this,the human intervention,namely pre-edition andpost-edition,can be involved to improve the quality of MT.鉴于此,人们可以通过译前编辑与译后编辑介入机器翻译来提高机译译文的质量。

5)periodical editor期刊编辑

1.Three things aperiodical editor should do in everyday work;期刊编辑日常工作中的“三宜”

2.The cultivation ofperiodical editor’s quality under the condition of market economy;论市场经济条件下期刊编辑素养

3.The job ofperiodical editors is complex and sucsessive, which needs not only creativity on synthetical brain labor, but also the thought of working as maritage for others .期刊编辑工作是一项较为复杂、连续性的工作 ,既是创造性的综合脑力劳动 ,又要有“为他人做嫁衣裳”的思想。

6)journal editors期刊编辑

1.This paper sets forth the comprehensive qualities demanded onjournal editors in the information age and it is hoped that it ll be beneficial for newly fellow editors.互联网在给广大编辑提供方便、快捷、高效的工作方式和途径的同时,也对编辑自身的综合素质提出了新要求,编辑素质的高低直接影响着期刊整体质量的好坏,本文从六大方面阐述了网络时代期刊编辑所需具备的综合素质,希望能对初为编辑的同仁有所裨益。

2.To improve thejournal editors informational accomplishment includes strengthening their awareness of information, enriching their "information bank", enhancing their skills to utilize and master informational tools, so as to help cultivate their ability to evaluate, analyze and utilize information comprehensively and accurately, and to achieve extensive and effective choice of information.期刊编辑只有具备了较高的信息素养 ,才能办好刊物。


