200字范文 > 后期 Later Stage英语短句 例句大全

后期 Later Stage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-21 05:21:23


后期 Later Stage英语短句 例句大全

后期,Later Stage

1)Later Stage后期

1.As at his preceding stage, Xu Zhimo had also pursuited the lovely, democratic and scientific ideals at his later stage.后期的徐志摩与前期一样 ,在言行上仍然追求真爱、民主、科学的理想。

2.In the later stage of Yuan Dynasty,there appear two schools in literature world:o.元代后期 ,诗坛上形成了以虞集等人为代表的师古派和以刘诜等人为代表的师心派。


1.A later period or time晚期,后期,衰落期

2.The period when something approaches an end.后期接近结束的时期

3.Following the embryonic stage of development.胚胎后期的在胚胎发育期之后的

4.Entrepreneurship before, during and after dot-com网络公司的前期、中期与后期创业

5.FromLate Latin dominicum.源自后期拉丁语dominicum。

6.This is the deadline of the loading period.这是装船的最后期限。

7.Thursday follows Wednesday.星期三后面是星期四。

8.Monday comes after Sunday.星期天之后便是星期一。

9.This Saturday? The day after tomorrow?这个星期六?后天?

10.The day after tomorrow, that is, Saturday.后天,就是星期六。

11.Relating to or occurring during the time following a glacial period.冰期后的与冰期后的时期有关的,或在冰期后的时期里发生的

12.The period of sexual inactivity that follows estrus.后情期动情后的性不活跃期

13.Wednesday comes after Tuesday and before Thursday.星期三在星期二之后,星期四之前。

14.Term: This Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date and its term shall end five (5) years from the date hereof.期限:协议在生效日期开始效,在签订有效日期后的5年后到期。

15.suspension of leave earned押后放取所累积的假期

16.I"ll is on holiday the week after next.我将在两星期后放假。

17.In a fortnight"s time I will is home.两星期后我会在家的。

18."So long, see you in about two weeks."约两星期后再见了!



1.As first step, this thesis made brief introduction for the unique phenomena existed in Chen Naishan s articles, then maintain studying and researching these articles from bran-new point of view based on previous pursuer s production on that , and try to find the key to the great difference of Chen s articles between prophase andanaphase .本文在引言中首先简要提出程乃珊作品中存在的独特现象,并在简要概括前人研究成果的基础上提出应对程乃珊的文本做一个全新的解析,以期能够对程乃珊前后期反差作出解答,为了能够更好地分析程乃珊的作品,本文大致以时序对程乃珊作品进行了一个前后期的划分。

3)latter period后期

1.While the poets in thelatter period represented by Bian Zh ilin and Fei Ming are mainly influe.以戴望舒、何其芳为代表的现代派前期诗歌意象艺术 ,在意象意境化探索与对中国古典诗歌意象的现代性化用中 ,体现出对中西诗歌意象艺术融合的自觉追求 ;以卞之琳、废名为代表的现代派后期诗人主要接受的是后期象征派艺术的影响 ,意象艺术转向了潜沉的智性表现方向 ,并呈现出意象的日常化特征。

4)later period后期

1.This thesis seeks to study the style of Eileen Chang s novels in thelater period.本论文试图对张爱玲后期小说文体进行研究。


1.technology On the modern film and television post-production浅议现代影视后期制作技术

2.Hunan channel modern women is approved by State Administration of Radio, the first woman named to a national digital pay-television channels, through two years of operation, the channel section has a basic position, and thePost-packaging is in a urgent need of revision.湖南现代女性频道是经国家广电总局批准的中国第一家以女性命名的全国数字电视付费频道,通过两年的运行,频道栏目基本定位,后期包装急需改版。

6)the early and late periods早期和后期


