200字范文 > 学校教育评价改革 reform of school education evaluation英语短句 例句大全

学校教育评价改革 reform of school education evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-22 02:43:16


学校教育评价改革 reform of school education evaluation英语短句 例句大全

学校教育评价改革,reform of school education evaluation

1)reform of school education evaluation学校教育评价改革

1.Thereform of school education evaluation must be based on correct theory.学校教育评价改革必须立足科学的理论基础。


1.From the "Abstract People" to "Specific Individuals"从“抽象的人”到“具体个人”:学校教育评价改革的基础

2.Attempting to Discuss the Teaching Evaluation of the New Curriculum of P.E.School;试论学校体育新课程的教学评价改革

3.A Probe into Course Evaluation Reform of Chinese Pedagogy;高校《语文教育学》课程评价改革初探

4.The Study on the Reform of Evaluation Methods of PE Teaching in Universities;普通高校体育教学评价方法改革研究

5.Evaluation on Teacher Development in College Physical Education Reform;高校体育教学改革中的教师发展性评价研究

6.Assessment Reform and Development over Physical Teaching in the New Period;新时期学校体育教学评价的改革与发展

7.Reform of Teaching Appraisement of Physical and Health Classes in Universisities;对高校体育与健康课中教学评价方法的改革

8.An Exploration into the Reform of PE Teaching Evaluation in College with the Ideology “Health First”;从“健康第一”思想探讨高校体育教学评价改革

9.Under the Humanist Angle of View"s Ordinary University Public Physical Education"s Teaching Appraisal Reforms以人为本视角下高校公共体育课教学评价改革

10.On the Reformation of Students Achievement Evaluation in Physical Education in Schools;学校体育课程“学生学习评价”改革思辨

11.Discussion on the Reform of PE Teacher Evaluation in Colleges from the Idea of Developmental Evaluation;以发展性评价理念谈高校体育教师评价改革

12.The Research of English Teaching Assessment Reform in Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校英语教学评价改革研究

13.Research on Teaching Reform Project Comprehensive Evaluation of High School高等学校教学改革项目综合评价研究

14.The Reform Direction of Effects Evaluation in P.E. at the Institutions of Higher Learning;论高校学生体育效果评价的改革方向

15.Tao Xingzhi Sports Thought to University Sports Teaching Appraisal System Reform Enlightenment;陶行知体育思想对高校体育教学评价体系改革的启示

16.The Aim of Instruction and System of Course Reforming and Evaluation of Education of Music and Art as Common Required Courses in Colleges and Universities;高校公共艺术教育教学目标、课程改革及评价体系初探

17.A probe into reform on assessing evaluation of P.E. in middle schools;对中学体育教学考核评价的改革探索

18.Practice and Apprehension of Sport Measurement Evaluation Teaching Reform;体育测量评价教学改革的实践与认识


assessment reform教育评价改革

3)evaluation system reform学校评价改革

4)reforms of school education学校教育改革

5)teaching evaluation innovation教学评价改革

1.It has made important enlightenment and effect onteaching evaluation innovation.这对教学评价改革有着重要的启示和影响,即评价目标由重外在、事先预设走向更重内向、动态生成,由重结果走向更重过程,重知识的积累走向更重智慧的生成;评价内容多元化;评价主体多元化、评价主体与评价客体统一化;评价方法多元化,由重定量评价走向定性评价与定量评价的结合。

6)teaching reform and evaluation教学改革、评价


