200字范文 > 语文美育 Chinese aesthetic education英语短句 例句大全

语文美育 Chinese aesthetic education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-09 10:23:03


语文美育 Chinese aesthetic education英语短句 例句大全

语文美育,Chinese aesthetic education

1)Chinese aesthetic education语文美育

1.At present,the tremendous conflict inChinese aesthetic education is that teachers value guide and students active construction can t reach unity.目前,语文美育的巨大矛盾是教师的价值引导和学生自主建构的不统一性。

2.Chinese aesthetic education has two essential tasks:firstly, development of aesthetics---to make the students foster the noble morality and form the healthy aesthetic sense; secondly, development of aesthetic judgment--- to make the students influenced by the beauty, enlighten them as to feel it, instruct them appreciating it and encourage them to improve their aesthetic judgment.语文美育有两个最基本的任务:一是审美情操的培养,即培养学生高尚的道德情操和健康的审美情趣,形成健康高尚的审美观;二是审美能力的培养,即在语文教学过程中,让学生受到美的熏陶,启发学生去感受美,引导学生去鉴赏美,激励学生去创造美,不断提高学生的审美能力。

3.The object ofChinese aesthetic education is ideological content and language form in an arti- cle.语文美育的审美对象是教材中文章的思想内容美和语言形式美,教师指导学生进行美创造活动,必须坚持思想内容和语言形式的统一,具体把握其美的特征。


1.Discussion on Chinese Aesthetic Education (Ⅰ)--Study on Essential Assignment of Chinese Aesthetic Education;也谈语文美育(一)——关于语文美育基本任务问题的探讨

2.The aestheticical education:a realm of both familiarity and strangeness;语文美育:一个熟悉而陌生的教学领域

3.By“beautiful”nurtures the human--To discuss in the specialized middle school language teaching the esthetic education;以“美”育人——谈中专语文教学中的美育

bining Beauty with Education,Culturing Beauty by Cheering the Heart--Discussions on Aesthetic Education in Middle School;寓美于教 怡情育美——谈中学语文审美教育

5.The Loftiness in Chinese Teaching;提升崇高美在语文教学中的美育作用

6.Aesthetic Education--Brief Discussion on Infiltration of Aesthetic Education of the Chinese Teaching;美的回归——浅谈语文教学中美育的渗透

7.The Orientation of Language and the Bilingual Educational Policy in the United States;美国的语言文化倾向与双语教育政策

8.Aesthetic Education of Ancient Chinese Teaching Process in Vocational Schools;在中职语文文言文教学中进行审美教育

9.Predicament and Solutions: Aesthetic Education in Chinese Teaching in Picture-Reading Era;困境与契机:读图时代的语文审美教育

10.On Aesthetic Affective Education in Teaching Reading in Middle Schools;中学语文阅读教学中的审美情感教育

11.On the Education of Fine Arts Connoisseurship in the Multi Dimensional Cultural Context of China;多元文化语境下的我国美术鉴赏教育

12.On the Aesthetic Education of the Women Figures in Middle School Chinese Teaching Materials;中学语文教材中女性人物形象美育论

13.The Esthetic Values in the Teaching of Chinese Classical Poetry;《大学语文》古诗词教学中的审美教育

14.Chinese Education Should Pursue New Concept of Mergence of Truth,Kindness and Beauty;语文教育应探求真善美融合的新理念

15.On the Model of "Aesthetic Education Three Sections" in Introductory Reading of Chinese Teaching;语文课“美育三环节”导读模式初探

16.On Purpose and Function of the Esthetic Education sin Chinese Lan guage and Literature Teaching;美育在中学语文教学中的目的和效用

17.The Aesthetic Thought of Happy Education in the Chinese Teaching of the Mddle Schods;中学语文教学中愉快教育的美学思考

18.Developing the Aesthetic Function in College Chinese;充分发挥大学语文课的审美教育作用


Chinese esthetic education语文美育

3)aesthetic education in Chinese teaching语文美育

1.The characteristics ofaesthetic education in Chinese teaching are shown in the four unities: the unity of subject and object, aesthetic nature and knowledge acquisition, sensation and understanding, and emotion and cognition.语文美育教学的特征主要表现为"四个统一":主导与主体的统一;主体与客体的统一;审美性与求知性的统一;感觉与理解、感情与认识相统一。

2.So, it is necessary to probe into the ideal state ofaesthetic education in Chinese teaching.语文美育是语文素质教育的重要组成部分 ,语文美育的理想境界历来是语文教育研究的重要内容。

4)Aesthetic Education of Chinese语文美育

1.The purpose of this study is to examine:(1)the basis of aesthetic education of chinese in senior high school,(2) the scope of aesthetic education of chinese in senior high school, (3)the condition of constructing aesthetic education of chinese in senior high school,(4)the quality of chinese teacher in senior high school.本文从高中语文教学实践出发,主要探讨了高中语文美育的基础、高中语文美育的范畴、建构高中语文美育过程的条件和高中语文教师的美育修养,旨在表明要想更好地在一线语文教育中开展美育实践工作就必须从语文学科自身出发。

5)Chinese aesthetic education of primary schools小学语文美育

6)Practice of Universal Chinese Aesthetics Education语文美育的实施


《淮南子》中美育心理学思想《淮南子》中美育心理学思想psychological thought on aesthetic education in Huai Nan Zi《淮南子》中美育心理学思想(psy-ehologiea]thought on aesthetie edueationin Huai Na。21)((淮南子》又名《淮南鸿烈》。汉高祖之孙淮南王刘安(公元前179一前1)及其门人的著作。因作者多受道家思想影响,有些美学观点非常玄虚,不易理解,但有些审美教育观点仍有可取之处。如关于美丑问题,《淮南子》认为美丑都具有一定的特性,不因人的主观好恶而改变其性质。《淮南子·说山训》举例说:“碗琐之玉,在污泥之中,虽廉者不释:弊革颤甄,在甄茵之上,虽贪者不搏。美之所在,虽污辱,世不能贱:恶之所在,虽高隆,世不能贵。”这是用以物喻人的对比手法表述美学思想,其意是以美玉代表品德高尚的人,或心灵美的人。而以弊草散甄比喻卑鄙小人。品德高尚的人,就是一时受到侮辱,世人也不会轻贱他;反之,丑恶的小人,即使一时得宠,也不能受到世人的尊重。这样的美丑观点,明显是为了教育人保持高尚的品德。又如作者认识到,如果主体的行为和所具备的条件有变化,也会影响别人对他的审美评价。《淮南子·修务训》举例说:“毛始西施是天下美人,如果使她口衔腐鼠,身披刺猜皮、穿豹子裘,腰带死蛇,就是贫贱的人在她面前经过,也要掩鼻斜视瞧不起她。”作者以美人之美,比喻人的心灵美或品德美,是内在的美、美的本质;以衣著比喻表现于外的文饰。如果质文相称,就如心灵美与言行美内外-致。所谓文质彬彬,然后君子,如内美外丑,也有损于美人的形象。《淮南子》关于内质外文的美育心理学思想,也表现在论歌唱和绘画方面:唱歌,只有抒发情感意志的心声才能形成美妙的歌声,故“乐听其音,则知其俗,见其俗则知其化”,乐教才有可能;画人物,只是形象逼真不算美,必须把人物的情感、意志表现出来,所谓“神似”才有感染力,作为学习的榜样,才能起到美育作用。(匝亚}撰甘欣然审)
