200字范文 > 美育功能 aesthetic education function英语短句 例句大全

美育功能 aesthetic education function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-12 19:03:48


美育功能 aesthetic education function英语短句 例句大全

美育功能,aesthetic education function

1)aesthetic education function美育功能

1.To be exact, there are four functions: moral education function of ideological nurture,intellectual education function of thinking training,aesthetic education function of emotional edification and psychological education function of per.具体来说 ,可以归纳出以下四大功能 :思想熏陶的德育功能 ;思维训练的智育功能 ;情感陶冶的美育功能 ;人格塑造的心育功能。

pared with the present situations of art education abroad ,from the perspective of dancing saesthetic education function and educational function,strengthening the education of dancing is of great importance for the comprehensive qualities of college students.与外国的艺术教育现状相比 ,从舞蹈的美育功能和教育功能来看 ,加强大学生的舞蹈艺术教育对提高大学生的整体素质有着重要意义。


1.Aesthetics Meaning and Aesthetic Education Function of Campus Environment;校园环境的美学意义及美育功能浅析

2.Aesthetic significance of P.E.environments and its aesthetic educational function体育环境的美学意义及其美育功能探讨

3.Pay Attention to Aesthetic Function in Music Education and MakeReforms in Institutions of Higher Learning;改革高校音乐教育,重视音乐教育的美育功能

4.A Brief Talk on Art Education Role in the Politics-Teaching Process;略谈《思想政治》课教学中的美育功能

5.Improving the Aesthetic Quality of University Students through Developing the Aesthetic Function of University Library;开发高校图书馆美育功能 提高大学生审美素养

6.Talking About the Quality Education in Dance--Aesthetic Features of Dance Teachers;浅谈舞蹈中的素质教育——舞蹈教师的美育功能

7.On Aesthetic Function of Music Education in Common Universities and Colleges;普通高校音乐教育的美育功能及实现探讨

8.Research on the Function of Mathematic Aesthetic Educationin the Economic Age of Knowledge;知识经济时代数学教育的美育功能新探

9.The Special Effects of Aerobics on Female College Students" Aesthetic Experiences and Aesthetic Education Function健美操对女大学生审美体验及美育功能的特殊作用

10.Art Education in the Modern Aesthetic, Moral, Intellectual s Role;浅析现代美术教育的美育、德育、智育功能

11.The Educating Function of Art Education and the Means of its Realization;论美术教育的育人功能及其实现途径

12.The Unique Function of Aesthetic Education in Ideological and Moral Education;论美育在思想品德教育中的独特功能

13.On the Features of Aesthetics and the Educational Function of Music;浅谈音乐艺术的审美特点与教育功能

14.An Exploration of the Exploitation of the Taste Function of Music Education;试论现阶段音乐教育审美功能的开发

15.American general education and its function论美国高校通识教育及其思想政治教育的功能

16.Values Orientation of Art Education and Educational Function in Normal University高师美术教育价值取向与教育功能的全面凸现

17.On the Aesthetic Education Function of Susanne. K. Langer s Artistic Symbol Concept;苏珊.朗格艺术符号概念的审美教育功能研究

18.Discourse upon Aesthetic Appreciation Function of Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools--Illustrated by Zhu Ziqing s Essays;论中学语文教育的审美功能——以朱自清散文为例


function of aesthetic education美育功能

1.The national folk dances provide students with thefunction of aesthetic education, such.民族民间舞蹈具有明德、益智、乐心、健体的美育功能;民族民间舞蹈活动有效地开展,是校园文化建设的需要,是促进校园文明建设的重要环节, 是培养身心健康高素质复合型人才的需要。

3)aesthetic function美育功能

1.Theaesthetic function of chemical courseware无机化学课件的美育功能

2.The purpose of this paper is to reveal theaesthetic functions of the P.对体育环境的美学意义及其美育功能的探讨,是体育美学研究需要解决的课题。

4)the functions of aesthetics education美育的功能

5)function of aesthetic education of physical education体育美育功能

6)Moral Educational Function of Aesthetical Education美育的德育功能



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
