200字范文 > 农民组织 Peasant organization英语短句 例句大全

农民组织 Peasant organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-06 18:24:33


农民组织 Peasant organization英语短句 例句大全

农民组织,Peasant organization

1)Peasant organization农民组织

1.The article holds,given the new situation,that a peasant organization must be established.对此,文章认为建立和健全农民组织是解决“三农”问题的有益探索:一方面,农民组织要转换意识,提高认识,多样发展;另一方面,政府要转换职能,积极引导,大力支持,加强法制建设,完善法律体系,为农民组织的建立健全创造一个宽松的环境。

2.For farmers,peasant organization has economic,policy and educational functions.农民组织对于农民来说,有着经济、政策及教育功能。


anizing the peasants into peasant associations将农民组织在农会里

2.The Party called on the peasants to get organized.党号召农民组织起来。

3.On Higher Level of FarmersOrganization for a Better Income;提高农民组织化程度 增加农民收入

4.Increase Farmers Income and Improve the Degree of Farmers Organization;增加农民收入与提高农民组织化程度

5.The Growth of Peasants" Discourse Rights Through Peasants" Organizing农民组织化视野下农民话语权的成长

6.On the Farmers" Organizations and the Protection of Their Land Rights农民组织化与农民土地权益保障问题


8.Improving the Level of Peasant Organizing and Completes the Agricultural Product Increasing Value;提高农民组织化程度实现农产品增值

9.The Organizations of Farmers: the Way to Solve the Problems of Farmers, Rural Areas and Agriculture;农民组织化:解决“三农”问题的必由之路

10.Roles of Farmers Organizations in the Small Farm Economy of Taiwan;台湾小农经济下农民组织之角色任务

11.Research into the Organization of Farmers--Retrospect and Prospect;农民组织化问题研究——拿取与反哺——农民组织化发展的回顾与展望

12.A Profitable Attempt to Set up a New Pattern of Peasant Organization-Building of the Peasant Organization of North Guangxi;创新农民组织新模式的有益尝试——桂北农民组织建设的实践与思考

13.Research on the Development Space of China"s Peasants Organization中国农民组织化的发展空间研究——以北部湾经济区农民组织化为例

14.The Growth of Peasants Discourse Rights Through Peasants Organizing;农民话语权的成长—以农民组织化为路径

15.They also organized the peasants to collect herbs.他们还组织农民采草药。

16.3. Organize poor peasant leagues first and then, after a few months, peasant associations.三、先组织贫农团,几个月后,再组织农民协会。

17.Rural Government Foundation Transformation and the Farmer s Reorganization;农村治理基础的转型与农民再组织化

18.Study of the Peasant-workers Self-organization on the Background of New Rural Construction;新农村建设背景下农民工自组织研究


farmers organization农民组织

1.Basic conditions of the existence and the development offarmers organization论农民组织存在和发展的基本条件

2.The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development and instruction forfarmers organizations,to make a concise analysis on the relations between social economic systems andfarmers organization.在农民组织的形成与辅导过程中 ,指导制度与相互作用制度宜交互应用 ,才能使组织弹性面对可能的变局。

3.In the process of agricultural modernization, thefarmers organizations have played important roles.台湾长期以来处于小农经济 ,在农业现代化过程中 ,农民组织扮演着极为重要的角色。

3)Farmer organization农民组织

1.It is difficult for farmer organizations to develop by themselves since most of farmer organizations in China are guided by governments,and the organization process is from higher authorities to grassroots.中国的农民组织发展缓慢,缺乏自发机制,政府干预过多,引导过度,不能遵循农民的自愿意志。

4)farmer organization农民组织化

1.This paper introduces several examples of enhancing thefarmer organization degree in Hebei Province,and makes a summary of these typical case to provide a reference for enhancing thefarmer organization degree of our country.文章主要介绍了河北省新农村建设中提高农民组织化程度的几个典型,并总结了这些典型带给我们的有益启示,以期为我国农民组织化程度的提高提供借鉴。

2.In view of the current situation of agricultural products quality certification,this paper expounds the importance of agricultural products quality certification forfarmer organization,and analyzes the development trend offarmer organization after conducting quality certification of agricultural products.从我国农民组织化工作的现状出发,阐述了农产品质量认证对农民组织化的促进作用,并分析了开展农产品质量认证后农民组织化工作的发展趋势。

5)peasant organization农民组织化

1.At present,peasant organization in China mainly has "four modes of reclizing those purposes above,e.目前,我国农民组织化主要有"企业+农户"、"政府+农户"、"农村合作经济组织+农户"和"农村专业批发市场+农户"四种组织模式可供选择,并且有各自的实现途径。

6)farmers" organizations农民自组织


