200字范文 > 农民经济组织 peasant economic organization英语短句 例句大全

农民经济组织 peasant economic organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-28 22:49:46


农民经济组织 peasant economic organization英语短句 例句大全

农民经济组织,peasant economic organization

1)peasant economic organization农民经济组织

1.Theroy and development of thepeasant economic organization in China;中国农民经济组织:理论与发展

2.Basic target of it is to establish valid operating system of agricultural market economy, or to establish clear and definite land title system, competitive, product andelement market, independent family management system and effectivepeasant economic organization-"four-in-one"systems.农村土地制度改革的基本目标应该定位于建立有效的农业市场经济运行体制,即要建立明确的土地产权制度、竞争性产品市场和要素市场、自主的家庭经营制度和有效率的农民经济组织——“四合一”制度体系。

2)cooperative economic organization农民合作经济组织

1.The transformation of government function and the development ofcooperative economic organization;政府职能的转变与农民合作经济组织的发展


1.The New Style Agricultural Cooperatives and the Building of the Chinese Rural Harmonious Society;农民合作经济组织与和谐农村的构建

2.The Growth Mechanism of Farmers Cooperative Economic Organization in Shaanxi Province;陕西农民合作经济组织成长机制研究

3.The Research on Social Responsibility of Farmers Cooperative Economic Organization in China;我国农民合作经济组织社会责任研究

4.The Growth Mechanism of Farmers Cooperative Economic Organization in Western China;西部农民合作经济组织成长机制研究

5.Primary Analyses on the Law Status of Peasants Cooperative Economic Organization;我国农民合作经济组织法律地位初探

6.Study on the Construction of the New Peasants Cooperative Economic Organization;新型农民合作经济组织建设问题研究

7.The SCP analysis of Fujian farmers cooperative organizations;福建农民合作经济组织SCP分析探究

8.The Analysis on Forming Mechanism of Chinese Farmer Cooperative Economic Organizations;我国农民合作经济组织生成机理探析

9.The Practice and Thinking on Peasants Cooperative Economic Organizations of Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industries Demonstration Zone;杨凌农民合作经济组织的实践和思考

10.The Mistaking Cognitions on the Agricultural Cooperation;浅谈对农民合作经济组织的认识误区

11.Research on the obstacles to the development of peasant organization for economic cooperation;我国农民合作经济组织发展障碍研究

12.The Literature Review of China’s Farmers’Cooperative Economic Organizations Theory中国农民合作经济组织理论研究评析

parison of farmers′ cooperative economic organizations between China and the United States,and its enlightenment中、美农民合作经济组织的比较及启示

14.Economic Thought on the Development of the Chinese New Cooperative Economic Organization of Farmers;中国新型农民合作经济组织发展的经济学思考

15.Research on Peasant Cooperative Economic Organization in Agricultural Industrialization;农业产业化中的农民合作经济组织问题研究

16.The Research of Peasant s Professional Cooperative Economy Organizations;农民专业合作经济组织发展问题研究

17.Study of Peasant Professional Cooperative Economic Organization and Models;农民专业合作经济组织及其模式研究

18.On Systematic Management of Farmer Specialized Cooperative Economy Organization;农民专业合作经济组织系统管理研究


cooperative economic organization农民合作经济组织

1.The transformation of government function and the development ofcooperative economic organization;政府职能的转变与农民合作经济组织的发展

3)farmers cooperative economic organization农民合作经济组织

1.The paper analyses the development of thefarmers cooperative economic organizations in developed countries such as USA,Germany,Japan and France,and obtains 5 kinds of fundamental development experiences.分析了美国、德国、日本和法国等发达国家农民合作经济组织的发展,总结了发达国家农民合作经济组织发展的5种基本经验。

2.From our rural society as a whole system,this paper analyzes the basic forming factors and the potential benefits and the costs of foundingfarmers cooperative economic organizations,trying to grasp the internal mechanism of formation based on the game theory.发展农民合作经济组织是解决我国三农问题的一条有效途径,对农民合作经济组织生成机理的深入分析和准确把握是推进我国农民合作经济组织进一步发展的关键。

3.This article unifies the construction socialism new countryside the reality and the theory background, proposesfarmers cooperative economic organization social responsibility theory this brand-new thesis.本文结合建设社会主义新农村的现实与理论背景,提出农民合作经济组织社会责任理论这一崭新论题。

4)Farmer Cooperative Organization农民专业合作经济组织

1.Analysis of the External Restricting Factors of Development ofFarmer Cooperative Organization in China;我国农民专业合作经济组织发展的外部制约因素分析

5)peasants cooperative economic organization农民合作经济组织

1.Based on the theory of Bert Rosenbloom s marketing channel recognition and the theory of French and Raven s marketing channel "six powers model",the author analyses the importance about buildingpeasants cooperative economic organization marketing channel and the weakness in power in marketing channel in China.罗森布罗姆的营销渠道受重视理论和弗兰茨和兰文的营销渠道“六力模型”理论,分析我国农民合作经济组织建设营销渠道在获取竞争优势、降低农产品储运成本等方面的重要性,以及营销渠道力薄弱、渠道利润流失的状况。

2.Thepeasants cooperative economic organization is an independent organizational form that has grown to meet the demand of the market economy.农民合作经济组织是在中国市场经济环境中发育起来的一种独立的经济组织形式。

3.Since the enforcement of the reform and opening-up policy, with the fast agriculture s market-based course in the country, the function ofpeasants cooperative economic organization in society developing become more and more obvious, we have begun the legislative activity of relevant laws ofpeasants cooperative economic organization.改革开放以来,随着我国农业市场化进程的加快,农民合作经济组织在社会发展中的作用日益加强,农民合作经济组织的相关法律也提上了立法的日程。

6)farmer cooperative economic organizations农民合作经济组织

1.The Research of the Practice on the Chinese Farmer Cooperative Economic Organizations;中国农民合作经济组织实践的研究

2.The development of Chinesefarmer cooperative economic organizations is an effective way to solve the "San Nong"problems.发展农民合作经济组织是解决我国三农问题的一条有效途径,对农民合作经济组织生成机理的深入分析和准确把握是推进我国农民合作经济组织进一步发展的关键。


