200字范文 > 阳山话 Yangshan dialect英语短句 例句大全

阳山话 Yangshan dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-31 13:23:41


阳山话 Yangshan dialect英语短句 例句大全

阳山话,Yangshan dialect

1)Yangshan dialect阳山话

1.This thesis also compares Ertang(二塘) and Shuishan(水山) Cantonese with Yunan dialect andYangshan dialect in Guangdong province from the pronunciation system,words characteristics ,which aims at finding variation and evolvtion methods of Ertang(二塘) and Shuishan(水山) Cantonese after immigration into Guangxi province for 100 years.本文对广西桂林市平乐县二塘镇马家村和张家镇水山村粤语的语音、词汇进行了描写,并从语音系统、词汇特点等方面分别将二塘粤语与广东的郁南话、水山粤语和广东的阳山话作出比较,旨在找出二塘和水山粤语在迁居入桂百年后所产生的变异及演变方式,期望能够为粤方言的研究、语言接触和变异的研究提供一些事实依据。

2.Yangshan dialect is spoken at Beishan and other towns in Yizhou City.宜州市阳山话分布在北山等乡镇,前共约6千人会说。

3.Taking Chinese for example,there are Chinese dialects of southwest Mandarin,Baixing dialect,Hakka dialect andYangshan dialect.宜州市的汉语方言有西南官话、百姓话、客家话和阳山话四种。


1.Research on metallogenic process of theYangshan superlarge gold deposit,Wen County,Gansu Province;甘肃省文县阳山特大型金矿床成矿作用研究

2.Characteristics of the superlargeYangshan Carlin and Carlin-like compound type gold deposit in Gansu;甘肃阳山超大型卡林-类卡林型复合式金矿床特征

3.Elemental Geochemistry and Significance of Prospecting forYangshan Super-Large Gold Deposit,Gansu Province;甘肃文县阳山特大型金矿田微量元素特征及其找矿意义


1.Symbolic Meaning of Mount.Qian,Mount.Yiwulü,and Mount. Shouyang in Songs of Journey to Peking;《燕行录》中的千山、医巫闾山和首阳山形象

2.Plan Design of Luoyang Shouyangshan Power Plant Zero Waste Water Discharge Project洛阳首阳山电厂废水零排放改造方案设计

3.An Investigation and studying on Nymphalidae in Jiuong Mountain、Fengyang Mountain、Baishanzu Mountain and Dayang Mountain;九龙山、凤阳山、百山祖、大洋山蛱蝶科蝶类调查研究

4.An investigation and study on similarity of satyridae in Fengyang mountiain、Baishanzu mountain .Jiulong mountain and Dayang mountain;凤阳山、百山祖、九龙山、大洋山眼蝶科蝶类相似度的研究

5.The sun was rising over the hills.太阳正从山冈上升起。

6.They were waiting for the sun to go down.它们都在等太阳落山。

7.The ground cools off when the sun goes down太阳下山后地面变凉。

8.When the blazing sun is gone,当炽燃的太阳下山后,

9.The sun sets and night comes.太阳下山,夜晚来临。

10.The sun clothed the hill with light.阳光覆照在小山上。

11.We watched the sun sink behind the hills.我们观看了太阳落山。

12.He came home at the set of the sun.太阳落山时他回到家。

13.Concept layout of mountain park in Jinyang new Dist,Guiyang贵阳市金阳新区观山公园概念性规划

14."while the most beautiful scenery in China is in Guilin, the most fascinating part of a Guilin tour is in Yangshou"桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林

15.Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。

16.As the sun set,the sky shaded from blue to pink.随着太阳落山,太阳渐渐地由蓝色变成粉红色。

17.Yujing Hill lies between the picturesque Mount Lu and the boundless, mist-shrouded Poyang Lake.玉京山坐落在秀丽的庐山和浩渺的鄱阳湖之间。

18.It is as the saying goes, "The landscape in Guilin is the best in China, and the best landscape in Guilin is in Yangshuo."正如人们说"桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林"嘛。



1.Research on metallogenic process of theYangshan superlarge gold deposit,Wen County,Gansu Province;甘肃省文县阳山特大型金矿床成矿作用研究

2.Characteristics of the superlargeYangshan Carlin and Carlin-like compound type gold deposit in Gansu;甘肃阳山超大型卡林-类卡林型复合式金矿床特征

3.Elemental Geochemistry and Significance of Prospecting forYangshan Super-Large Gold Deposit,Gansu Province;甘肃文县阳山特大型金矿田微量元素特征及其找矿意义


4)hill language山话

1.This paper analyses the referent of them and find it is mostly relative to "hill house" and "hill field",so it shows Hakka dialects is ahill language.本文深入分析了它们所反映的社会内容 ,发现它们集中体现在“山居”与“山田”上 ,据此揭示了客家方言的“山话”特征。

5)Shantangshan dialect山塘山话


1.An Analysis of Aspect and Tense inChaoyang of the Minnan Dialect;闽南方言潮阳话的体貌初探


湖南话考究—麻阳话测试1.A:参念呀噶是哪个把我摸压了?! B:冒好得,我孬见麻子拉了一胖泥,三满三是葛? A:麻子,你雅卵日个! 麻子:你牛马匹个港话冒带哨! A:带哨你缩吊啊?! 上文中"摸压"的意思是?(5分) A.摸黑B.起夜C.偷东西D.揍人E.喂牲口 2.上题一文中的"三满三"的意思是?(8分) A.很丰富B.是不是C.什么时候D.很惨烈E.有可能 3.A:先我喊你果哈你在吊上啊? B:果哈着我在二百四 A:羊了满? B:你七冒港了,短裤都冒有了! 上文中A问的第一个问题的意思是?(3分) A.你上吊多少次了?B.你有多少条羊皮短裤?C.你什么时候去做短裤?D.你那个时候在干什么?E.一棵果树值多少钱? 4.上题短文中,B最后一句话采用了什么修辞手法?(4分) A.夸张B.拟人C.比喻D.借代E.对偶 5.A:你又靠哪靠打挂了? B:先门到麻子娘女果囊黑了哈哈着. A:你又要打麻雀啊?你怕冒打了类! B:嚎,我懒得气打了. 上文中的"打挂"与下面那个词含义最接近?(5分) A.挂机B.岔波天C.打架D.打坪伙E.搭油伙 6.上题短文中"打麻雀"的意思是?(8分) A.屠宰牲畜B.泡妞C.泛指打野味D.阉割E.吃饭 7.果噶泥噶假里嘛噶,啊哈着车恰一扎黑嘛啦噶区葛(鸭).满满噶扎霸腿跟冒恰腋噶膀的冒者噶,冒者果哈车黑泥无把把,懒得气恰,七骂雅话:泥服!吊个要恰?! 上文主要说了一件什么事情?(4分) A.哥哥要弟弟吃黑泥巴B.妈妈给女儿裹脚C.奶奶给孙子送鸭腿吃D.哥哥教弟弟怎样栽培果树E.一家人在玩过家家 8.上题短文中的"假里嘛噶"是什么意思?(6分) A.形容人造作B.形容人妖里妖气C.形容人自大D.形容人俗气E.形容人勤劳 9."泥服"在上题短文中是什么感情色彩的词?(5分) A.褒义词B.中性词C.贬义词D.以上都是E.以上都不是 10.低蛤啊几条囊常,哪条最吊?(2分) A.麻阳B.沈阳C.益阳D.邵阳E.太阳
