200字范文 > 集体共同所有权 Collective-Ownership英语短句 例句大全

集体共同所有权 Collective-Ownership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-24 06:36:37


集体共同所有权 Collective-Ownership英语短句 例句大全



2)joint ownership共同所有权

1.The governance structures in R&D alliance under exclusive orjoint ownership and option contracts are analyzed and compared,the investment decisions of firm A and firm B,and the effect of key parameters on their first-best investment levels are discussed.基于价格和成本这两个影响R&D项目价值的关键因素,建立道德风险模型,并比较专有权、共同所有权和期权合同(Option Contract)三种R&D联盟组织结构,分别讨论结盟的两公司的投资决策及其投资的相互依赖性,和关键的协议参数对两公司最优投资水平的影响。


1.The Allocation of Ownership and Control Right, Institutional Environment and Governance Efficiency;共同所有权与控制权配置、制度环境和治理效率

2.Because personal ownership over again becomes commonly ownership, private ownership has taken the form of ownership by the common.个人所有权重新演变为共同所有权,私有制就采取共有制的形式来表现。

3."Bubbles" involve multi-plant facilities under common ownership.)“泡泡”包括共同所有权下属的许多厂的设备。)

4.Roma have agreed a co-ownership deal with Siena for midfielder Daniele Galloppa.罗马已与锡耶纳就中场球员加洛帕的共同所有权达成一致。

5.joint ownership, responsibility, consultation共同的所有权、 责任、 协商

6.possession by entirety ties【律】共同占有, (不可分的)所有权

7.owned and run by those participating,with profits shared by them共同掌握所有权和管理权并分享其利的;

8.These powers are part of what property law calls the "bundle of sticks" - the powers of the owner that together constitute the right of property ownership.这些权利就是财产法所称的“棒束”——所有人享有的共同构成财产所有权的权利——的组成部分。

9.Wealth and privilege are most easily defended when they are possessed jointly.财富和特权如为共同所有,则最容易保卫。

10.The Research of the Common Ownership in the Condominium Ownership;建筑物区分所有权之共有所有权研究

mon property, ownership共有的财产、 所有权

12.Verona agreed to sell its 50 per cent stake in the player after obtaining the consent of Genoa, which owns the other half.维罗那俱乐部愿意出售和热那亚俱乐部共同拥有的50%所有权。

13.Analysis on the Subject of the Co-ownership Part of Condominium;浅析建筑物区分所有权共有权之客体

14.Legislative Conception of the Co-ownership Part of Condominium;建筑物区分所有权共有权之立法构想

15.The Clarification of Exclusive Ownership & Co-ownership of Condominium建筑物区分所有权之专有权与共有权的界定

16.Evolutionary Game Analysis of Collocating of Enterprise Ownership under Co-Governance Mechanism;共同治理结构下企业所有权配置的进化博弈分析

17.Identify the Private Ownership of Celestial Bodies on the Basis of the"Common Heritage of Mankind"Principle论私人对天体的所有权——基于“人类共同继承遗产”原则的思考

18.Each of the common owners shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligations respecting the joint property.共同共有人对共有财产享有权利,承担义务。


joint ownership共同所有权

1.The governance structures in R&D alliance under exclusive orjoint ownership and option contracts are analyzed and compared,the investment decisions of firm A and firm B,and the effect of key parameters on their first-best investment levels are discussed.基于价格和成本这两个影响R&D项目价值的关键因素,建立道德风险模型,并比较专有权、共同所有权和期权合同(Option Contract)三种R&D联盟组织结构,分别讨论结盟的两公司的投资决策及其投资的相互依赖性,和关键的协议参数对两公司最优投资水平的影响。

3)collective ownership集体所有权

1.In China, both the Constitution and the Real Right Act expressly accept the primary status of public ownership and the latter specially specifies the state ownership andcollective ownership, which is called a legal embodiment of public ownership.而在当下之我国,《宪法》及《物权法》明确规定坚持公有制的主体地位,《物权法》并对作为所谓公有制在法律上之体现的国家所有权和集体所有权进行了比较详细的规定,这似乎抛弃了大陆法系以私人所有权为所有权制度之基准的传统,但事实上,私人所有权仍然是也应当是我国所有权制度的支点,只有以此为前提才能正确理解我国《物权法》的所有权制度,特别是正确认识国家所有权和集体所有权制度。

2.The stipulation to uhecollective ownership in property law follows our country s original legislation,butcollective ownership has the inherent drawbacks that the essence isn t clear and the main body is obscure.物权法对集体所有权的规范沿袭了我国原有立法的规定,但集体所有权存在性质模糊、主体不明的固有弊端,在物权法框架内解决此问题,要把集体改造为集体法人,由集体法人享有集体所有权。

4)Theory of joint proprietorship共同所有权理论


6)collective land ownership集体土地所有权

1.The Restructuring of Collective Land Ownership System;集体土地所有权制度重构

2.Study on the Body System of Rural Collective Land Ownership;农村集体土地所有权主体制度研究

3.Study on the Non-legitimacy Forms of Collective Land Ownership in the Urbanization Process;城市化进程中集体土地所有权非合法性实现形式研究


