200字范文 > 美国女性 American women英语短句 例句大全

美国女性 American women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-12 20:36:41


美国女性 American women英语短句 例句大全

美国女性,American women

1)American women美国女性

1.Since Title IX was established in 1972,American women have achieved great progress of acquiring equal educational opportunity.自1972年颁布《教育法第九篇修正案》(TitleIX)以来,美国女性在获得教育机会平等方面取得了巨大的进步。


1.The Duty of American Women to Their Country美国女性对国家的责任

2.Where Chinese may be obsessed with pale skin, Americans are obsessed with tanned skin.当中国女性一心想变白时,美国女性想变黑。

3.Research on American Woman and the Chicago s Exposition in 1893;美国女性与1893年芝加哥世界博览会

ment on the American Feminist Drama under the Post-criticism Perspective评美国女性主义戏剧的后学批评视角

5.The American Female Condition in the Late 19th Century十九世纪末美国女性状况研究(英文)

6.The Emergence and Early Development of Women’s Higher Education in the United States美国女性高等教育的产生与早期发展

7.Women"s Bureau of U.S. Department of Labor美国劳工部女性事务处

8.West Feminism Thoughts and American Women Study西方女性主义思潮与美国妇女史研究

9.Americal School of Feminism:Femisnist Narrative;女性主义美国学派——女性主义叙事学简论

10.More females than males go into nursing in the States.在美国从事护理工作的女性比男性多。

11.In the United States, though, there was a big difference between men and women.而在美国,男性和女性则有很大差别。

12.A Probe of Women Tragedies --Women Tragedies in the Post war American Women s Literature;女性悲剧面面观——美国战后女性文学中的女性悲剧

13.womanly qualities, virtues女性的特性、 美德.

14.To View the Law of Women s Liberation from the Uprising of American Women Intellectuals;从美国知识女性的崛起看妇女要求解放的规律

15.The Explicit Internal Differences of Women in the Contemporary US Women s Rights Movement;美国当代女权运动中女性内部差异问题的凸显

16.Study simply the female body aesthetic standards of the Chinese and the Western literuture--Have both at the same times ,study the evolution of contemporary Chinese female aesthetic standards;浅谈中西文学女性人体审美观——兼论现代中国女性审美标准的嬗变

17.In America, women speak about 175 words every minute,在美国,女性每分钟讲大约175个单词,

18.Female singer-songwriters are very popular in the United States.在美国,女性原创歌手非常受欢迎。


Chinese women"s beauty中国女性美

3)American female writers美国女性作家

1.American female writers has become a special power since early last century.美国女性作家自上个世纪初以来,开始长成特立独行的一支力量。

4)American women intellectuals美国知识女性

5)American women"s literature美国女性文学

6)American Pioneer Woman美国拓荒女性


美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)national standards of USA: see standards system of AmericaMeiguo guOJia bicozhun美国国家标准(national见美国标准体系。of USA)
