200字范文 > 美国妇女 American Women英语短句 例句大全

美国妇女 American Women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-20 02:08:16


美国妇女 American Women英语短句 例句大全

美国妇女,American Women

1)American Women美国妇女

1.The Employment ofAmerican Women in the Great Depression;大萧条时期美国妇女就业状况探析

2.American Women"s Living Condition and Women"s Movements in 1920s and 1930s;二十世纪二、三十年代美国妇女生存状况与妇女运动研究

3.A Historical Investigation of the ContemporaryAmerican Women s Movement;当代美国妇女运动的历史考察


1.American Women s Liberation Movement & Women s Literature;美国妇女解放运动与妇女文学(英文)

2.Like millions of American women,像大多数美国妇女一样,

3.CAWA (Canadian-American Women"s Association)加拿大-美国妇女协会

4.American Women"s Association (Hong Kong) Scholarships美国妇女会(香港)奖学金

5.it"s an insult to American womanhood; woman is the glory of creation.这是对美国妇女的侮辱。

6.West Feminism Thoughts and American Women Study西方女性主义思潮与美国妇女史研究

7.Recently women worked to get an amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing their rights.最近,美国妇女正在争取美国宪法通过保证妇女权利的修正案。

8.American Women for International Understanding美国妇女争取国际了解协会

9.National Organization of Arab/American Women阿拉伯/美国妇女全国组织

10.The American woman makes the most of her free time.美国妇女充分利用其业余时间。

11.The redoubtable American woman played her part.可敬的美国妇女作出了其贡献。

12.1,800,000 American women were part of the country"s military forces.曾有180万美国妇女在军队服役。

13.American women have been standing out for equality with men.美国妇女一直要求与男人平等的权利。

14.American women got the vote in 1920.美国妇女于年获得选举权。

15.AAUW (American Association of University Women)美国大学妇女联合会

16.American women seem to have more self-confidence than women from most other countries.美国的妇女似乎比其他国家的妇女更自信,

17.The Comparison of Women s Position in China and the United States;从中美两国妇女地位比较看中国妇女发展

18.The Spiritual Growth of Chinese American Women in the Woman Warrior;论《女勇士》中美国华裔妇女的精神成长


American Working Women美国就业妇女

1.American Working Women in the 1920s;20世纪代美国就业妇女

3)American Women"s Movement美国妇女运动

4)The American Woman" s Home美国妇女的家庭

5)American Women"s Association of Hong Kong Ltd.香港美国妇女会

6)Mexican-American Women美国墨裔妇女


美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)national standards of USA: see standards system of AmericaMeiguo guOJia bicozhun美国国家标准(national见美国标准体系。of USA)
