200字范文 > 双语教学课程群 bilingual teaching course group英语短句 例句大全

双语教学课程群 bilingual teaching course group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-29 00:14:17


双语教学课程群 bilingual teaching course group英语短句 例句大全

双语教学课程群,bilingual teaching course group

1)bilingual teaching course group双语教学课程群


1.Thinking on the Bilingual Course Group in the Undergraduate Major of Agronomy关于建立农学专业双语教学课程群的思考

2.Practice and Experience of“Water Quality Engineering”Bilingual Teaching水质工程学课程双语教学的实践研究

3.A Primary Exploration on the Teaching Material Construction Applying to English Teaching and Bilingual Teaching of Medical Courses;医学课程双语教学和英语教学的教材建设初探

4.Implementation and Thought on the Bilingual Teaching in Accounting English Course;《会计英语》课程双语教学的实施与思考

5.On Differences between Bilingual Activity Course and English Activity Teaching;双语活动课程与英语活动教学的比较

6.On Bilingual Teaching of Non-English Major Courses;高校非英语专业课程双语教学的探索

7.Research and Practice of Bilingual Teaching for SE Course《软件工程》课程双语教学的研究与探索

8."Marketing" Course of Bilingual Education Reform;《市场营销学》课程双语教学改革的探讨

9.Bilingual Teaching Reform Attempts on Physical Chemistry Course in Universities of China;高校物理化学课程双语教学改革探讨

10.Discussion on the Bilingual Teaching of the Course “Humanity Geography”;人文地理学课程双语教学的几点思考

11.The primary practice of bilingual teaching in clinical medicine;临床医学专业课程双语教学模式探析

12.Construction and Practice of Network Course of Bilingual Physiology Teaching生理学双语教学网络课程建设与实践

13.Necessity of Contextual Teaching in Bilingual Teaching for Art Design Course艺术设计课程双语教学中语境式教学的必要性

14.The Exploitation and Teaching Models Investigation of Preschool Bilingual Curriculum;幼儿双语课程开发与教学模式的研究

15.Research and practice on bilingual teaching based on electric circuit in the institutions of higher learning;高校电路课程双语教学的研究与实践

16.Discussion on Teaching Mode of Bilingual Education in Economy and Management Majors;经管类课程双语教学模式的实践探讨

17.A Course Setup System Research on the Bilingual Course of Financial Management;《财务管理》双语教学课程设置体系研究

18.A Probe into Bilingual Teaching in Higher Education;高校《计算机网络》课程双语教学的探究


Bilingual teaching双语课教学

3)chinese medicial basis couse bilingual education中医基础课程双语教学

4)computer courses teaching计算机课程双语教学

5)bilingual curriculum双语教育课程

1.According to the research of preschool bilingual education at present, this paper finds the questions in children’sbilingual curriculum, and analyzes the value, subject, content, design principle, and evaluation standard.本文通过对幼儿双语教育现状的调查研究,了解幼儿双语课程中存在的问题,分析幼儿双语教育课程的价值取向、课程目标、内容取向、教学设计原则以及评价标准,在大量实地调研观察的案例基础上,总结幼儿双语教育课程的教学模式,提出了情景儿歌、节日庆典、故事表演、非语言学科和多学科模式等五个教学模式并给与案例分析。

6)a teaching platform of curricula课程群教学平台


