200字范文 > 救赎情结 redeems the complex英语短句 例句大全

救赎情结 redeems the complex英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-23 06:02:52


救赎情结 redeems the complex英语短句 例句大全

救赎情结,redeems the complex

1)redeems the complex救赎情结


1.Significance and approaches ofsalvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救赎三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径

2.Tuya’s Marriage: Tuya’s Love Salvation;《图雅的婚事》:图雅的爱情救赎

3.The Lost Life, the Romantic Salvation;迷途的人生 浪漫的救赎——小说《蓝色的马》解读


1.You are my Lord and Savior!"您是我的主,我的救赎者。

2.bringing about salvation or redemption from sin.从罪过中得到拯救或者救赎。

3.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.<The Shawshank Redemption >坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。《肖申克的救赎》

4.Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.求你亲近我,救赎我。求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。

e near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes.18求你亲近我,救赎我。求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。

6."For the Lord has given a price for Jacob, and made him free from the hands of him who was stronger than he."因耶和华救赎了雅各,救赎他脱离比他更强之人的手。

7.Zion will be redeemed with justice And her repentant ones with righteousness.赛1:27锡安必因公平得蒙救赎、其中归正的人、必因公义得蒙救赎。

8."Upright acts will be the price of Zion"s forgiveness, and by righteousness will men be living there."锡安必因公平得蒙救赎,其中归正的人,必因公义得蒙救赎。

9.From the power of Sheol I will ransom them; From death I will redeem them.14我必救赎他们脱离阴间的权势,救赎他们脱离死亡。

10.Salvation or Survival: On the Promotion of the Western Spiritual Salvation from the Confucian Perspective;在救赎与生存之间——从儒家思想中为西方哲人的精神救赎寻求通道

11.Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy word.求你为我辨屈,救赎我,照你的话将我救活。

12.We have to recover from some poison, need saving, ransoming.我们需要消毒,需要治疗,需要救赎。

13.Shawshank Redemption, The肖申克的救赎/铁窗岁月/刺激1995

14.I could do this again. Or I can do love and redemption.我还能这样做。或者,我便施爱与救赎。

15.Sauron falls; mankind is saved.索伦崩溃,人类获得了救赎。

16.and he will make Israel free from all his sins.他必救赎以色列脱离一切的罪孽。

17.No sin that perfect love will not redeem.没有任何罪过,完全的爱不能救赎。

18.Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Evil,指引我远离诱惑,救赎我于邪恶,



1.Significance and approaches ofsalvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救赎三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径

2.Tuya’s Marriage: Tuya’s Love Salvation;《图雅的婚事》:图雅的爱情救赎

3.The Lost Life, the Romantic Salvation;迷途的人生 浪漫的救赎——小说《蓝色的马》解读


1.The Suffering and Redemption of Contemporary Job;当代“约伯”的苦难与救赎


1.Lu Xun s thought is profound because of his despair,simultaneously,the more significant significance lies in his revolting against despair refusing to be shared,and has the quality of redeeming,which is closely connected with solitude,has historical value forever.鲁迅因其绝望而深刻,而同时他又抗争绝望,拒绝分享,孤独地走向救赎。

2.Weber thinks that moden art,including literature,have the function of redeem to these negative consequences.韦伯则认为现代艺术(包括文学)具有对这种后果进行“救赎”的功能。

3.It signifies that novel queries and criticizes reality,affirms and redeems man s value, and explores reality,affirms and redeems man s value,and explores and inquires the existence.昆德拉基于当下特定社会语境而提出的一个重要的理论概念,它意味着小说对现实进行批判和质疑,对人的价值进行肯定和救赎,对存在进行追问和探索。


1.Cherish the wolf:destroy andrescue;《怀念狼》:毁灭与救赎

2.From the angle of original sin of Puritanism,this journey made him agony because he found the darkness and sin in the deep heart of human beings, as a result,whether death is the way torescue him contains Hawthorne s consciousness about Puritanism perspective.那么,死亡是否是他获得救赎的方式?这渗透着霍桑对清教主义观的认识。

3.This text firstly , analyses the protagonists prototype of The Winter s Tale ; then approaches the use of motif in Holy Bible-sin andrescue; lastly reveals Shakespeare s moral ideal which suffers deeply influence of the Christian culture.文章首先分析《冬天的故事》中的主人翁原型,进而探讨对圣经母题——罪和救赎的化用,从而揭示莎士比亚深受基督教文化影响的道德理想。


1.In the face of sin, Dimmesdale, after seven years’self-punishment, finally comes to confess his sin and repent in the God’s grace, hence attainingatonement in his death.面对罪孽,丁梅斯代尔历经7年的自审与忏悔,最终在上帝恩典的感召下在公众面前承认自己的罪恶,以生命的代价获得了灵魂的救赎。

2.Arthur Dimmesdale is an important role in The Scarlet Letter, the embodiment of the author’s theme of “atonement”.阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔是《红字》中一个非常重要的角色,是作品“救赎”主旨的集中体现者。

3.theatonement thought of Dame s Holy Comedy is basically the outcome of Christian idea of the Middle Ages.但丁《神曲》的救赎思想基本上属于中世纪基督教观念的产物。


