200字范文 > 生态情结 the ecological complex英语短句 例句大全

生态情结 the ecological complex英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-12 19:46:25


生态情结 the ecological complex英语短句 例句大全

生态情结,the ecological complex

1)the ecological complex生态情结

1.Facing the daily grim crisis of ecology in the changing society,the ecological complex in reportage is really expressed in the new time.面对转型社会下日趋严峻的生态问题,新时期报告文学所包蕴的生态情结真挚地呈现出来。


1.Ernest Hemingway s Ecological Complex : A Rereading of The Old Man and the Seaand the Bible from the Perspective of Ecocriticism;海明威的生态情结——从生态文学批评角度看《老人与海》与《圣经》

2.Original Existence and Social Transformation of Chinese Folk Dance--Implication of Yang Liping"s artistic creation中国民族民间舞的原生态情结与时代变革——从杨丽萍的艺术创作说起

3.Wilderness Complex:Faulkner s The Bear from the Perspective of Ecology;荒野情结:生态视野下的福克纳小说《熊》

4.Ecological Ethic: Human Being s Self Cure of Narcissism;生态伦理:人类自恋情结的自我治疗

5.The "Complex of Wilderness" in Gary Snyder"s Ecopoetics加里·斯耐德生态诗学中的“荒野情结”

6.On William Faulkner s Complex of Nature--Humanistic and Eological Interpretaion of The Bear;论福克纳的自然情结——《熊》的人文生态解读

7.a reasonable attitude, conclusion合乎情理的态度、 结论

8.A Study of Affective States Recognition Based on Dual-Structure Particle Swarm Optimization and K-Nearest Neighbors from Physiological Signals双重结构粒子群和K近邻法用于生理信号情感状态识别的研究

9.Analysis of the results of schistosomiasis surveillance in the Yangtze River Eco-tourism region where control has been implemented防治措施干预下长江生态旅游区血吸虫病疫情监测结果分析

10.The result of the abusive useing ecological resources is ecocide.对生态资源滥用的结果是生态毁灭。

11.Rustic Feelings in Wang Anyi s Novel Writing and Its Forms of Expression;王安忆小说的“乡村情结”及其表现形态

12.Social Complex and Stylistic Form of the Modernist Novels in the Middle of 80s;社会情结与新时期现代主义小说形态

13.Ecological Study of the Mortality of Colorectal Cancer during Different Periods after Schistosomiasis Was Primarily Eliminated;基本消灭血吸虫病后不同时期的结肠、直肠癌死亡情况的生态学研究

14.Highlighting Natural Ecology and Spiritual Ecology--An Analysis of Sons and Lovers from the Perspective of Ecocriticism关注自然生态与精神生态——《儿子与情人》的生态批评

15.Eco-moral Education of University Students with Confucian Ecological Concept;结合儒家生态观对大学生开展生态道德教育

16.On Liu Xie s ecological concept in literature and art based on emotion changes with scenery and diction changes with emotion;论刘勰“情以物迁、辞以情发”的生态文艺观

17.Nature and Ecology Conservation by Region各地区自然生态保护情况

18.A Survey of Emotional State in 273 Medi-cal Students273名医学生情绪状态的调查分析


complex of original existence原生态情结

3)The Ecological Complex of J.D.Salinger塞林格的生态情结

4)Modality Structures情态结构

5)emotional ecology情感生态

1.As to the relationship between PCK and teacher s emotion,some researchers have put forward the concept of "emotional ecology".对于PCK和教师情感的关系,有研究者提出了"情感生态"的概念。

6)the ecology affection生态情怀


