200字范文 > 协议供货 protocol supply英语短句 例句大全

协议供货 protocol supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-30 17:44:40


协议供货 protocol supply英语短句 例句大全

协议供货,protocol supply

1)protocol supply协议供货

1.In this paper,theprotocol supply of government procurement and for office consumables in University was carried out in various aspects based on the practical work,and improvement measures were put forward.结合高校实际,对高校办公消耗用品实行政府采购协议供货的各个方面作了较为深入的研究,并提出了改进措施和方法。


1.A Study of Agreement Procurement System,One of the Newest Government Procurement Ways in China;论中国最新型的政府采购形式——协议供货制

2.Consideration about Protocol Supply of Government Procurement and for Office Consumables in University高校办公消耗用品实行政府采购协议供货的思考

3.The company go back on its agreement to supply at 1.50 a unit.该公司违背了按单价1。50英镑供货的协议。

4.Of course. Within the validity of the agency agreement, you will not supply your product to any other buyer in Canada.当然。在协议有效期内,你们不能向加拿大其他买主供货。

5.Our agreements with leading manufacturers enable us to supply you at most attractive prices.由于我方与主要生产商达成协议,我方能以最优价格向你方供货

6."Should Party B fail to pass on his orders to Party A in a period of___months for a minimum of___, Party A shall not Bind himself to this Agreement."若乙方在__月内未能向甲方提供至少__订货,甲方不承担本协议的义务。

7.subject to stem以协议装货日期为准

8.forward rate agreements远期汇率(期货价格)协议

9.We buy the stock seesafe.我们按货物赊售协议买这批货。

10.Co-ordinate the vendor assistance required during the construction and commissioning activities.在安装和调试期间协调和协助供货商。

11.A class that provides services according to a protocol defined in a protocol class.协议提供者:参考协议类中定义的协议来提供服务的类。

12.Our agreements with leading manufacturers enable us to supply you utmost attractive prices.由于我方与主要生产厂商达成了协议,我方能以最优价格向你方供货。

13.VP protocol (resemble UDP) provide incredible transmit, not deal with this part on this article.vp协议(类似UDP协议)提供不可靠传输,针对vp协议不作介绍。

14.A class which uses services from a protocol provider class, defined by a protocol.协议用户:某种协议定义的使用协议提供类中的服务的类。

15.Supply Coordination for Perishable Commodities with Goodwill Cost More than Replenishing Cost缺货损失高于补货成本的易逝品供应链协调

16.Modeling of false failure returns and supply chain coordination;无缺陷退货问题的建模与供应链协作

17.Because of the overburden of our commitments, we are unable to ship your order within the agreed period.由于我方订货负担过重,无法在协议期限内交货。

18.The Cointegration Analysis of China s Monetary Demand and the Monetary Policy Proposals;我国货币需求的协整分析及其货币政策建议


supply agreement供货协议

3)Agreement Procurement System协议供货制

1.A Study ofAgreement Procurement System,One of the Newest Government Procurement Ways in China;论中国最新型的政府采购形式——协议供货制

4)Supply coordination协同供货

5)freight agreement运货协议

6)barter arrangement易货协议


