200字范文 > 规约 protocol英语短句 例句大全

规约 protocol英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-01 00:28:28


规约 protocol英语短句 例句大全



1.The relationship between communicationprotocol and system reliability and safety;通信规约实现与系统可靠性、安全性

2.Necessity of transmissionprotocol certification and the realization method;浅析规约认证的必要性及实现方法

3.Application of IEC TC57 communicationprotocols in the power system;IEC TC57通信规约在电力系统中的应用


1.Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice国际法院规约缔约方

2.Statute and Rules of Procedure and Evidence规约与程序和取证规则

3.Statute and Rules规约和规则(行政法庭)

4.Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit (Barcelona Convention)自由过境公约和规约(巴塞罗那公约)

5.the regular clergy受教规约束的神职人员

6.Code of Practice for Earthquake Prediction《地震预报实施规约》

7.Instrument for the Free Port of Trieste的里雅斯特自由港规约

8.Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court国际刑事法院罗马规约

9.Statute of the United Nations Administrative Tribuna联合国行政法庭规约

10.Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能机构规约

11.modification to extend building covenant延长建筑规约期的修订

12.Statute of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea国际海洋法法庭规约

13.contract specifications合约规格,合约细则

14.To bind by articles set forth in a contract, such as one of apprenticeship.订约以契约中规定条款约束,如一订约学徒的

15.economy of large scale industry大规模经营的经济节约

16.economy of large scale production大规模生产的经济节约

17.Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea《国际海上避碰规则公约》

18.convention on the International Regulation for Preventing Collisions at Sea国际海上避碰规则公约



1.Algorithmic derivation and automatic generation fromspecification on PAR platform;PAR平台从规约出发的算法推导与自动生成

2.We aim at presenting our research results on how to implement CBSD based onspecification matching.其中候选组件的选择以及候选组件的组装是系统开发的关键,文章分析了规约语法匹配的基本原理和理论基础,在此基础之上研究了基于软件组件组装的系统开发技术并给出了组件配置算法。

3.This paper presents the definition and importance of formal methods, and provides an overview of formal methods,specially discussesspecification methods and verification methods that include deductive proving and model checking.着重讨论了形式规约方法,以及演绎证明和模型检测等形式验证方法。


1.Architecture Analysis of Electric-Energy Information Collection SystemStipulation Plug-in Manage Tool;电能量信息采集系统规约插件管理器的架构分析

2.One of Xu Yun′s Contributions to Chan School is his theories on practice system which is reflected in three aspects:first,he took trisaranagamana and five commandments as practice foundation;then,he presented detailed Chan School stipulations;and finally,he summarized the meditation gist.虚云禅师在现代中国禅宗史上具有重要的影响,他对禅宗的贡献之一是有针对性地提出了系统的禅修方法,体现为三个方面:一是以三皈五戒作为修行根本;二是详细的禅门规约;三是具体的参禅要旨。

3.Convention and hegemony,te chnology and standard cause wisdom o f teaching practice to be hidden in th e stipulation without being known.教育是复杂的,简单的科学驾驭不了它,在理论智慧的创造之后,实践智慧可能是更高的智慧,机遇和挑战在改革中并存,处在十字路口的教育,在课程改革中使教学实践智慧面临双向选择,它是被规约的,又是被释放的。


1.XML basedprotocols component design;基于XML的规约组件设计

2.The construction and development of relay protection and fault information systemprotocols are introduced and its application in Hunan power grid is analyzed.规约是继电保护及故障信息系统数据传输的基础。

3.The communicationprotocols are to be united.随着通信技术的迅速发展,建设电力系统远动信息的无缝通信系统体系结构开始实现,通信规约面临统一的局面,但是这个过程无疑是长久的,现阶段仍然会同时存在多种通信规约,各种通信规约的解释和转换依然需要大量的努力。


1.Through analyzing report forms format of IEC 60 870-5104 stipulation,as well as considering computer monitoring system of 330kV Dashimen and Jingyang substation and experiences of provincial dispatching system,the paper studies some command flow,and provides technical safeguard for provincial dispatching automation system adopting networkstipulations transmission process.通过分析IEC 60 870-5-104规约的报文格式,借鉴330 kV景阳变、大石门变计算机监控系统和省调自动化系统的联调经验,研究了规约的各种命令流程,为省调自动化系统采用网络规约传输提供了技术保障,同时也极大地丰富了调度自动化系统的应用范围。

2.Somestipulations of generation bidding in energy auction and capacity auction are summarized and analyzed in this paper.发电报价(或投标)规约是电力拍卖市场规则设计的一项重要内容。

6)constraint programming约束规划

1.Application ofconstraint programming method in crude scheduling;约束规划方法在原油混输调度中的应用

2.Research ofconstraint programming technique in scheduh"ng of crude oil;约束规划在原油调度中应用的探索

3.New multi-objective genetic algorithm for nonlinearconstraint programming problem;解非线性约束规划问题的新型多目标遗传算法


