200字范文 > 生产商 manufacturer英语短句 例句大全

生产商 manufacturer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-01 18:36:16


生产商 manufacturer英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper mainly discusses the strategy selection on deeply processing in themanufacturers of an agricultural products supply chain.主要针对农产品供应链中生产商就深加工方面的策略选择问题,运用博弈论的基本方法,对完全信息静态下供应链中生产商深加工博弈问题进行了研究。

2.A Study on the Relationship between Manufacturer and Intermediary in Marketing Channel;针对这一点论文围绕使渠道整体,运行效率最经济为目标,选取渠道中最具代表性的生产商与中间商的渠道关系作为研究对象,对渠道关系的建立维护过程进行研究。


1.Research on a Raw Material-Producer-Buyer Integrated Production Inventory Model;原材料-生产商-需求商一体化生产库存模型研究

2.Elle produit des bie et des services marchands.它生产商品或提供商业性的服务。

3.When is a manufacturer not a manufacturer?什么时候一个制造商不是一个生产商?

4.Research on the Optimization of Multisupplier-Single Manufacturer-Multiretailer Supply Chain;多供应商—单一生产商—多分销商供应链优化研究

5.We are one of the leading arts and crafts manufacturers.我们是工艺产品的主要生产商之一。

6.Thus, few manufacturers supply green hats or scarves.所以,生产商都不怎么生产绿头巾和绿帽子。

7.Shanghai Strives for Better Exports上海加强出口商品生产

8.capitalist producer of commodities资本主义商品生产者

9.Country of Origin & Manufacturer生产国别及制造厂商

10.law of value operating in noncommodity productio非商品生产的价值规律

11.Export-oriented commodity production Base外向型商品生产基地

modity production with combined labor联合劳动的商品生产

modity production with individual labour个体劳动的商品生产

14.bargain with the producer about the price of the article与生产者讲商品的价格

15.The Production Mechanism of the Professional Word Play in Shanghai:1937-1945;在商言商:1937-1945上海职业话剧生产体制

16.Agency-by-Agreement of the Production of Private Brand Commodities of Retailers;零售商自有品牌商品生产的委托代理

mercial production and sale of goods.产业,工业商业性生产和货物的销售

18.In the case of commodity production, industry, agriculture and trade should Be comBined so as to link production with sales.让商品生产工农贸结合,产销见面。




1.The progress of the technology and catalyst for PP in worldwide is reviewed, the recent development of major PPmanufacturers in West Europe and American are also analyzed respectively.概述了近年来聚丙烯工艺及催化剂技术的进步 ,对欧美一些主要的聚丙烯生产厂商的发展也分别进行了简要的分析。


1.Whether does socialism needcommodity production or not?Marx s answer to the question is negative but Lenin s answer is positive,Starling only mentionedcommodity production and Mao Zedong made some valuable research on it.社会主义究竟需要不需要商品生产 ?对这个问题 ,马克思的答案是否定的 ,列宁的答案是肯定的 ,斯大林仅仅提到了商品生产 ,毛泽东则对商品生产作了一些可贵的探索。

5)JMS providerJMS 生产商

6)commodity production商品生产

1.Qi Min Yao Shu and Commodity Production;《齐民要术》与商品生产探析

2.The Theoretical Trajectory of Development from Socialist Commodity Production to Socialist Market Economy;从社会主义商品生产到社会主义市场经济的理论发展轨迹

3.MAO Ze-dong s exploration on the problem of socialistcommodity production;毛泽东对社会主义商品生产问题的探索


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