200字范文 > 厂家 manufacturer英语短句 例句大全

厂家 manufacturer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 12:09:40


厂家 manufacturer英语短句 例句大全



1.The relationship betweenmanufacturers and intermediaries is rather intimate yet subtle.厂家和中间商之间的关系密切而微妙,以利益为纽带,二者既合作又竞争,既抗衡又协调。


1.Be applicable to various factory. They are laser die-board firm. Printing firm. shoes firm. made clothing firm. Suitcase and handbag firm. etc.适用于各类激光刀模厂、印刷厂、鞋厂、制衣厂、箱包手袋厂等厂家。

2.The furniture made By this factory is Both attractive and duraBle.本厂家具,美观耐用。

3.single line manufacture仅制造一种产品的厂家

4.European Computer Manufacture"s Association (ECMA)欧洲计算机厂家协会

5.Made capital improvements at the plant site.在厂家改善资产状况

6.The mill incorporated with others.这家工厂与别家合并了。

7.Most of the workers at the foundry live out.这家铸造厂的工人多数住在厂外。

8."And then we"ll break into Wu Sun-fu"s new factories and make the girls down tools and join us!“我们再冲吴老板的‘新厂’,冲别家的厂!

9.She does a good job as leader of the factory.她是厂里的好当家。

10.There has been an accident at the works.这家工厂出了一次事故。

11.The two factories are in the same locality.这两家工厂在同一地区。

12.Ted worked in a factory,特德在一家工厂工作。

13.The old mill has been at rest for nearly a hundred years.这家老厂停产近100年了。

14.The factory produces tyres.这是一家轮胎制造厂。

15.Sunscape Office Furniture Factory广东新境办公家私厂

16.The factory was gutted by flames.那家工厂被烧毁了。

17.meat-processing whole-set equipment家禽肉加工整厂设备

18.He works in a rubber factory.他在一家橡胶厂工作。



1.A infrared spectrogram library of plastic resin was founded,and a information library of plastic resin which includes Chinese name、English name、shortened form、model、nation ofmanufacturer、manufacturer、trade name、molecular formula,brief structure and characteristic peak value of each spectrogram was founded also.制备了常用的18大类塑料树脂红外标准光谱共513张,创建了塑料树脂红外标准谱库,对这些塑料树脂的中文名称、中文简称、英文名称、英文简称、商品牌号、生产国别、生产厂家、商品名、分子式、结构简式和特征峰归属等信息进行整理归纳,建立了塑料树脂信息库。

2.The present of majormanufacturers and new products of the tent materials both domestic and abroad are introduced.分析了作为帐篷用纺织品的要求及各种类型帐篷面料的结构 ,介绍了目前国内外帐篷面料的主要生产厂家及新产品 ,指出帐篷面料未来的发展趋势。


1.There are 3 mainproducers of acrylic acid and acrylates in China which are Beijing Dongfang Chemical Plant, Jil-ian (Jilin) Chemical Corporation and Acrylic Acid Plant of Shang.国内丙烯酸及其酯的主要生产厂家有3家,即北京东方化工厂、吉联(吉林)化学公司和上海高桥石化丙烯酸厂,2000年我国丙烯酸的生产能力为14。


1.In this paper, according to the contrast between geological and productive exploration, we have a discussion about the exploration way of level 10 13 of Fengshan Cu ore body 29 inSanjiachang Cu deposit, an examination of the reasonableness of exploration type, net and a summary of the available exploration experience.通过地质勘探与生产勘探 ,生产勘探与开采所获地质资料进行对比分析 ,探讨三家厂铜矿床凤山矿段 2 9号矿体 10— 13中段勘探方法 ,验证勘探类型、网度和检查勘探程度的合理性 ,总结出可供借鉴的勘探经

5)industry stadards厂家标准

6)separation of power plants from network厂网分家


