200字范文 > 期银合作 cooperation between futures companies and banks英语短句 例句大全

期银合作 cooperation between futures companies and banks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-22 02:15:58


期银合作 cooperation between futures companies and banks英语短句 例句大全

期银合作,cooperation between futures companies and banks

1)cooperation between futures companies and banks期银合作

2)cooperation of banks and futures industy银期合作

3)Banking-futures cooperation银期业务合作


1.The Cooperation Between Banking and Futures is a Mutual-Win Road;银期业务合作是银行与期货业实现共赢之路

2.Cooperation and Competition for Intermediate Business by Commercial Banks;商业银行中间业务的合作与竞争研究

3.Discussion about Standard Operation Cooperative Business of Producer , Franchiser and Bank in Steel Products Trade;钢材贸易中规范操作工商银合作业务的探讨

4.Discussion about the New Devlopment of Commercial Banks"Personal Finance Based on the Coorperation Between the Bank and the Insurance Agent依托银保合作实现商业银行个人理财业务新发展的探讨

5.The HKMA has worked closely with the banking community to enhance the robustness of Hong Kong"s interbank payment system.金管局与银行界紧密合作,务求令香港银行同业支付系统更趋健全。

6.futures contract in interbank interest rate银行同业拆息期货合约

7.Team working for top performance--Interview with Peng Xiangdong,Deputy General Manager,International Department,ABC;团队合作 精益求精——中国农业银行国际业务部副总经理彭向东访谈

8.Cross-running of Banking Based on the Cooperation Between Banks and Securities;从银证合作看我国银行业的混业经营

9.The organization is working with banks to offer products like, for example, life insurance policies.该组织目前正在与银行合作提供储如人寿保险这样的业务。

10.The Marketing Strategy Research of Finance Lease Business Unit of Rabobank in China荷兰合作银行融资租赁业务中国区营销战略研究

11.While looking forward to a very close cooperation between us in the development of the business in the years to come.期望今后你我双方能密切合作,发展业务。

12.Research on Market Targeting Model of Selecting Manager and Cooperation Mechanism in Commercial Bank Based on Stock Option;股票期权的商业银行经理人筛选及团队合作机制

13.A Study of the Network Security Architecture of the Integrated Business System of CCB商业银行综合业务网络安全体系研究

14.Operational Risks of Counter Service in State-Owned Commercial Banks;国有商业银行柜面业务操作风险研究

15.The Discussion on the Service of Commercial Paper in Domestic Merchant Bank;我国商业银行企业短期融资券业务探讨

16.Integration of Resources for Strengthening the Service--On Services of Books and Data of Newspaper Groups in New Times整合资源 强化服务——论新时期报业集团图书资料服务工作

17.Research on Competitive Strategy of Intermediary Business Product of China s Commercial Bank after Entering WTO;后WTO时期中国商业银行中间业务发展战略分析

18.Study on Development Strategy of Commercial Bank Intermediary Business in the New Period;新时期商业银行中间业务发展策略研究


cooperation of banks and futures industy银期合作

3)Banking-futures cooperation银期业务合作

4)inter-bank cooperation银银合作

5)cooperation between bank and insurance company银保合作

1.A several thoughts of developingcooperation between bank and insurance company in our country;关于我国开展银保合作的几点思考

6)Cooperation of Financial Departments and Agriculture银农合作

1.Cooperation of Financial Departments and Agriculture——the Innovation of Supporting Pattern of Finance to Agriculture;银农合作——财政支农模式的创新


欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权【欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权】期权合约所规定的权利有一定的时效期,过了失效日后,权利即行作废。一些期权规定权利仅能在有效期的最后一天执行,这种期权被称为欧洲式期权(ell功pean叩tions);另一些期权则容许在有效期内任何一天执行,这种期权被称为美国式期权(一~oPtions)。值得指出的是,虽名为欧洲式或美国式期权,但已无任何地理上的意义。由于欧洲式期权的规定过于严格,又出现了一种“改变的欧洲式期权”,它允许期权在一定的时间范围内进行交易。可见,美国式期权为期权购买者提供了更多的选择机会,因此,它的购买者也往往需支付更高的保险费。近年来无论在欧洲或美国,所交易的期权均以美国式为主,欧洲式期权虽仍存在,但其交易量已比不上美国式期权。在so年代末期,市场上又出现了一种所谓亚洲式期权(asian ontions),但也无地理上的意义,其差别主要在于履约价值(exe而sev公此)的计算。以买权为例,无论是美国式期权或是欧洲式期权,执行权利所能得到的履约价值均为当时标的物的市价减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量,但亚洲式期权的履约价值则为权利期间内标的物市价的平均(计算至履约日为止),减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量。
