200字范文 > 史料观 views toward historical data英语短句 例句大全

史料观 views toward historical data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-20 15:37:14


史料观 views toward historical data英语短句 例句大全

史料观,views toward historical data

1)views toward historical data史料观

1.Meanwhile,theirviews toward historical data were quite different.作为20世纪中国两位著名的历史学家,郭沫若和傅斯年在史料价值的重视、史料的搜集和整理方法以及史料的运用等方面都有极为相似之处;同时,二者的史料观又有一定的区别。


1.The Research on the Historical Ideas of the Institute of History and Philology历史语言研究所学人的史料观——解读1928~1948年的《历史语言研究所集刊》

2.The Wide View of Historical Materials : XIE Guozhen s Understanding of the Importance of the Notes during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;广域的史料观念:谢国桢对明清笔记小说价值之认识

ment on Fu Sinian’s “History Is Historical Materials”;评析傅斯年“史学即史料学”的治史观

4.The Value of Drama Historical Data about Du Yinyuan s Watching Plays Diary;试论《杜隐园观剧记》的戏曲史料价值

5.On the Historical Outlook Of Ancient Israeli People: from the Structure of Sources, the Compilation of Historical Books to the Formation of Historical Outlook;试论古代以色列民族的历史观──从资料构成、史书编集到观念的形成

6.Characterizing Source Properties of Historical Earthquakes Using Macro-Seismic Data用宏观地震资料反演历史地震震源特征

7.The Controversy about Nine-square Land System in 1920:the First Conflict between theHistorical Material School and the Textual Criticism School;19井田制辩论:唯物史观派与史料派的初次交锋

8.On the Conspiracy between Official Power and Folk Ideas:Reflections on the Suppression of the Civilization Drama官方权力与民间观念的合谋——文明戏被压制之史料钩沉

9.Through full and accurate materials, this paper appraises Tacitus" historical views of society and then analyses the characteristics of historical study in ancient Rome.本文以翔实的材料评述了塔西陀的社会历史观,并进而分析了古罗马史学的特征。

10.On the Historical Data and Explanation in the Study of Environment History;环境思想史研究的史料与诠释——以探寻传统山水画中蕴涵的道家自然观为例

11.Study on Formation and Changing of the System of Waterscape and Waterside Landscape in Ancient Jiang Nan (South of the Yangtze River)--Based on Historical Documents of Jiaxing Region;历史时期江南地区水域景观体系的构成与变迁——基于嘉兴地区史志资料的探讨

12.A Comparison Between Ecumenical History and The Shiji in Historical View;世界历史观念下的“普世史”与《史记》的史学观

13.On the Style the Types of Literature Historical Stylistics of Yimide History and Its Historical Materials;略论《伊米德史》史学体裁体例兼其史料

14.On the Effect of Materialistic Interpretation of History to New Interpretation of History of Li Dazhao;论唯物史观对李大钊“新史观”的影响

15.Historical view of the development of the "primordial Qi" A study of the natural historical view manifested in Yi Wei;“元气”演化史观——《易纬》的自然史观研究

16.On the Relationship between Historical Materialism and Economic History of Marx;论马克思唯物史观与经济史观的关系

17.History of legal system, history of law development, history of law;"法制史"、"法律发达史"、"法律史"——一个历史维度的观察

18.Then he used intuitivism and reasonableness method to verify the historical date of later Ming Dynasty. In this rang he obtained remarkable achievement.在此基础上他运用直观和较理性的考辨方法对明代史料进行了细致的考辨 ,取得了显著的成就。


view of files and historical materials档案史料观

1.Through a long-term files and data work,Rong Mengyuan had formed a systematic and uniqueview of files and historical materials.荣孟源在长期的档案史料工作中形成了其系统而独特的档案史料观。

3)Conception of History史观

1.An Analysis of the Division between the Schools of Historical Materials andConception of History;史料派与史观派分野之原因刍议

2.It is of instructive importance for the inheritance and development of China s literature to study his poems and his achievements as the conception of history reflected in his poems is still meaningful f.其诗文所反映的史观,今天仍有一定的借鉴意义。

4)historical data史料

1.Investigation on thehistorical data of gold,silver and other metals density determination;金、银等金属的密度测量史料初探

2.The evolution of thehistorical data on Sino-Ryukyu relation in thelibrary of Fujian Teachers University the second part of thehistorical documents of the Ming and Qing Dynasties;福建师范大学图书馆藏中琉关系史料述略——明清文献之二

5)historical materials史料

1.The Questions of Historical Materials about Modern Ningbo Regional History Study:The Rediscover of Local Literatures;近代宁波区域历史研究的史料问题:以地方文献为中心

2.An Analysis of the Division between the Schools of Historical Materials and Conception of History;史料派与史观派分野之原因刍议

6)the Historical Data史料

1.Textual Distinguishing ofthe Historical Data of Nation Biography in SHI JI;《史记》民族列传史料来源考辨


