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史料 historical materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-15 02:38:06


史料 historical materials英语短句 例句大全

史料,historical materials

1)historical materials史料

1.The Questions of Historical Materials about Modern Ningbo Regional History Study:The Rediscover of Local Literatures;近代宁波区域历史研究的史料问题:以地方文献为中心

2.An Analysis of the Division between the Schools of Historical Materials and Conception of History;史料派与史观派分野之原因刍议


1.On the Style the Types of Literature Historical Stylistics of Yimide History and Its Historical Materials;略论《伊米德史》史学体裁体例兼其史料

ment on Fu Sinian’s “History Is Historical Materials”;评析傅斯年“史学即史料学”的治史观

3.Limits to Materials Dealing with Pre-1949 Modern History and the Integrity of Historiography:With Reference to the Compilation and Publication of Relevant Historical Material;晚近史的史料边际与史学的整体性——兼论相关史料的编辑出版

4.Essential Study of Archival Historical Materials Compilation《档案史料编纂学概要》

5.Historical Matericals of Ancient Chinese Document中国古代文献史料学

6.Historical Materials Discovery of Traditional History andthe Theme Development of Agricultural Historical Research;传统史学的史料开掘与农史研究的题材拓展

7.It is a rare treasure of historical records.这是舞蹈史上罕见的史料宝藏,

8.A Study on the Historical Materials Value of "Dongjing Menghua Lu" on Historical-Geography;《东京梦华录》的历史地理史料价值研究

9.Historiography and Historical Materials:A Preliminary Survey on Some Aspects of Jiangnan during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;史料与史学:明清江南研究的几个面向

10.The Reasons for the Large Number of "Non-factual Records" in the Historical Records;浅析《史记》存在大量“非实录”史料之原因

11.Research on title thesaurus of marine navigation historical data in Twenty-Five Histories;《二十五史》中航海史料标题词表研究

12.Republic of China History Literature "the Corpus of Northwest Development Historical Data" Study;民国历史文献《西北开发史料丛编》述略

13.WEN Yi-duo s research on the bibliography of social history conceived in Zhouyi;闻一多的《周易》社会史史料学研究

14.On the Research of the Local Historical Documents and the Modern and Contemporary History in China;试论方志史料与中国近、现代史研究

15.A Study of the Historical Data Value of "The Ancient Lores" from Jinyusi;《晋语四》“古史传说”的史料价值考辨

16.The Research of Historical Source Teaching in Middle Schools in Australia澳大利亚中学历史教学中的史料教学

17.The Meaning and Utilization of Image Historical Material in History Teaching图像史料在历史教学中的意义和运用

18.The Collected Historical Data concerning Histories of China s Twenty-Six Dynasties and Records of the Relationship between Three East Asian Countries in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Value of Historical Data;《中国廿六史及明清实录东亚关系史料全辑》的编纂综述及史料价值


historical data史料

1.Investigation on thehistorical data of gold,silver and other metals density determination;金、银等金属的密度测量史料初探

2.The evolution of thehistorical data on Sino-Ryukyu relation in thelibrary of Fujian Teachers University the second part of thehistorical documents of the Ming and Qing Dynasties;福建师范大学图书馆藏中琉关系史料述略——明清文献之二

3)historical material史料

1.By analyzing concretelyhistorical material relevant to Lu Xun,Guo Mo-ruo,Gao Chang-hong,the result shows that it is very insufficient to Chinese modern literaturehistorical material s work.通过具体分析与鲁迅、郭沫若、高长虹有关的史料情况可以得出结论,现代文学的史料工作做得还很不够,为了写出一部较为真实地反映中国现代文学发展状况的文学史,史料工作必须先行,并且应以全新的眼光系统整理现代文学资料。

2.The Wu Yue Spring and Autumn is a valuable unofficial history,its value main manifests at two sides,the plentifulhistorical materials and some new ideas at the style.《吴越春秋》是一部有价值的野史,其史学价值主要休现在史料价值和写史体例有所创新两个方面。

3.In recent years,the research on the chamber of commerce continued,but it faces dilemma,such as the self-localization,theory method,historical materials utilization and so on.这一方面是由于其他新兴的研究领域正在崛起;另一方面也与其面临的一些困惑有关,如自我定位、理论方法、史料运用等。

4)the Historical Data史料

1.Textual Distinguishing ofthe Historical Data of Nation Biography in SHI JI;《史记》民族列传史料来源考辨

5)chemistry historical data化学史料

1.Based on thechemistry historical data in Tiangong Kaiwu , this paper gives a systematic review of chemical properties, chemical reactions and important chemical technology.明代宋应星的《天工开物>一书蕴涵着丰富的化学史料,从化学物质及其性质、化学反应和重要化学工艺等角度对该书的史料作出评述。

6)Disaster historical documents灾异史料


