200字范文 > 巩固政权 the Consolidation of Political Power英语短句 例句大全

巩固政权 the Consolidation of Political Power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-09 22:32:45


巩固政权 the Consolidation of Political Power英语短句 例句大全

巩固政权,the Consolidation of Political Power

1)the Consolidation of Political Power巩固政权


1.It must therefore resort to dictatorship to consolidate its power.因此要用专政的手段来巩固政权。

2.Deng Xiao - ping s Development of Mao Ze - dong Thoughts on Consolidating Political Power;邓小平对毛泽东巩固政权思想的继承和发展

3.In conclusion, the policy of maintaining the ruling by nears means of filial piety foiled.国家“以孝劝忠”、巩固政权的良苦用心并没有发生很大的作用。

4.Meanwhile,the prosperity of the prime ministerial power is also a reflection of the concurrent political and military developments.同时,相权兴盛也是巩固政权的政治需要,亦是当时频繁的军事活动所需。

5.He has been steadily consolidating his power since the coup.自从政变以来,他一直在稳稳地巩固他的权力。

6.We will improve and consolidate government authority at the township level and ensure harmony in communities, villages and towns.加强和巩固基层政权,推进和谐社区、谐村镇建设。

7.Improve to Prevent the Ability ofPower Corruption,Enhance Party s Position in Power;提高防治权力腐败能力,巩固党的执政地位

8.It is right to consolidate the people"s power by employing the force of the people"s democratic dictatorship.运用人民民主专政的力量,巩固人民的政权,是正义的事情,

9.Stabilize and perfect the financial contract system巩固完善财政包干制度

10.The people"s democratic dictatorship has been consolidated.人民民主专政业已巩固。

11.We should consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.巩固军政军民团结。

12.Accelerating the Organizational Innovation of Township Government and Consolidating the Rural Tax-for-fee Reform;加快乡镇政权的组织制度创新巩固农村税费改革的成果

13.The government and the people should support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of servicemen and martyrs, and the army should support the government and cherish the people so as to consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.拥军优属,拥政爱民,巩固军政军民团结。

14.Adjustment of Policies in Time to Strengthen the Ruling Legitimacy of the CPC;适时调整政策,巩固党的执政合法性

15.The Premise for Improving the Governing ability of the Party:Consolidating the basis of Governing;提高党执政能力的前提:巩固执政基础

16.Probing the Laws of Governing for Consolidating Our Party s Ruling Position;探索执政规律 巩固党的执政地位

17.The Consolidation of China"s Ruling Party"s Legitimacy of the Ruling in Transitional Society转型期中国执政党执政合法性的巩固

18.It is right to consolidate the people"s power by employing the force of the people"s democratic dictatorship. There is nothing wrong in that.运用人民民主专政的力量,巩固人民的政权,是正义的事情,没有什么输理的地方。


consolidate Soviet political power巩固苏维埃政权

3)Solidification Khan"s rule巩固汗权

4)strengthen the imperial power巩固皇权

5)enhancing the ruling position巩固执政地位


1.Memory Reconsolidation and Its Potential Neurobiological Mechanism记忆再巩固现象及其生物学机制

2.In this paper we reviewed recent progress in studies on the formation and consolidation of declarative memory and proposed some modifications and extension for the classical model of memory storage.综述了陈述性记忆形成和巩固的神经机制,并对经典模型进行了修正和拓展。

3.A mechanism of mutual benefit and promotion between a teachers college and it s practice base is the key to the consolidation of educational practice base.稳定的实习基地是教育实习质量的保证 ,师范学校与实习基地之间形成一种互利互动的机制是教育实习基地得以巩固的惟一出


