200字范文 > 基层政权 basic unit of political power英语短句 例句大全

基层政权 basic unit of political power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-09 04:32:24


基层政权 basic unit of political power英语短句 例句大全

基层政权,basic unit of political power

1)basic unit of political power基层政权

1.This article is for the purpose of through to the Shanxi-Suiyuan area base opposition to Japanbasic unit of political power discussion, hopes for has the enlightenment to today new rural reconstruction.本文旨在通过对晋绥根据地抗日基层政权的探讨,期冀对今天的新农村建设有所启示。


1.Political power and democracy at the local level in urban and rural areas should be strengthened.加强基层政权建设和城乡基层民主政治建设。

2.From the view of the political modernization, the grass root regime is the basis of the state political power.从政治现代化的视角看,基层政权是国家政权的基石。

3.Land Reform and Construction of Grass Roots Regime in the Sichuan-Shannxi Soviet Area;川陕苏区的土地改革与基层政权构建

4.Deepening Local Town Government Reform and Strengthening Regime Construction;深化乡镇机构改革 加强基层政权建设

5.On the democratic election of the grassroot political power in Anti–Japanese Base Areas;浅析抗日根据地基层政权的民主选举

6.The Impact of Evil Social Forces on Lower-Level Governments;当前黑恶势力对基层政权的侵蚀解析

7.Study on the Development of Grassroots Political Power in Chinese Country by the Evolvement of Ownership Right on Land;从土地所有权变迁看中国农村基层政权建设

8.System Creation of Democratic Political Construction in Rural;乡村民主政治建设的机制创新——农村基层民主与基层政权良性互动

9.The Research on the Party Ruling Style by Law in the Organizational of Political Power at the Grass-roots Level;党在基层政权组织中依法执政方式研究

10.A Study on the Construction of the Rural Grass-roots Regime;政治发展视野中的农村基层政权建设研究

11.Analysis of the Finance in the Towns and Villages and the Fulfillment Actuality of the Grass-roots Government Functions in the Rural Areas;乡镇财政与农村基层政权职能履行现状研究

12.Financial Condition and Administrative Construction at Basic LevelsIn Western China;西部地区县乡财政状况与基层政权建设

13.The Basic Reform Direction and the Present Condition on an Organization of Political Power at the Grass-roots Level in Chinese Villages and Towns;乡镇基层政权组织的现状与改革的基本方向

14.A Summarization of the Experiences of Establishing the "Grassroots-regime" during China"s Revolution Period试论中央苏区基层政权建设的基本经验

15.On the Construction of the Anti-Japanese Democratic Regime Rural Grassroots Regime in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region;试论陕甘宁边区抗日民主政权中的农村基层政权建设

16.We will improve and consolidate government authority at the township level and ensure harmony in communities, villages and towns.加强和巩固基层政权,推进和谐社区、谐村镇建设。

munity development and management and political power at the grass-roots level in rural areas need to be strengthened.加强社区建设和管理,加强农村基层政权建设。

18.We saw improvement in communities in urban areas and in the lower-level governments in rural areas.城市社区和农村基层政权建设得到加强。


grassroots regime基层政权

1.This article points out that the construction ofgrassroots regime is the key guarantee ofnational long-term safety and economical sustainable development as well as the necessary requirementof solving the problem of “peasant – agriculture-countryside”.加强基层政权建设是国家长治久安、经济可持续发展的重要保障,也是解决“三农”问题的必然要求。

3)grassroots government基层政权

1.On Concerted Development of Chinese Urban Grassroots Government and Residents Self-Government;论我国城市基层政权与居民自治的协同发展

4)Political power at the grass-roots level基层政权

1.The effect on political power at the grass-roots level of village and town finance difficulty;乡镇财政困难对基层政权的影响

5)basic power基层政权

1.It also affects the rural economic base and upper stucture,and changes the operation ofbasic power.随着农业税减免政策的实施,不仅从经济上改变了农民和国家政权的关系,也深刻影响着农村的经济基础和上层建筑,改变着基层政权的运行方式。

6)rural regimes乡村基层政权

1.Now is the third change,and therural regimes have been in the process of reform with more flexibility and independence,but some prob.由清末到国民政府垮台时期的第一次社会转型中,传统士绅的衰落与基层政权的建设相互影响,结果是基层政权的"内卷化",乡村社会出现了动荡和混乱,国家陷入了总体性危机;由中华人民共和国成立到"文化大革命"结束时期的第二次社会转型中,国家成功地将政权的触角延伸至基层农村,以各种手段形成了对农村的强力制约,即使如此,基层社会也并未完全丧失自身的行动能力;当前第三次社会转型下处于改革进程中的乡村基层政权,由于国家权力的部分分权显示出了更大的弹性和自主性,在与各方利益的互动中形成了自身独立的利益追求,所引发的问题值得我们进一步的关注。


