200字范文 > 人大制度 The Peoples Congress system英语短句 例句大全

人大制度 The Peoples Congress system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-14 05:57:23


人大制度 The Peoples Congress system英语短句 例句大全

人大制度,The People"s Congress system

1)The People"s Congress system人大制度

1.ON the Principle of Democratic Centralism of the People"s Congress System人大制度民主集中制原则解析

2)reform of the system of people"s congress人大制度改革

3)university corporation system大学法人制度

1.But the implementation of theuniversity corporation system does not meet the initial expectations of the policy.实施大学法人制度,有其逻辑必然性,也为不少国家的大学改革实践所采纳。

4)supervision institution of the People"s Congress人大监督制度


1.Finance Right of Westward Parliament and the Enlightenment to Perfect Supervision System of National People"s Congress System in our Country浅析西方议会的财政权及对完善我国人大监督制度的启示

2.Interpretations of Supervising on "Five Circumstances";解读人民监督员制度之“五种情形”监督

3.Budget Supervision and the Development of Democracy: A Political Study on the Budget Supervision System of the NPC of China(1978-);预算监督与民主成长:全国人大预算监督制度的政治学分析(1978-)

4.On the localization of the system of the people s supervisors--from the angle of the classification of legal supervision;人民监督员制度的定位——从法律监督分类的角度

5.On our people Representative Assembly and the Improvement of the Constitution Centre s System;论我国人民代表大会与宪法监督制度的完善

6.On Juvenile Guardianship System Construction in Our Country;我国未成年人监护权监督制度的构建

7.Supervision on the Judicatory by People s Congress: From Individual Case Supervision to Similar Case Supervision;人大监督司法:从个案监督到类案监督

8.A Study on the Improvement in Treasury Supervisory System of National People"s Congress from the Viewpoint of Foreign Legislature从比较法的角度看我国全国人大财政监督制度的完善

9.Value of the People s Supervisor System on the Rule of Law and Its Realization;人民监督员制度的法治价值及其实现

10.The improvement of system in interior of corporation in our country;论我国公司法人内部监督制度的完善

11.Reform accountant personnel systemperfect executive supervision;改革会计人事制度 完善执法监督

12.Research on People" s Supervisor System Introduced by the Procuratorial Organizations检察机关推行人民监督员制度之研究

13.On the Relation between the People"s Supervisor and the People Juror System人民监督员制度与人民陪审员制度之关系

14.Parliament Supervision on Government Budget in Developed Countries and Inspiration for China;发达国家议会预算监督的制度化实践及对我国人大的启示

15.Analysis of System Limitations on Budget Supervision of People s Congress Council;我国人民代表大会行使预算监督权的制度缺陷分析

16.Authorization and Supervision:On the Issues of Improvement of People’s Congress Institution;授权与监督:论完善人民代表大会制度的几个问题

17.An important system innovation--The accredited inspector system in the supervision of state-owned enterprises;重大的制度创新——国企监督中的稽查特派员制度

18.Legal Analysis on Minor Guardianship and Surveillance System of China;我国未成年人监护监督制度的法律分析


reform of the system of people"s congress人大制度改革

3)university corporation system大学法人制度

1.But the implementation of theuniversity corporation system does not meet the initial expectations of the policy.实施大学法人制度,有其逻辑必然性,也为不少国家的大学改革实践所采纳。

4)supervision institution of the People"s Congress人大监督制度

5)National People"s Congress system in the county县级人大制度

6)On Innovating the People Congress System论人大制度创新


