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人大 national peoples congress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-15 23:17:40


人大 national peoples congress英语短句 例句大全

人大,national people"s congress

1)national people"s congress人大


1.The adult has a great advantage over the child.成年人大大胜过小孩子。

2.Detraction pursues the great.人大招物议,树大惹风吹。

3.Detraction purchase the great人大招物议树大招风吹

4.a group of people cried suddenly.突然,一群人大喊。

5.amuse people enough to make them laugh/smile逗得人大笑[发笑]

6.One for all, all for one.一人为大家,大家为一人。

7.University students 198,087大学生198087人

8.Unity of Opposites Appealing to All --Finding a Clue to 《Somebody》;大开大阖 大俗大雅——解读《有的人》

9.There are about a thousand men in the hall.在大厅里大约有一千人。

itia Centuriata百人团大会,军伍大会

11.A departure of a large number of people.大批离去大群人的离去

12.The mobility of the population has greatly increased.人口的流动性大大增加。

13.large number(of people, animals,etc)(人,动物等的)大军,大群

14.a great poet is a master melody.大诗人也是音律大师。

15.An Italian speaks Italian.意大利人讲意大利语。

16.International Congress of University Adult Education国际大学成人教育大会

17."Does your excellency wish for a receipt?"“大人要收条吗?”

18."Your excellency"s name"--“大人的尊称是——”



1.Thinking from the Angle of Law on the Supervising Function of Local Congress;对地方人大监督职能的法律思考

3)the NPC人大

1.The Rational Analysis about the Status of the CCP andthe NPC in the State;关于党与人大在国家中地位的理性分析

2.The National People’s Congress (the NPC) has the power of jurisdiction while for some reason this power is somewhat invalid.我国当前社会中人大监督权行使不到位 ,妨碍了国家权力机关作用的发挥。

4)the great man大人

1.The system of Ruan Ji s perfect personality consists of four kinds of moral integrity:the noble man,the wise man,the great man and the natural man.整理阮籍《大人先生传》和其他文章中的人格类型,我们可以看到,阮籍理想人格的系统是由君子、圣人、大人、至人等四个类型组成的结构,君子和圣人是现实世界不同层次的理想人格,具有现实的意义。

5)To grow in independence of mind人大心大

6)A high muckamuck.大人物,大亨


