200字范文 > 普通词汇 ordinary vocabulary英语短句 例句大全

普通词汇 ordinary vocabulary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-09 23:09:19


普通词汇 ordinary vocabulary英语短句 例句大全

普通词汇,ordinary vocabulary

1)ordinary vocabulary普通词汇

2)Putonghua vocabulary普通话词汇

1.This paper is devoted to discussing some basic theories onPutonghua vocabulary,such as definition and its judge,differentiation Putonghua words from dialectal words,etc.本文对普通话词汇的定义及判定标准、普通话词汇系统的构成面貌、普通话词汇和方言词的区分等有关普通话词汇的基本理论问题作了探讨,主张用层级的观点看待普通话词汇系统,在方言词和普通话词划界问题上承认并允许中间状态的存在。


1.The Vocabulary Differences between Weihui Dialect and Putonghua to Study Comparatively;卫辉方言词汇与普通话词汇差异比较研究

2.Resear on Words Regulation in Mandarin Chinese Proficiency Test;普通话水平测试的词汇规范问题研究

3.The Development of Mandarin Monosyllable Lexical Neighborhood Test普通话儿童词汇相邻性单音节词表的编制

4.Tendency for the Wutai Dialect to Approach Mandarin-In Terms of the Vocabulary Change;五台方言向普通话靠拢趋势考察—从词汇的角度

5.The Standard Spoken Chinese Tester Attenuates the Glossary Grammar Standard at the Beginning of Reason to Search;普通话测试员弱化词汇语法规范原因初探

6.On the Standardization of Vocabulary in Mandarin with Hainan Accent;浅析海南腔普通话在词汇方面应该规范的问题

7.On Words Tonal Pattern Vs Rhyme Scheme of Putonghua and Putonghua Level Test;普通话词语轻重格与普通话水平测试

8.The first experiment and second experiment discuss the mental lexicon of written language between Cantonese and Mandarin .实验一和实验二对粤语/普通话的书面语言词汇表征模型进行探讨。

9.The research on mean length of utterance and lexical diversity in preschool Mandarin-speaking children;学龄前儿童普通话平均句子长度和词汇广度研究

10.The Vocabulary Change of Xuzhou Dialect in the Last Sixty Years --The Investigation of Tendency of Xuzhou Dialect s closing to Common Speech (II);徐州方言词汇60年来的变化——徐州方言向普通话靠拢趋势考察之二

11.Don"t use common dictionary words from any language.不要使用任何语言的普通词典词汇。

12.The Lexical Coverage of College English Test Vocabulary over General English;大学英语词汇对普通英语的词汇覆盖率

13.The Influence of Tenor on the Lexico-grammatical Choices in ECST Texts;话语基调对科普英语词汇语法的影响

14.Word Contact between Cantonese,Mandarin and Hong Kong Dialect;广州话与普通话、香港话的语词接触

15.These two sections take up some common problems in words.这两节谈词汇中的一些普通问题。

16.The Learning Strategies of Vocabulary for High School Students普通高中英语词汇学习策略教学研究

17.Contrasting Sound System Between Zengbuhuiyin (《增补汇音》)and The Standand Chinese Pronunciation;《增补汇音》音系与普通话音系比较研究

18.Investigation in the Custom Vocabulary Changes of Xuzhou Dialect--The Investigation of Tendency XuZhou Dialect s closing to Common Speech(Ⅵ);徐州方言民俗词汇变化的考察——徐州方言向普通话靠拢趋势考察之六


Putonghua vocabulary普通话词汇

1.This paper is devoted to discussing some basic theories onPutonghua vocabulary,such as definition and its judge,differentiation Putonghua words from dialectal words,etc.本文对普通话词汇的定义及判定标准、普通话词汇系统的构成面貌、普通话词汇和方言词的区分等有关普通话词汇的基本理论问题作了探讨,主张用层级的观点看待普通话词汇系统,在方言词和普通话词划界问题上承认并允许中间状态的存在。

3)Definition on Putonghua Vocabulary普通话词汇界说

4)prevailing exchange rate普通汇率

5)lexical access词汇通达

1.The topic of this paper is to introduce two important theories oflexical access in speech production.首先简单介绍了言语产生中词汇产生研究方法,然后重点介绍了言语产生中的2类重要的词汇通达理论:交互激活理论和独立阶段理论,围绕词汇通达中的3个重要问题:词汇通达的阶段、词汇通达的时间进程、词汇通达阶段是分离独立的还是交互作用的展开论述,阐述了2类理论的相同点和相异点。

2.The results preliminarily show that the prefrontal lobe plays an important role of inhibition in thelexical access of bilingual speech production and bilingual word identification.本实验以一例前额叶损伤中-英双语病人为研究对象,通过让其完成系统的语言测试任务和认知实验任务,考察了双语词汇通达过程中抑制机制的神经基础。

pared with Indo European languages and the Chinese one character word, the phonological similarity played a limited role inlexical access.与中文单字词和拼音文字相比 ,中文双字词的语音类似在词汇通达中起有限的作

6)Common vocabulary通用词汇


《汉英词典》机械类常用词汇,按笔画一画一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver一点透视 one-point perspective二画二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue二维的;平面的 two-dimensional二进制 binary二极管;整流子 diode二号螺丝攻 second tap二路开关 two-way switch十进制的;公制的 metric人工制品 artefact人造板 man-made board人体工程学 ergonomics; human engineering人体尺寸 human dimension人体测量学 anthropometry; anthropometrics刀片 blade刀身 blade刀具 tool刀具溜座 carriage刀柱 tool post刀架 tool rest刀架底座 tool rest bracket刀座帷;床鞍 apron刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle力 force力三角形 triangle of force力平行四边形 parallelogram of force力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force力的分解 force resolution力架;亮漆 lacquer力矩 moment力偶 couple力矩定律 law of moment力-距离图表 force-distance graph力图 force diagram力线 line of force力点 effort十字榫 cross halving joint十字螺丝 Philip"s head screw十字螺丝批 Philip"s type screwdriver丁字尺;T 尺 tee square三画三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck三角尺 set square三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie三角锉 triangular file三维的;立体的 three-dimensional三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform三聚氰胺;蜜胺 melamine三点透视 three-point perspective上油漆 painting上釉 enamelling凡立水 varnish叉形顶尖 fork centre 口罩 mask士力;虫漆 shellac士巴拿;扳手 spanner大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard; solid corestock-laminated board大量制造 mass production子口刨;槽口刨;边刨 rebate plane小型平槽刨 miniature router plane小型线料弯曲器 small wire bender小型弯折机 mini bender小型电路断路器;跳菲 miniature circuit breaker (MCB)小齿轮 pinion山樟 San Cheong工件 workpiece工字梁 I beam工作面 working surface工作图;制作图 working drawing工作台 bench; working table工具 tool工具贮存室 tool storage工具槽 well工具钢 tool steel工场 workshop工场安全 workshop safety工程字书写技巧 lettering工程系统 engineering system工程绘图 engineering drawing工业酒精;火酒 methylated spirit弓形手钻;手摇曲柄钻 brace弓形手钻嘴 brace bit弓锯 bow saw; hacksaw
