200字范文 > 语言文采 Language literary talent英语短句 例句大全

语言文采 Language literary talent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-10 04:55:59


语言文采 Language literary talent英语短句 例句大全

语言文采,Language literary talent

1)Language literary talent语言文采

2)language interview语言采访

1.The success of TVlanguage interview is a comprehensive embodiment of all round competency journalists and TV commentators should have.成功的电视语言采访是电视记者和节目主持人各方面素质的综合体现。

3)language culture语言文化

parisons Of Chinese And Japanese Language Cultures;中日语言文化对比——以汉字为例

2.It is claimed in this thesis that language expression pattern is an important component oflanguage culture.本文在认定语言表达模式是语言文化的一个重要组成部分的基础上,主要运用文化语言学的相关理论和方法,同时广泛吸取前人和时贤的有关研究成果,对中国对联这种具有浓郁民族特色的语言表达模式进行了文化语言学视角下的初步探讨。

3.With the advent of the Internet, a new phenomenon oflanguage culture isemerging and prospering with each passing day.随着互联网的出现,标志着一种新的语言文化的到来一视觉文化。


1.The Pragmatic Strategy of Vague Language in English-Chinese Culture;英汉语言文化中含糊语言的表现形式

2.Language Culture Psychological Discussion of Pian s Gentle Recreation and Sports Language Structure;骈文文体语言结构的语言文化心理探讨

3.A Study of the Literary andLinguistic Style of Parallel Prose;骈文的文体语言结构的语言文化学札记

4.A Study of Cultureal Phenomena from the Angle of Language Features--A Perspective of Chinese Language and Culture in Qitai;从语言特征看文化现象——奇台汉语言文化透视

5.Influence of Russian Language and Culture on the Sibo Language and Culture in Xinjiang;俄罗斯语言文化对新疆锡伯族语言文化的影响

6.Review of The Outline of Cultural Linguistics--The Essence of Shen Xiaolong s Language of Culture;评《文化语言学论纲──申小龙语言文化精论》

7.Language is Human, Human is Language-Global English and the Loss of Languages and Cultures of the Weak Nations;语言即人 人即语言——反思英语全球化与弱势民族语言文化的丧失

8.Language and Modern Spirit --On language cultural notion of the Liberal School;语言文字与现代精神——论开明派的语言文化观

9.The Distinction between Language and Speech (Langue et Parole) and the Standardization of Language and Words;语言和言语的区分与语言文字规范化

10.Media Language.New Change of Language Types in Chinese Curriculum;媒介语言:语文课程语言类型的新变化

11.Ethnolinguistic Vitality, Language and Cultural Attitude and Language Behavior;民族语言活力、语言态度、文化态度以及语言行为

12.Language and Culture:a Study of Culture and Its Development from Language Differentiation and Fusion;语言与文化─—从语言的分化融合看文化及其发展

13.Vocabulary and Culture a Cross-Language Study of Linguistic Relativity;词汇与文化:语言相对性的跨语言研究

14.Relationship Between Language and Culture in Communicative Language Teaching;交际性语言教学中语言与文化的关系

15.The Use of Language and Language User’s Cultural Model;语言的使用和语言使用者的文化模式

16.On Equivalence of Interlinguistic Signs,Speech Translation and Cross-Cultural Information;语言符号对译、言语翻译与跨文化信息

17.Cross-cultural Study on the Differences in Chinese and English Speech Acts中英语言言语行为差异的跨文化研究

18.It is impossible to dissociate language from culture.语言与文化是不能隔的。


language interview语言采访

1.The success of TVlanguage interview is a comprehensive embodiment of all round competency journalists and TV commentators should have.成功的电视语言采访是电视记者和节目主持人各方面素质的综合体现。

3)language culture语言文化

parisons Of Chinese And Japanese Language Cultures;中日语言文化对比——以汉字为例

2.It is claimed in this thesis that language expression pattern is an important component oflanguage culture.本文在认定语言表达模式是语言文化的一个重要组成部分的基础上,主要运用文化语言学的相关理论和方法,同时广泛吸取前人和时贤的有关研究成果,对中国对联这种具有浓郁民族特色的语言表达模式进行了文化语言学视角下的初步探讨。

3.With the advent of the Internet, a new phenomenon oflanguage culture isemerging and prospering with each passing day.随着互联网的出现,标志着一种新的语言文化的到来一视觉文化。

4)word language文字语言

1.The relation between graphic language andword language was analyzed in the forms of concretization,abstraction,and integration,beginning from the analysis of their basic characteristics.从包装设计中图形语言与文字语言的基本特征入手,分析了图形与文字在具象形式、抽象形式、综合形式上的关系,得出结论:只有当包装设计中的图形语言与文字语言彼此相互创造视觉语境,形成一个整体的传播概念时,才能引导受众正确联想,最终达到对包装设计的视觉信息更完美有效地传达。

2.On the analysing basis of causes ,this paper proposes four strategies of improvement of students’ mathsword language and ability to transform sign language :“recreation” of sign language teaching of maths concepts; strengthening transformation from sign language toword language; students’using proper signs to represent maths problems; strengthening teach.在分析原因的基础上,给出了提高学生数学文字语言和符号语言转化能力的4种策略:深入数学概念的符号语言教学的“再创造”;加强数学符号语言向文字语言的转化的教学;让学生学会用适当的符号来表征数学问题;加强解应用题教学和数学建模。

3.Different fromword language,language of vision booms as a result of technological progress,and has become a challenge to the word-language-dominated linguistic form.视觉语言有别于文字语言,科学技术的进步给它的蓬勃发展带来了契机,使其对以文字语言为主导的语言形态构成了冲击。

5)language civilization语言文明

1.Discussion of harmonious society and the return oflanguage civilization;和谐社会与语言文明的回归

2.Therefore,the importance of thelanguage civilization construction is self-evident.因此,语言文明建设的重要性不言而喻,我们在加强国民语言素质教育等对策方面必须取得共同的认识。

6)stylistical language文体语言


