200字范文 > 文学语言观 literary language view英语短句 例句大全

文学语言观 literary language view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-19 04:43:26


文学语言观 literary language view英语短句 例句大全

文学语言观,literary language view

1)literary language view文学语言观

1.First It is discussed the process of the forms as well as the development of Ding Ling sliterary language view, and then it is emphasized the interdependence of the whole and the significance of theoretic of Ding Ling sliterary language view.文章探讨了丁玲文学语言观的产生与形成,对丁玲文学语言观整体结构的构筑,以及其观点的理论表述与价值意义作了阐述。


1.The Concept of Literary Language in "Wenxindiaolong·Lici";《文心雕龙·丽辞》篇的文学语言观

2.On the Language Features of the "Be Initiated into Monkhood or Nunhood" from Wang Zengqi s View on Literary Language;从汪曾祺的文学语言观考察《受戒》的言语特色

3.Transformation from Social Language to Language of the Mind: On Roland Barthes View of Literary Language;由社会语言向内心语言的转换──论罗兰·巴特的文学语言观

4.Native Culture is Our Home母语文化是我们的家——老舍文学语言观透视

5."Existential Code":Lingual Interpretation of Literature by Milan Kundera“存在编码”:米兰·昆德拉文学语言观阐释

6.From "to Speak with Reticence" to "to Surmount Language" --The Modern Analysis of Chinese Traditional Literary Language;从“言不尽意”到超越语言——中国传统文学语言观念的现代分析

7.A Comparative Interpretation of the Linguistic Ontology and Literary Language Views of Both Liuxie and Aristotle;刘勰与亚里士多德语言本体论及其文学语言观的比较阐释

8.On the Cultural Linguistic Approach to English Teaching;论“文化语言观”理念下的英语教学

9.On the Implication of the "Context" s Enabling Conditions"for the Teaching of Classical Chinese用“语篇的使成条件”反观文言文教学

10.On the Languages-Shifting in Literature TheoriesInfluenced by Modern Linguistics;现代语言学参照下文艺理论中语言观念的转变

parative philology比较语言[语文]学

12."Chinese Instruction as Native Language Is Just Speech Instruction"--A viewpoint from Pedagogy“语文教学是言语教学”质疑——来自教育学的观点

13.Culture Acquisition and Language Acquisition: Intercultural Perspectives of Foreign Language Teaching (FLT);文化习得与语言习得:跨文化的外语教学观

14.Seeing the Culture and Language Concepts of Foreign Language Teaching from Cultural Differences;从文化差异透视外语教学的文化语言观

15.Analysis of Cultural and Linguistic View of Foreign Language Learning from Difference of Culture;从文化差异透视外语学习的文化语言观

16.Perspective on Wang Zengqi s View of Literary Language-A Turn and AReturn;转向与回归:汪曾祺文学语言“观”

17.The Macrostructure and Rhetorical Structures of Research Articles in Linguistics;语言学语域学术论文的宏观结构和修辞模式

18.On the Pragmatic Functions of Fuzzy Language in the Aspect of Wirkungsasthetik;从接受美学观看模糊语言在文学中的语用功能


the middle ancient times language and literature thoughts中古语言文学观

3)Linguistic Concept of modern Chinese Literature中国现代文学语言观

4)Ding Ling s Literary Language View丁玲的文学语言观

5)literature language文学语言

1.Chan Sect’s influence onliterature language;试析禅宗对文学语言的影响——以王维诗中“空”的使用为例

2.View of the critics in Six Dynasties on beauty ofliterature language molding and colouring;六朝批评家论文学语言的造型赋色之美

6)literary language文学语言

1.On essential distinctions between literary and non-literary languages;试论文学语言与非文学语言区别的实质

2.Chinese Language Teaching Should Reflect Aesthetics of Literary Language;语文教学要体现文学语言的美


文学语言审美的心理原因文学语言审美的心理原因psychological aesthetic reason of literary language文学语言审奖的心理原因(Psycholo-9 ie扭1 aesthetie reason of literary langu-age)语言符号是人类的一种非常伟大的创造。同是一种语言符号,由于从精神上掌握世界的方式不同,在使用上也有不同。列宁说:“任何词(言语)都己经是在概括。”概括是从对具体事物的感性认识开始的,一般要经过表象阶段。语言这个第二信号系统是建立在第一信号系统基础之上的,词只有和具体事物相联系才有意义。所以,词虽然是概念的存在形式,但它又和表象有着一定的联系。波果斯洛夫斯基说:“概念与表象之间并没有鸿沟,但存在着经常的转化。”“表象变得越概括,就具有概念的特征;概念变得具体,就转化为表象。”表象可沿两条路线进行概括:一条是始终不离开具体生动的个别形象进行概括,上升为典型形象或意境;另一条是对表象不断抽象,使它离开直接感知的基础,形成概念。概念不管怎么抽象,其源泉在表象,与之相联系的原有表象并不会消失。大脑左半球主要储存概念与逻辑信息,右半球主要储存表象、形象信息与情绪。两半球的机能在实际活动过程中又互相沟通、互相配合。这就是同样是词语,却既有抽象思维的功能,又有形象思维的功能,词语既可达意又可表情的生理、心理原因。所以,作家可以“冰冷无形”的语言文字塑造可感的文学形象,读者通过语言文学可以把握文学形象。就读者审美心理来说,词语在大脑左右半球的协同作用下,不但能呈现概念的本质属性,同时,也唤醒了相应的表象和情绪,再造或创造了可感形象与意境。这样语言文字所塑造的可感形象,就成了可以具体感知的、引人动情、发人深思的、形神兼备的审美对象。 (梁息全撰巨画司审)
