200字范文 > 后期(审美)现代性 the anaphase of (or aesthetic) modernity英语短句 例句大全

后期(审美)现代性 the anaphase of (or aesthetic) modernity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-06 13:49:00


后期(审美)现代性 the anaphase of (or aesthetic) modernity英语短句 例句大全

后期(审美)现代性,the anaphase of (or aesthetic) modernity

1)the anaphase of (or aesthetic) modernity后期(审美)现代性

2)the following modern aesthetic后现代审美

1.The mobile-phone short-note literature reflexesthe following modern aesthetic inclination,for example,livelihood,reverse-centre,non-depth,removing lofty and so on.如今的手机短信文学反映出生活化、去中心、无深度、消解崇高、解构经典的后现代审美倾向,这是现代人处于文化速食时代并患上孤独焦虑症的必然选择。


1.On the Postmodern Aesthetic Features in Slaughterhouse-Five;论《五号屠场》中的后现代审美特征

2.The Post-Modern Aesthetic Representation in the Chinese Version of Timequake: A Schema-Theoretic Perspective从图式理论看《时震》中译本的后现代审美再现

3.The Postmodernist Aesthetic Characteristics in Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five;凯特·冯内古特之《五号屠场》的后现代审美之维

4.Internal Antinomy between Post-Modernism Aesthetics and Modernism Aesthetics;后现代美学与“审美现代性”的内在矛盾

5.Postmodern aesthetics and differential interpretation to aesthetic truth;后现代美学与审美真理的差异性诠释

6.Aesthetics in the Post-modern Turn--Aestheticisation of Daily Life and Body Aesthetics;后现代美学转向——日常生活审美化与身体美学

7."Daily life esthetics" under the post-mosern context;后现代语境下的“日常生活的审美化”

8.Interpreting Aesthetic Literary Theory: a Post-modern Perspective;解读审美型文论:一个后现代的视角

9.Construction on the Aesthetic Teacher-student Relation under the Post-modern Horizon后现代视野下审美型师生关系之建构

10.From "Misty Poetry" to "Post Misty Poetry":the Transformation of Aesthetic Modernity“朦胧诗”到“后朦胧诗”:审美现代性的转变

11.Youth Education on Aesthetic Value System from the Perspective of Postmodern Aesthetics;论后现代美学视阈下的青少年审美价值观教育

12.Modernism,Modern Aesthetics and Artistic Aesthetics现代性、审美现代性与艺术审美主义

13.To Play with the Fragment: This Is the Postmodernism--On the Aesthetic Features in the situation of the Postmodernism“玩弄碎片,这就是后现代”——略论后现代状况的审美特征

14.Destruction and Construction:The Postmodern View of Teacher-student Relation from Cognitive Approach to Aesthetics;解构与建构:从认知到审美的后现代师生观

15.Aesthetics Feature of "Come to the Surface" in Postmodernism Literature;后现代主义小说的“平面化”审美特征解析

16.Rational Reflections on Environmental Aesthetics After Modernism;现代主义之后环境艺术审美的理性思考

17.The Change in Aesthetic Field from Modernism to Post-Modernism--A Comparative Study Between "Blank" And "Manque" in Western Literature Theory;审美视界中的“空白”与“空缺”——从现代主义到后现代主义

18.Aesthetics Encounters Politics: A Study of the Complexity of Western Leftist Writers from Aestheticism to Postmodernism;审美与政治的碰撞——从唯美到后现代西方作家左倾情结探析


the following modern aesthetic后现代审美

1.The mobile-phone short-note literature reflexesthe following modern aesthetic inclination,for example,livelihood,reverse-centre,non-depth,removing lofty and so on.如今的手机短信文学反映出生活化、去中心、无深度、消解崇高、解构经典的后现代审美倾向,这是现代人处于文化速食时代并患上孤独焦虑症的必然选择。

3)aesthetic modernity审美现代性

1.Cognition and Reconstruction: An Opinion on Aesthetic Modernity in Contemporary China;认识与重写——关于当代中国“审美现代性”问题的一种意见

2.The four layers ofaesthetic modernity;理解审美现代性的四个层面

4)esthetic modernity审美现代性

1.Its purpose is to construct the national culture which is superior to that of western modernity,and sincerely borrow the form of "classics" and "folk-song ",which results in a striking contrast between the aspiration of secular modernity and the extreme absence ofesthetic modernity under the dual function of the criterion and the discipline during the.它旨在建构优越于西方现代性的民族文化并真诚地借用"古典"和"民歌"的形式,结果却在规范与规训的双重作用下,于一体化认同建构过程中形成对世俗现代性的渴望与追求同审美现代性的极度缺失的强烈反差,从而走向对真正意义上的古典和民歌的自反性否定。

2.Contemporary esthetics and social theories have both responded to the issue ofesthetic modernity.关于审美现代性问题,当代美学和社会理论都进行了不同的理论回应。

3.One is enlightening modernity, the other isesthetic modernity.现代社会发展过程中产生了两种不同的现代性趋势,一是启蒙现代性,一是审美现代性,前者表现为主体性和理性化的确立,及其对社会生活方方面面的影响与制约;而后者则在美学与艺术领域强调人的灵性、本能与情感需求。

5)compare research现代性审美

6)post-modernism aesthetic后现代主义审美


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
