200字范文 > 黎族竹竿舞 the bamboo dance英语短句 例句大全

黎族竹竿舞 the bamboo dance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-20 06:51:05


黎族竹竿舞 the bamboo dance英语短句 例句大全

黎族竹竿舞,the bamboo dance

1)the bamboo dance黎族竹竿舞

1.By gathering documents and samplingthe bamboo dance for the Li Nationality, this paper aims to expound on the origin and development of traditional sports for minorities in Hainan and to demonstrate their abundant historical information and rich cultural connotations.文章采用文献资料法,以海南黎族竹竿舞为例,阐述了海南少数民族传统体育的起源和发展,揭示了其丰厚的历史信息和丰富的文化内涵;并由此挖掘出黎族竹竿舞的社会功能及社会价值,为进一步研究海南少数民族的传统体育文化提供参考。


1.Effect of Zhuganwu of Li Nationality on Sports Culture in Campus黎族竹竿舞对高校校园体育文化的影响

2.A Feasibility Study on the Introduction of Lizu Zhuganwu into School-based Curriculum Sports;黎族竹竿舞引入中学体育校本课程的可行性研究

3.Studies on Social Functions and Values of Traditional Sports for Minorities in Hainan海南少数民族传统体育的社会功能及社会价值研究——以黎族竹竿舞为例

4.Exploration of the Fitness and Entertainment Values and Cultural Characteristics of Bamboo Pole Dance of Li Nationality;黎族“竹竿舞”的健身娱乐价值及文化特征

5.On the Lizu Bamboo Dance s Functions of Improving the Masses Body and Mental Health Development;黎族“竹竿舞”对大众身心健康发展的作用

6.The activities include ethnic songs and dances( e. g. bamboo pole dance), drinking the Unity Wine, etc.庆祝活动有民族歌舞(别是竹竿舞)喝“团结酒”等。

7.The Social Function and Social Value of the Bamboo Pole Dance of Li Nationality;黎族跳竹竿运动的社会功能及社会价值

8.Aerobics Upon the Bamboos--A Teaching Plan for the Course of Bamboo Pole Dance;竹竿上的健美操——竹竿舞课的教学设计方案

9.Gao Shi: Yes. And that was a good beginning for their love.高师:对。跳竹竿舞是他们爱的开端。

10.The dancers beat bamboo posts with sticks, everyone in the village can join the dance.以碓杵击打竹竿而舞,寨中男女老幼均可参加。

11.An Exploration of Bamboo Pole Dance in College Public Physical Education;对竹竿舞引进大学公共体育教学的探讨

12.A Try of Teaching Badminton with Bamboo Pole Dancing;竹竿舞与羽毛球相结合的课堂改革实验研究

13.The "Zhugan (Bamboo Post) Dance", usually held at the funeral of an elderly person who commanded high regard and influence in the village.《竹竿舞》,一般在寨中有威望、有影响的老人死后举行,

14.The soft pulp inside the hard stems坚硬竹竿内的柔软竹衣

15.small bamboo of southeastern China having slender culms flexuous when young.中国东南部小竹,幼年竹竹竿纤细弯曲。

16.Carrying a pole through a city gate/in and out in a straight line城门里扛竹竿,直来直去

17.small bamboo having thin green culms turning shining black.小竹,绿色细竹竿呈现发光的黑色。

18.Regional Factors,Features of Lizu Dances and Its Keeping Pace With the times;黎族舞蹈的地域因素、特点及其与时俱进


bamboo pole dance竹竿舞

1.An Exploration of Bamboo Pole Dance in College Public Physical Education;对竹竿舞引进大学公共体育教学的探讨

2.Because of its easy-learned motions and varied forms,bamboo pole dance,originated from folk dances,becomes many students tavirate.竹竿舞起源于民间舞蹈,动作简单易学,形式多样,配上优美的民族音乐,深得很多高校学生的喜爱。

3)Li dance黎族舞蹈

1.This paper gives a brief discussion ofLi dance.本文对海南黎族舞蹈的相关问题加以论述。

4)bamboo pole [rod]竹竿

5)A Brief Discussion of Li Dance海南黎族舞蹈浅谈

6)bamboo dancing跳竹竿

1.Using literature material and interviews,this article studies the origin,characteristics,cultural delivery and skills of Li nationalitybamboo dancing.运用文献资料法、访谈法,分析黎族跳竹竿运动的起源、特点、传递的文化知识和技能。


