200字范文 > 眼中之竹 bamboo in the eyes英语短句 例句大全

眼中之竹 bamboo in the eyes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-06 02:55:51


眼中之竹 bamboo in the eyes英语短句 例句大全

眼中之竹,bamboo in the eyes

1)bamboo in the eyes眼中之竹


1.Bamboo in the eyes,in the mind,in the hand--exploring the use of aesthetics in Chinese teaching;眼中之竹—胸中之竹—手中之竹——美学思想在语文教学中的运用探索

2.Magically artistic change from "Bamboo from eyes" to "Bamboo from hands"--The enjoying of Black Bamboo Paint;从“眼前之竹”到“手中之竹”的艺术幻化——《墨竹图》欣赏

3.Eight-legged Essay Style of Zhang Zhupo s Comments on Jin Ping Mei;论张竹坡批点《金瓶梅》之“时文手眼”

4.The Explanation of "Having a Well-thought-out Stratagem" and "Having No Image in Mind" by ZhenBanqiao;郑板桥“胸中之竹”与“胸无成竹”诠释

5.The Bamboos in the Fog of Narration On the Story In Bamboos of JIE;叙事雾霭中的竹林——评芥川龙之介的小说《竹林中》

6.Ability,Intelligence and Eloquence" in the Bamboo Slips of Warring States;战国竹简《民之父母》中的“才辩”

7.The Dao of Loyalty and Faith” is one of the special article in Guo Dian Bamboo Slips.忠信之道》是郭店楚墓竹简中很有特点的篇章。

8.small bamboo of southeastern China having slender culms flexuous when young.中国东南部小竹,幼年竹竹竿纤细弯曲。

9.There was a bamboo house with bamboo chairs and tables,其中有座竹房里面有竹桌、竹椅,

10.The application of complicated half hole musical notations , and the using of bass bamboo flutes, has been extensively applied in bamboo flute compositions.复杂的半孔音(注1)运用以及低音竹笛的使用已广泛地被运用到现今的竹笛曲目之中。

11.Advanced research of bamboo leaf flavonoids(Ⅰ):Existence and significance of phenolic acids in bamboo-leaf-flavonoid preparations竹叶黄酮最新研究进展之一——竹叶黄酮制剂中酚酸类化合物的存在及其作用

12.From various Chinese musical instruments, people can find out the root of ancient Chinese national culture.从金石丝竹中,可探寻到中国古老民族的文化之根。

13.“San-huan” in the Laws of Qin and Han Dynasty;再论竹简秦汉律中的“三环”——简牍中所反映的秦汉司法程序研究之一

14.Different Art Between Chinese-Western Traditional Painting Art;明月竹箫与华堂合弦——从中西传统绘画看中西艺术之不同

15.A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chuwei, Taipei County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel.图7.台湾招潮的栖地之一:台北县竹围,图中的红树林为水笔仔。

16.Ryunosuke Akutagawa s Insight into Hunmanity:Using Rashomon and Banmboo Grove as Examples;芥川龙之介对人性的深刻剖析——以《罗生门》、《竹林中》为例

17.Uphold Life-force and Investigate Humanity--a comparison between Mo Yan s "The Red Sorghum" and gaigawa s "In the Groves of Bamboo";生命的张扬与人性的透视——莫言《红高梁》与芥川龙之介《竹林中》比较

18.The Comparative Study on the Playing Techniques of Erhu and Gaohu between the Jiangnan Sizhu and Guangdong Yinyue江南丝竹、广东音乐中二胡与高胡演奏技法之比较研究


in the mind胸中之竹

1.Bamboo in the eyes,in the mind,in the hand——exploring the use of aesthetics in Chinese teaching;眼中之竹—胸中之竹—手中之竹——美学思想在语文教学中的运用探索

3)in the hand手中之竹

1.Bamboo in the eyes,in the mind,in the hand——exploring the use of aesthetics in Chinese teaching;眼中之竹—胸中之竹—手中之竹——美学思想在语文教学中的运用探索

4)bamboos in Qi Garden淇园之竹

5)Friendship in youth竹马之交

6)Association with learned scholars竹林之游


眼中【诗文】:眼中时事亦纷然,拥被寒窗夜不眠。骨肉他乡各异县,衣冠今日是何年?枯槐聚蚁无多地,秋水鸣蛙自一天。何处青山隔尘土,一庵吾欲送华颠。 【注释】:【出处】:
