200字范文 > 国际谷物贸易盈余 International grain trade surplus英语短句 例句大全

国际谷物贸易盈余 International grain trade surplus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-30 12:34:58


国际谷物贸易盈余 International grain trade surplus英语短句 例句大全

国际谷物贸易盈余,International grain trade surplus

1)International grain trade surplus国际谷物贸易盈余

2)trade surplus贸易盈余

1.Global economy imbalance is that one country has a huge trade deficit whiletrade surplus corresponding to such trade deficit is founded in other countries.全球经济失衡是指一国拥有大量贸易赤字,而与该国贸易赤字相对应的贸易盈余则集中在其他一些国家的经济现象。


1.trade surplus贸易顺差,贸易盈余

2.This year"s trade surplus surpasses those of all previous years.今年的贸易盈余超过以往任何一年的盈余。

3.The trade surpluses will be significantly curtailed and the trade deficit is likely to increase.贸易盈余将要明显减少,而贸易赤字可能要增加。

4.On the negative side, China"s ballooning trade surplus may lead to trade frictions with its major trading partners such as the US and Europe.负面因素方面,中国不断膨胀的贸易盈余可能会引起与主要贸易伙伴如美国和欧洲的贸易摩擦。

5.Even if the trade surplus requires a big revaluation, the internal-balance criterion may call for a lower exchange rate.即使贸易盈余要求大幅升值,内部均衡标准可能会要求更低的汇率。

6.Corporate profits are surging as well as trade surpluses and government budgets.公司的利润、贸易盈余以及政府的预算都在急剧上升。

7.In addition, foreigners start complaining about the trade surpluses, arguing that they are the unfair result of currency undervaluation.除此之外,国外开始抱怨贸易盈余,认为这是因为货币低估的不公平竞争造成的。

8.Thus consumers are not to blame for the extra thrift that has driven China"s trade surplus.因此,因过度节俭而产生的贸易盈余并不应该归咎于消费者,而应该是企业。

9.The rapid build-up in recent months has been driven primarily by a swelling trade surplus and strong foreign investment.近几个月中国外汇储备之所以快速增长,主要是受到贸易盈余猛增和强劲外国投资的推动。

10.Exports have grown and are in surplus.出口贸易取得成长,并享有盈余。

11.In consequence, there was a marked increase in the combined visible and invisible trade surplus over the year.因此,一九九九年的有形及无形贸易综合盈余显着上升。

12.The trade account will go slowly towards Balance or even surplus in the mid-1990s贸易收支会慢慢趋于平衡,到90年代中期甚至会出现盈余。

13.Trade balance or merchandise trade balance贸易余额 或商品贸易余额

14.First, there are clear signs that the Asian economies are generating trade surpluses, instead of trade deficits.第一,有清楚迹象显示,亚洲经济地区在贸易方面非但没有赤字,反而享有盈余。

15.Study on Earning Management in Related Party of Listed Company in China;我国上市公司关联交易盈余管理研究

16.Analysis on Relation Transaction Earnings Management of Listed Companies;对上市公司关联交易盈余管理的透视

17.Superficially Telking about Earning Management Measures by the Related Transaction in Listed Companies;浅谈上市公司关联交易盈余管理手段

18.Research on the Shareholders、Related Party Transactions and Earnings Quality股权控制、关联交易与盈余质量研究


trade surplus贸易盈余

1.Global economy imbalance is that one country has a huge trade deficit whiletrade surplus corresponding to such trade deficit is founded in other countries.全球经济失衡是指一国拥有大量贸易赤字,而与该国贸易赤字相对应的贸易盈余则集中在其他一些国家的经济现象。

3)cereal trade谷物贸易

1.Based on the analysis of the development trends and the characteristics of the structures and countries of China scereal trade in the recent, this article focuses on the trade trends and characteristics between China and main trade partners and finally bives some suggestion for the optimization of thecereal trade structures.该文在分析中国谷物贸易近年发展趋势、进出口产品结构及国别特征基础上,着重对中国与重点伙伴国谷物贸易发展趋势及主要特点进行探讨,并提出一些优化中国谷物贸易格局对策建议。

4)International Goods Trade国际货物贸易

1.In the realm of international goods trade, risk bearing is a significant question which possesses the value of both the basic research and the practical operation, simultaneously, also is relative to the both sides economic interest, so it is the indispensable content to maintain the transactional order and provide the good cooperative platform in the sales legislation of contract.在国际货物贸易领域,风险负担直接涉及买卖双方的基本权利与义务,与双方的经济利益密切相关,是一个兼具理论研究价值和实践操作意义的问题,同时也是维护交易秩序、提供良好合作平台的买卖合同立法中不可或缺的重要内容。

5)International goods trade law国际货物贸易法

6)The Surplus Profit Derived by An Individual from Incidental trading Activities一时贸易之盈余


