200字范文 > 舞姿 dancing form英语短句 例句大全

舞姿 dancing form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-25 13:33:20


舞姿 dancing form英语短句 例句大全

舞姿,dancing form

1)dancing form舞姿


1.the sinuous grace of a dancer.舞蹈柔软轻巧的舞姿

2.The dancer was light and graceful.舞者的舞姿轻盈优美

3.Especially in the program of "bending the bow and shooting goose",特别是"弯弓射雁"的舞姿,

4.The singing and dancing figures unearthed from this region are very small but have attractive gestures and animated expressions.尤其是乐舞百戏俑,形体较小,姿态传神,舞姿优美,

5.He admired the graceful, supple movements of the dancers.他赞扬了舞蹈演员优雅灵巧的舞姿。

6.the liquid grace of a Ballerina芭蕾舞女演员轻柔的舞姿

7.Danced with careless grace.以毫不矫揉的优雅舞姿跳舞

8.She is a graceful dancer.她是一位舞姿优美的舞蹈演员。

9.I watched my sister at the dancing display.在舞蹈表演会上我观看了姐姐的舞姿。

10.The dancer moved with poetic grace.这位舞蹈演员的舞姿如诗一般优美。

11.We admired the graceful poise of the dancer.我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。

12.The diversified movements absorb the essence of the musical dances in the Western Regions,多变的舞姿,在于它广泛吸收西域乐舞的优长;

13.The melodious music and graceful dance demonstrate fully the advantages of the Tibetans dance.曲调悠扬,舞姿优美,充分发挥了"长袖善舞"的优长。

14.astonishing the audience with the elegance and speed of their motions.优雅的舞姿与舞动的快节奏震撼了所有观众。

15.On synaesthesia of Calligraphy and Dancing;多情的舞姿 动态的书法——论书法与舞蹈的通感

16.In lento, dancers act as rams.慢板时,舞姿中有打夯的体态;

17.I like watching couples skating most of all for the harmonious and graceful dance movements.我最喜欢看双人溜冰和谐优美的舞姿。

18.She is a graceful girl. She dances with grace.她是个举止得体的女孩,舞姿优雅。


sleeve dance posture袖舞舞姿

3)Between Rhythm and Posture在韵律和舞姿之间


1.The spirit ofdance:A careful consideration on Chinese traditional architecture;舞的精神:关于中国传统建筑的思考

2.Music and Dance Thoughts of Zhouyi and its Influence on the Chinese Music and Dance;《周易》乐舞思想及其对中国乐舞的影响

3.By analyzing Chinese ancient "dance" from the aspects of the transformation of its ego value, this article explores the political and aesthetic function of the "dance" in ancient China, elaborates Chinese ancient cultural and spiritual core contained in "dance"-"harmony".本文试图以中国古代乐舞为切入点,对"舞"这一元范畴进行分析。


6)Dragon and Lion Dance舞龙舞狮

1.Research on the Factors of InfluencingDragon and Lion Dance Athletes Ability of Expression and the Cultivation Countermeasures;影响舞龙舞狮运动员表现力的因素及其培养对策研究


