200字范文 > 国会政治 the Politics of Congress英语短句 例句大全

国会政治 the Politics of Congress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-13 05:00:17


国会政治 the Politics of Congress英语短句 例句大全

国会政治,the Politics of Congress

1)the Politics of Congress国会政治

2)Academy of Political Science中国政治学会

1.A Survey of "Yearly Meeting of ChineseAcademy of Political Science and Seminar of Constructing Concordant Society and Socialist Political Civilization";“中国政治学会年会暨构建和谐社会与社会主义政治文明建设学术研讨会”综述

3)socialization of international politics国际政治社会化

4)international political sociology国际政治社会学


1.Undertaking More Profound International Sociological Studies on Powers Growth;深化大国成长的国际政治社会学研究

2.A Comparative Study of the Rising Models of Japan and Germany in the 20~(th) Century from the Perspective of International Political Sociology;20世纪日本与德国崛起成败比较:一种国际政治社会学分析

3.International Society of Political Psychology国际政治心理学学会

4.National Academy for Political and Social Science国家政治和社会科学院

5.The role played by external factors in the sociopoliticalrestructure of Southeast Asia;国际环境与东南亚国家政治社会转型

6.Social Constructivism of International Politics;国际政治的社会建构——温特及其建构主义国际政治理论

7.The Logical Conclusive Proof of A New Concept of Security--the Political-Science Significance of International Social Security Issues新安全观的逻辑确证——国际社会安全问题的政治学意义分析

8.Alexander Wendt s Constructivism;革命、修正和补充——评温特的《国际政治的社会理论》及其建构主义学说

9.Political Revolution and Social Freedom: the Social and Political Scope for Politics in Republic of China;政治革命与社会自由:民国政治学持存的社会政治空间

10.International Institute of Administrative Sciences国际行政学会(行政学会)

11.In addition to those given at universities, lectures are offered by church and political groups, international and community organizations, businesses, and other clubs and societies.除了大学里的讲学外,教会和政治团体、国际组织和社区组织、公司、俱乐部和社会等都举办讲座。

12.Anarchy, Sociality and Classes:Characteristics of International Politics;无政府性·社会性·阶层性——国际政治的特性与国际观

13.State, Society and Politics;国家、社会与政治——英语学界当代中国政治研究

14.Confronting Social Reality Strengthening Subject s Teaching -- A Brief Discussion on the Teaching of Political Course in the Network Society;直面社会实际 强化学科教学——浅谈网络社会的思想政治课教学

15.He is the author of two monograph books, chief editor or the first author of five books , and co-author of two books.主要研究领域:俄罗斯政治、外交、社会转型、大国关系、国际政治理论等。

16.Political Sociology and the Study of the History of Ancient Chinese Political System;政治社会学与中国古代政治制度史研究

17.The poli-socialization features of Chinese undergraduates in the phase of social transfer;社会转型期我国大学生政治社会化的特征

18.Changes in Generation Characteristics of Political Socialization under Influences of Social Environment:Political Socialization of College Students after 90s;社会环境对政治社会化代际特征变化的影响——以90后高校学生的政治社会化为例


Academy of Political Science中国政治学会

1.A Survey of "Yearly Meeting of ChineseAcademy of Political Science and Seminar of Constructing Concordant Society and Socialist Political Civilization";“中国政治学会年会暨构建和谐社会与社会主义政治文明建设学术研讨会”综述

3)socialization of international politics国际政治社会化

4)international political sociology国际政治社会学

5)International politics sociality国际政治社会性

6)American Political Science Association美国政治学学会


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
